Is fasting really for today? Isaiah 58:6-7
Isaiah 58:6-7 (NIV) 6 “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? 7 Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter - when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?
What is fasting? Fasting is a voluntary withdrawing from food and/or drink, or other fleshly appetite, for a specified period of time Fasting is also for a spiritual purpose Fasting is not missing breakfast/lunch/dinner because you’re too busy Fasting is not for weight loss Fasting involves sacrifice i.e. to go without Fasting is not limited to just food, but could be anything that has gripped you or addiction
What type of fasting? Normal fast Ex. 34:28 – no food, but can have liquid Time frame: 1 day (Judges 20:26) 3 days (after Paul’s encounter with God on the road to Damascus) 40 days (e.g. Moses, Jesus, etc.) Partial fast – to omit certain foods (e.g. Daniel 1) Absolute fast – nothing enters the mouth
Is fasting for Christians? YES! Matthew 6:16 – “When you fast…” NOT “if you fast” So there will be a time when we need to fast There are numerous examples of people in the bible that fasted and they include – Moses, David, Elijah, Daniel, Paul and Jesus, just to name a few
Why fast? A way to seek God by denying the physical in order to focus on the spiritual Fasting increases our hunger for God Fasting (in the original word) means “to put your hand over your mouth”, which has 2 purpose: Not to take in food Not to speak (i.e. allow God to respond)
The purpose of fasting? Fasting to focus our passions Fasting to purify our lives Fasting to focus on prayer Fasting to humble ourselves Fasting to show repentance
The pitfalls of fasting? Pride Twisting God’s arm Punishing ourselves Dieting
Application… How to fast? Start small – 1 day instead of 40 days to begin with What is the purpose of the fast? To seek God, direction or pray for others? What type of fast? Normal, no food, liquids, partial, media, no work (retreat), etc. How long? 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, 28 days or 40 days (make sure you have done it progressively) Plan for the fast. Set a time & ensure there is nothing important you have to do during your fast period (e.g. a birthday party, etc.)
Application… Get people you know and trust to pray for you during your fast. Protection from distractions Don’t call attention to your fasting. A simple “I’m skipping lunch today” could be an adequate explanation for most situations Stay focus on the Lord. If your fasting leaves you irritable with family or co-workers, it will not honour God.
Please take a photo of this… How to fast? Start small Know the purpose What type How long Plan it well Get people to pray Don’t call attention to your fasting Stay focus