Site License Advisory Team May 31, 2016 meeting
Agenda 1.Review of Microsoft Learning Event 2.Departmental FTE Counts 3.Microsoft Select Agreement 4.Microsoft Surfaces – Available at TechHub 5.Upcoming Renewals 6.Purchasing Updates: 1.Bids for enterprise-wide technology products 2
Microsoft Learning Session On Wed., April 27, Microsoft presented on Windows 10, Azure, and O365. Purchasing would like to hear any feedback you have on this event We are considering making this a quarterly event. –Our next invitation is likely to go to Adobe 3
Departmental Microsoft FTE Counts College/OfficeSum of Microsoft FTE Count Arts and Sciences Athletics346 Board of Trustees4 Coll of Education & Human Ecol591.3 Coll of Food,Agr,Envir Science College of Dentistry College of Engineering College of Law College of Medicine3187 College of Nursing153 College of Optometry108.5 College of Pharmacy179.5 College of Public Health117.3 College of Social Work94.83 College of Veterinary Med417 Fisher College of Business343.5 Health Sciences FGP29.5 John Glenn College Public Affa63 Lima Campus93.5 Mansfield Campus Marion Campus111.3 Newark Campus149.3 Ofc of Business and Finance284.3 Ofc of Government Affairs12 Ofc of Health Sciences756 Ofc of Student Life721 Office of Academic Affairs Office of Human Resources177 Office of Legal Affairs46 Office of the President14 OSU Medical Center Senior VP Admin & Planning594.5 Senior VP-Executive Officer106.5 University Advancement366.5 Grand Total25222 On the top level, these counts describe the total FTE of each department, based on the following format: 1)Full Time Fac/Staff are worth 1 FTE 2)Part Time Faculty/GRA/GTA are worth 1/3 FTE 3)Part Time Staff are worth ½ FTE 4)Students are not included 5)Classified positions who do not use computers (non- knowledgeworkers) are not included I am also able to provide a breakdown by Org or Department to the College/Offices. These are the numbers B&F will charge back for FTE-based products 4
Microsoft Campus Agreement OSU’s Microsoft Campus Agreement renews on 6/30/2016 –We are looking at potential add-ons Project/Visio (this will be done by department) –An was sent out to DistCons to get further participation System Center (full suite, campus-wide) Advanced Threat Protection (not adding in) –Student Option licensing will remain in place, as is our Azure commit ($60k) –Negotiations continue, but we do not expect any major changes to the license aside from what is mentioned above. 5
Microsoft Select Agreement OSU’s Microsoft Select Agreement expires on 6/30/2016 –Insight will remain our reseller at this time. Insight has also indicated that they can and will co- term our license to match the new contract term We will move from Select to Select Plus. –You will have to plan to renew Software Assurance and MSDN accounts when the agreement expires. 6
Microsoft Surfaces at Tech Hub OSU Purchasing has found a way to make Surfaces available at Tech Hub –Pricing is discounted under CDWG pricing –Departmental and personal use is available –Surfaces come with the Education Bundle (comes with keyboard) –Models include: Surface Pro 4 (base and upgrade) Surface Book Surface 3 –We will turn off eStores access to purchasing Surfaces through other vendors 7
Upcoming Renewals Nvivo –Expiration Date: June 22 –Hard fail: (on or about) July 22 OSU Purchasing is moving this Site-Wide –We are taking steps to change the cost structure on this product so people no long have to purchase single copies. xWin –Expiration Date: June 31 –Hard fail: June 31 Will renew with no change in service 8
Upcoming Renewals SPSS –Expiration Date: June 30 –Hard fail: (on or about) July 31 MATLAB –Expiration Date: August 30 –Hard fail: Sept. 30 SAS –Expiration Date: Sept. 30 –Hard fail: Dec. 31 None of these are expected to change much in price or features. 9
Parallels Parallels has been removed from OCIO Self Service –We will be contacting Parallels to find out how to manage existing products this week. 10
Parallels Retirement: Alternative Options OARnet’s VMWare contract includes Fusion at $48.10/copy, and $16.25/year for Service and Support Parallels is available through TechHub at $39.99 (no maintenance) and can be ordered through eRequest –Also available through eStores for about $63, or $99 for Enterprise edition 11
OSU Purchasing IT Update Purchasing is restricting new Learning Management System purchases, per OCIO Bids in flight now –Autosys Batch Processing bid is pending award –Enterprise Integration Platform RFP has been extended to June 8 –OSUWMC is doing a bid for Secure Messaging, which is ongoing 12
Questions/Comments Next meetings –Jun 30, 2016 –Jul 29, 2016 –Aug 31, 2016 –Sep 30, 2016 –Oct 31, 2016 –Nov 30,