Growth and Development of Horses Presentation Part 2: Training the Foal #8901-D
Training the Foal Be as gentle as possible Use least amount of force necessary when training or they will begin to resist & cause problems When still with mother, scratch foal on back when nursing & later scratch all over
Training the Foal Common reaction when first caught & held is to jump & kick When being caught: – Crowd foal up against wall – Place arm under their neck – Grab tail with other hand
Training the Foal Sometimes just hold horse while someone else scratches & calms foal down Necessary to be calm & not frighten foal After foal has relaxed, halter & groom body & legs
Training the Foal Several days later, pick up the feet & clean with hoof pick Two methods to teach foal to lead
Training the Foal 1.Lead foal behind mare with someone leading her & an assistant behind foal This person may have to push foal along Foals tend to balk frequently
Training the Foal 2. Use a butt rope Rope encourages foal to move forward Photo Courtesy of:
Training the Foal After foal willingly follows mare, try leading foal in front of mare Foal should learn to lead fairly rapidly
Training the Foal Next stage of training consists of teaching to tie Be sure to stand nearby to prevent foal from injuring itself Place foal beside mother – Leave enough space so that foal will not collide with her if it struggles
Training the Foal One method is to tie an inner tube against solid wall about 6 feet high Allow 2 feet of lead rope between foal’s halter & inner tube – Which will hang just above withers
Training the Foal Reduces possibility of foal rearing & catching feet over lead shank
Training the Foal Rope will have some give & foal will not resist as much If foal should panic, do a quick release At first, tie foal for few minutes at a time Gradually extend tying time
Training the Foal Lessons promote development of horse that behaves & will stand tied without pulling or attempting to escape If you DO NOT take the time to properly teach horse to tie, you will end up with one that pulls back & breaks rope or hurts itself