HLA Evolved Product Development Group Kickoff Meeting Spring SIW 21 April 2004
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Agenda 7:00 – 7:05Establish voting rulesRoy Scrudder, Interim Chair 7:05 – 7:10Review AgendaRoy Scrudder 7:10 – 7:25Review Product NominationRoy Scrudder 7:25 – 8:05Review SISO / IEEE Procedures - SISO Balloted Product Development Process - IEEE / SISO Memorandum of Understanding - Rules of Conduct Katherine Morse, SAC Technical Area Director 8:05 – 8:25Elect Officers Designate Drafting Groups Roy Scrudder 8:25 – 8:55Review SchedulePDG Chair 8:55 – 9:00Reflector InstructionsPDG Chair
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Product Nomination Summary Standard for Modeling and Simulation (M&S) High Level Architecture (HLA) - Evolved Documents to be updated - IEEE Std Rules - IEEE Std Federate Interface Specification - IEEE Std Object Model Template (OMT) IEEE Std (HLA Federation Development and Execution Process) is NOT part of this effort View Product Nomination
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Agenda 7:00 – 7:05Establish voting rulesRoy Scrudder, Interim Chair 7:05 – 7:10Review AgendaRoy Scrudder 7:10 – 7:25Review Product NominationRoy Scrudder 7:25 – 8:05Review SISO / IEEE Procedures - SISO Balloted Product Development Process - IEEE / SISO Memorandum of Understanding - Rules of Conduct Katherine Morse, SAC Technical Area Director 8:05 – 8:25Elect Officers Designate Drafting Groups Roy Scrudder 8:25 – 8:55Review SchedulePDG Chair 8:55 – 9:00Reflector InstructionsPDG Chair
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW SISO Operating Principles Responsiveness and Responsibility - SISO shall be responsive to the communities it serves. SISO shall be responsible for providing products and services that promote interoperability and reuse with the least possible impact on existing applications. Quality - SISO activities and resulting products shall reflect technical excellence and the highest quality work. Discipline - SISO shall exercise due process in all activities. Policies and procedures shall be publicly available and shall serve as the basis for governing the organization and its activities. Fairness - SISO activities shall provide the right of appeal at all levels. Openness - SISO activities shall be carried out in an open forum where any person has access to the process. Consensus - SISO decisions shall be based on simple majority agreement unless explicitly stated otherwise. Votes and ballots can be conducted in person, by teleconference, or by electronic balloting, as appropriate and as established by the Product Development Group for each balloted effort.
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW SISO Product Types Balloted Products - Standards - Guidance Non-balloted Products - Reference - Administrative IEEE Std , -1, and -2, are standards. The product of the HLA Evolved PDG will be an updated standard (e.g., IEEE Std 1516 (.1 and.2) -2006).
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Balloted Products Development Process (BPDP) BPDP provides direction on the development of SISO balloted products; does not cover non-balloted products Builds on SISO Policies & Procedures Provides specific SAC guidance Is a comprehensive document Input from a broad range of experts - Current & past SAC members - HLA developers - RPR FOM PDG - FEDEP PDG - SEDRIS PDGs Every PDG does not have to “reinvent” the process
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Six Step Process We Are Here
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Step 1: Activity Approval : Done Complete SISO Product Nomination (PN) Review PN to assess impact on SISO Approve Product Nomination SAC appoints - Interim Chair – Roy Scrudder - Technical Area Director – Katherine L. Morse
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Step 2: Product Development Launch development activity PDG elects Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, DGs Establish development schedule Produce the product or product component Monitor PDG activities Submit draft product to SAC and EXCOM for 'Approval to Ballot' This meeting & Euro SIW Kickoff
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Step 3: Product Balloting Ballot will be by the IEEE-Standards Association via IEEE processes
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Step 4 : Product Approval Submit balloted product(s) and supporting material to the SAC for review Review balloted product(s) and supporting material for compliance with PDG charter and SISO Product development procedures Approve product(s) and recommend product(s) disposition Forward package to the EXCOM for approval Accept product(s) as a SISO Product Notify SAC that product is ready for distribution Post announcement to the SISO community via the SISO ADMIN reflector
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Step 5 : Distribution and CM Conduct initial CM on new SISO Product Store approved SISO Product(s) in the SISO Document Library Distribute new SISO Product Maintain revisions as required
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Step 6 : Periodic Review Conduct Periodic Reviews Determine course of action for SISO Product(s) (Reaffirm, Revise or Withdraw) If periodic review decision is to revise, then identify current sponsor/proponent (after 5 years could have changed) willing to revise if necessary If periodic review decision is to revise, then revise SISO Product(s)
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW IEEE Balloting SAC: Approval to ballot SAC: Submit PAR to IEEE-SA for approval IEEE-Standards Association (SA) & SAC: Form a balanced balloting group PDG: Manage ballot resolution, typically by delegating resolution of ballot comments to a ballot resolution committee (BRC) IEEE-SA: Ballot the draft BRC: Work to resolve all comments, objections, and negative votes; recirculate all technical changes, unresolved negative votes, and rebuttals SAC: Approve forwarding of draft to IEEE- SA IEEE- SA Standards Board: Review and approve draft Repeat as necessary
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Role of Standards Activity Committee Review Product Nomination Provide PDG guidance on process Answer PDG questions The TAD is the SAC Representative to the PDG
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW PDG Meeting Conduct Use Robert's Rules of Order - allows an informal style with the approval of the attendees Possible meeting formats: - Co-located, where the interested parties travel to a common location for a face-to-face meeting notice minimum of 30 days in advance - Teleconference, where interested parties call a teleconference hub and are connected into a party-line telephone call notice minimum of 5 days in advance - Reflector, where interested parties subscribe to an automated program that relays their written comments between the parties notice minimum of 5 days in advance
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW PDG Voting Rules - 1 Applies to general PDG business and comment resolution Face-to-face and Teleconference Voting - all PDG members present are eligible to vote - minimum of a five-person quorum required to conduct a vote - PDGs with restrictive memberships (additional qualifications to the ones listed in BPDP) may establish a quorum requirement (with SAC approval) based on a percentage of members - 75% consensus of members present (includes those who abstain) required to approve a motion if a 75% consensus cannot be reached, the issue is moved to an electronic vote. Currently, the way “abstains” are used means they are treated as “no”s. The SAC is addressing this issue. Interim Chair’s Opinion: PDG Kickoffs and PDG Comment Resolution Meetings should be face-to-face. Drafting Group and Ballot Resolution business can occur by telecon.
