2015 Annual General Meeting Playing League Registrar
Playing League All Playing Leagues are listed in the District under “Playing League” Each Registrar is listed under their own “Playing League” with access their own data.
Playing League Options There are 16 “Playing League” options in the Affinity ShareView™ System.
Security Tab with Hierarchical Access Access is granted to each individual under the Security tab Assigning what the user is able to see is determined by the role given under “Level of Access”
Team Access “Team Cross League” allows you to see who has applied to your league. *This is not for roster approval. By clicking “Team” in the left side of your page you will see a list of available options for Teams. Click on the “Team Cross League”
Team Cross League 1. Click “search” to see Teams affiliated to your league By clicking on Red section you can reverse or alphabetize your list. 2. To view the team click on the Team Name or ID.
Club Registrar Affiliation Process The Club Registrar must “Affiliate” teams to the playing league in order for you to see them. (see next slide) There is no available “Approval Process” in “Affiliation”. However, you are able to “Remove” the team from your queue under the leagues tab once you enter the team details. There is an approval process for “Affiliation” under the “Tournament and Scheduling” module available at NO cost to any league wishing to utilize this module. This will be outlined at the end. This is not the process for “Roster Approval”
Club Registrars Affiliation Process Part 1 1 Registrars will create teams using either “Create” or “Team Creation Matrix” Option 2 Once you enter the team click on the “Leagues” tab 3 Select a League in the drop down then click on “Assign Playing League”
Club Registrar Requesting Approval (Cont.) Registrar will select league from dropdown under Primary League Registrar Select name of the registrar from the drop down box. Click “update”
Team Queue for Roster Approval 1. To view teams waiting for “Roster Approval” click on Teams on the left navigation. 2. Click on Team Queue 3. Click Search 4. All teams in your queue will appear here
Reading the Team Queue Indicates teams are “Activated” Team Id # & Team NameClub Name Registrar assigned to team # of Admins & Players Any player added after “activation” will appear here for the “Playing League Registrar” to approve for pass card printing Release and transfers waiting approval will appear here
Club Registrar Requesting Roster Approval Under the Team Details tab the club registrar will submit the completed roster to your queue for Activation. Steps to complete: Click on the “Primary League Registrar “ tab Select the “Playing League” Click on the name of the Registrar needing to approve the roster Click “Update” *see next slide for details
Verifying Rosters Verify all required information is complete Please note only the Playing League Registrars have access to “Activate Teams”
Roster Verification Indicates the BC has been uploaded. Indicates the # of Players passes printed Indicates Photo Uploaded Player Id #Security code authenticating player pass Indicates Playing League Registrar has verified age Indicates Roster Date Indicates Primary or secondary Date Registered/Accepted Date of Birth Player name Indicates “Out of State” Player
Activating Teams *Some Activation requirements are determined by Playing League The state rules must be met in order for the green check mark signaling the team has passed requirements. Without the green mark, the team cannot be activated Activation is required in order for passes and rosters to become available for printing Click “Activate Team” when all requirements have been met for pass and roster printing *Activation requirements: 1.All coaches have required licenses 2.All players have a photo 3.Birth Certificates have been uploaded
Adding Players After Activation Players added after Activation will appear on the bottom of the Team Roster page as an Unassigned new player Playing League Registrars need to click ‘Save Changes of Unassigned Players’ to move player onto roster
Remove Activated Team from your Queue Change the League Registrar name to “Activation Approved” or “Activation Denied” Click Update
Alternate Affiliation Process If you choose to utilize the Tournament & Scheduling Module for Affiliation we would set up your Playing League under the “Tournament Tab” for registrars to affiliate. For single team affiliation – select the playing league from the drop down Then click Register This can be done either team by team or with the “Declare Multiple Teams” option (see next slide)
Declare Multiple Teams To declare multiple teams click on the Teams tab on the left hand navigation Click on “Declare Multiple Teams” Select the Tournament & League drop down Then select the League from the next drop down
Declare Multiple Teams After selecting your search criteria click on search Select the teams you wish to apply or check the box in the red section to choose all Click “Apply Teams”
Declare Multiple Teams To submit the selected teams click on ‘Submit Applications’ Verification of Submission
Collect Team and Player/Coach Fees During the registration process under the Tournament & League Scheduling module options for club, players and coaches fee collection are available
Payment Options Available Different payment options are available through Affinity’s ShareView™ System
Playing League Registrar Management Options available for tracking purposes: Payments Roster Approval Coaching License Risk Management Any other criteria you set Manage your teams
Maintain Access to Teams You maintain access to verify rosters for all teams Affiliating to your Playing League
Team Activation Complete Once Activation is Completed Club Registrars will have access to: Print Team Roster Print Player Passes Playing League Registrars duties will include: Manage payment history Verify Birth Certificates Activate Teams once rosters are approved Oversee completion of Back Ground check for coaches/admins Verify Risk Management Status
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