CONTEXT CLUES The Odyssey Vocabulary
PLUNDER When they attacked the unsuspecting village, the pirates plundered food, gold and jewels from the people. What does plunder mean?
PLUNDER To Rob or Steal
DISPATCH The man quickly dispatches any spiders because he knows his wife is afraid of them. What does dispatch mean?
DISPATCH To complete a task or job quickly
ASSUAGE The mother assuaged her crying baby by giving him his pacifier. What does assuage mean?
ASSUAGE To Calm or Soothe
BEREFT When the man found out his brother was dead, he was bereft of his senses and punched through a wall. What does bereft mean?
BEREFT Deprived
ARDOR The young man, who wanted to be a doctor, approached his biology class with passion and ardor because he knew he needed to understand it. What does ardor mean?
ARDOR Eagerness
INSIDIOUS The insidious Spartans used the Trojan Horse to trick Troy into letting them through the city gates. What does insidious mean?
INSIDIOUS Tricky or Deceptive
VALOR In 300, the brave Spartan warriors fought with valor despite being seriously outnumbered. What does valor mean?
VALOR Heroic Courage
DETAIN The student was detained for 40 minutes after school because he was tardy to class 3 times. What does detain mean?
DETAIN To keep under custody
BRAZEN The brazen man boldly bragged that he had robbed twenty different stores and gotten away with it. What does brazen mean?
BRAZEN Shameless
TRANQUIL It was very tranquil and relaxing at the spa where the woman went to calm her nerves. What does tranquil mean?
TRANQUIL Calm and Peaceful