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW PDG Voting Rules - 2 Electronic Vote - PDG Chair and DG Editors may require an electronic vote on any issue - PDG Secretary posts a summary of the related discussion on the PDG reflector Notice of an electronic vote shall be posted at least 10 business days in advance and the voting shall remain open for five days - After announced period of time for discussion, electronic vote is held to allow the complete PDG to vote on the issue - An electronic vote must have at least five (5) voters PDGs with restrictive memberships (additional qualifications to the ones listed in BPDP) may establish a quorum requirement based on a percentage of members with SAC approval - Electronic votes are carried by majority (50% plus one) of votes cast
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW PDG Voting Rules - 3 Recall of Face-to-Face or Teleconference vote results - Issues approved by 75% consensus at a face-to-face meeting or teleconference shall be posted to the reflector within five days - PDG members not present for the vote shall have 10 days from the posting to recall the issue - Ten recall petitions shall require an electronic vote Officer voting - PDG Chair, or acting PDG Chair does not vote in face-to-face meetings or teleconferences is not counted toward a quorum - PDG Chair may cast the deciding vote in electronic votes - Other PDG officers including Vice Chair, Secretary, and DG Editors may vote in face-to-face, teleconference and electronic votes
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Appeals - 1 PDG member may appeal any decision by the PDG Chair to a vote by the PDG All PDG votes subject to appeal to the SAC - PDG member may appeal to the SAC, via the TAD, the result of a vote within five days of the vote being posted to the reflector - Classified as procedural or technical Procedural if PDG member feels the PDG violated SISO, SAC, or PDG rules or principles Technical if the PDG member believes the approved approach is not the best solution - SAC reviews the appeal and notifies the person who appeals and the PDG Chair of its decision and rationale no later than 30 days after the appeal was filed
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Appeals - 2 Any member of the PDG may appeal the SAC’s decision on the appeal to the EXCOM - Appealing member shall notify the SAC Chair of the appeal and the reason and rationale of the appeal - SAC Chair will provide the appeal package, the SAC decision and rationale, and the new appeal request to the EXCOM Chair - EXCOM reviews the appeal and notifies the SAC of its decision and rationale no later than 30 days after the appeal was filed SAC shall notify the person who appeals and the PDG Chair - Decisions by the EXCOM are final.
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Agenda 7:00 – 7:05Establish voting rulesRoy Scrudder, Interim Chair 7:05 – 7:10Review AgendaRoy Scrudder 7:10 – 7:25Review Product NominationRoy Scrudder 7:25 – 8:05Review SISO / IEEE Procedures - SISO Balloted Product Development Process - IEEE / SISO Memorandum of Understanding - Rules of Conduct Katherine Morse, SAC Technical Area Director 8:05 – 8:25Elect Officers Designate Drafting Groups Roy Scrudder 8:25 – 8:55Review SchedulePDG Chair 8:55 – 9:00Reflector InstructionsPDG Chair
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Role of Product Development Group PDG develop the product (step 2) The PDG guides the product through balloting (step 3) The PDG presents the product to the SAC for approval (step 4) Any SISO member may join a PDG by joining the reflector PDG has elected officers - Chair - Vice-chair - Secretary
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW PDG Organization Chair – elected by PDG Vice-Chair – elected by PDG Secretary – elected by PDG Technical Area Director – appointed by SAC Drafting Group(s) (DG) - sub-set of PDG members - DG editor – appointed by Chair and TAD - DG assistant editor - if PDG wants - DG member Member - have SISO membership - be registered on the PDG reflector - PDG may establish additional membership requirements with approval from the SAC
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Rules Drafting Group Expressed interest in DG membership: - Mike Lightner (IEEE DG Chair) - Chris Turrell
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Interface Specification Drafting Group Expressed interest in DG membership: - Philippe Annic - Dannie Cutts - Len Granowetter - Mikael Karlsson - Mike Lightner - Reed Little (IEEE DG Chair) - Bob Lutz - Katherine Morse - Chris Rouget - Graham Shanks - Keith Snively - Annette Wilson
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Object Model Template Drafting Group Expressed interest in DG membership: - Jake Borah - Paul Gustavson - Bjorn Lofstrand - Bob Lutz (IEEE DG Chair) - Mike Lightner - Katherine Morse - Reed Little - Roy Scrudder - Graham Shanks - Dave Seidel
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Agenda 7:00 – 7:05Establish voting rulesRoy Scrudder, Interim Chair 7:05 – 7:10Review AgendaRoy Scrudder 7:10 – 7:25Review Product NominationRoy Scrudder 7:25 – 8:05Review SISO / IEEE Procedures - SISO Balloted Product Development Process - IEEE / SISO Memorandum of Understanding - Rules of Conduct Katherine Morse, SAC Technical Area Director 8:05 – 8:25Elect Officers Designate Drafting Groups Roy Scrudder 8:25 – 8:55Review SchedulePDG Chair 8:55 – 9:00Reflector InstructionsPDG Chair
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Project Approved By SAC 04S SIW Kickoff Comment Resolution (US) / (Euro) Draft 0 Review Apr-JunJan-MarOct-DecJul-SepApr-JunJul-SepOct-Dec Feb/ Mar Jan-Mar 04E SIW Kickoff DG Comment Resol. Ballot 1 PDG & SAC Approve to ballot DG Comment Resol. Ballot 1 Resolution Ballot 2 Prep Ballot 2 Resolution Approved Draft to SAC Draft 1 Review Comment Resolution (US) Comment Resolution (Euro) Ballot 1 Prep Draft 1 Prep Ballot 2 Proposed Schedule
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Proposed Schedule – 1 of 2 WhatWhenWhoWhere PDG KickoffApr 04PDG04S-SIW - Crystal City PDG KickoffJun 04PDG04E-SIW – Edinburgh Release Draft 0Jun 04Drafting Group Review Draft 0Jun-Jul 04PDG Recommend Comment Resolutions Aug 04Drafting Group Resolve CommentsSep 04PDG04F-SIW Orlando Resolve CommentsOct 04PDGNATO M&S Conf. – Koblenz or Distrib. Sim. & R/T Apps. Conf. – Budapest Prepare Draft 1Nov-Dec 04DG Review Draft 1Jan-Feb 05PDG Recommend Comment Resolutions Mar 05Drafting Group Resolve CommentsApr 05PDG05S-SIW – San Diego Resolve CommentsApr 05PDGITEC - Amsterdam
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Proposed Schedule – 2 of 2 WhatWhenWhoWhere PDG Vote to Ballot SAC Approve to Ballot May 05PDG and SAC Develop/Balance Ballot Pool/GroupMay-Jun 05PDG Chair and SAC Prepare Ballot Draft 1May-Jun 05DG Conduct Draft 1 BallotJul 05Ballot Group Resolve CommentsAug-Oct 05Ballot Resolution Committee Prepare Ballot Draft 2Nov-Dec 05Ballot Resolution Committee Conduct Draft 2 BallotJan 06Ballot Group Resolve CommentsFeb-Mar 06Ballot Resolution Committee Based on the volume of comments received, additional rounds of draft development and additional ballot rounds may be needed.
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Recommendation for Comments During the IEEE Std development, the Standards Development Group used the following: - All major technical change recommendations shall be accompanied by an engineering analysis document which reports at a minimum: Motivation for the change Demonstration that the motivating issue cannot be addressed reasonably in the existing specification(s) Analysis of impact of the change on all the related specifications Analysis of impact of the change on implementation, both effort to implement and resulting performance changes (to the degree feasible for the commenter) Detailed specification of modifications to all impacted specifications
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Agenda 7:00 – 7:05Establish voting rulesRoy Scrudder, Interim Chair 7:05 – 7:10Review AgendaRoy Scrudder 7:10 – 7:25Review Product NominationRoy Scrudder 7:25 – 8:05Review SISO / IEEE Procedures - SISO Balloted Product Development Process - IEEE / SISO Memorandum of Understanding - Rules of Conduct Katherine Morse, SAC Technical Area Director 8:05 – 8:25Elect Officers Designate Drafting Groups Roy Scrudder 8:25 – 8:55Review SchedulePDG Chair 8:55 – 9:00Reflector InstructionsPDG Chair
HLA Evolved PDG 2004 Spring SIW Participating in the HLA Evolved PDG The HLA Evolved PDG needs your participation to succeed. PDG Members must be SISO members and join the PDG Reflector - Go to - Select REFLECTORS from the menu bar - Select SAC-PDG-HLA-Evolved - Select Subscribe