Mr. Gilmore Cordova High School I.B. History of the Americas
Brought forth racial ideas that were threatening to the rest of the Americas Started in the French colony of St. Domingue Important to France for sugar trade, 2/5 th of its overseas trade Plantation economy relied on slavery to keep production high Haitian Revolution
-Whites dominated society, 40, ,000 free non whites, faced social discrimination -500,000 slaves working plantations, lacked all social rights French Revolution sparks the fight in Haiti -Wealthy (grand blancs) -Middle class (petit blancs) -Non whites (gens de coleur) -National Assembly granted equality for gens de coleur, locals resisted and executed leaders Social Class
-½ the slave population rose in revolt -Violent attacks against plantations and whites -Whites controlled towns -Slaves turned to guerrilla warfare ,000 French troops sent to the island -France abolished slavery in 1793 Slave Revolt
Haitian Revolution
-Leader of the slaves -Organized slave armies -British arrived after the French were defeated looking to take control of the chaos -Plantation owners supported the British against Ouverture -Turned into a war of attrition by Treaty finally reached once British supported Ouverture for him continuing trade with England Toussaint L’Ouverture
-Toussaint recognized as colonial governor -Writes Constitution in Abolishes slavery -Appoints self governor general for life -Did not declare independence -Established Catholicism over Voodoo -Upset Napoleon sends troops and sends Toussaint to jail in the Alps where he dies in Naopleon grants Haitian independence in 1804 Constitution
- Jean-Jacques Dessalines formed a ruthless military rule -Is assassinated in Gens de coleur replace the whites as the dominant group over the former slaves -Blacks remained under them in social order -Remaining in poverty even today Independence
Gens de Couleur
Why did Latin America split into numerous new nations?
-Sept Father Miguel Hildalgo starts Mexico's fight for independence -Appealed to creoles, natives, mestizos & freed blacks -Socially connected to the lower class facing hunger, poverty, lack of land & high tax -Called for land distribution, abolish slavery, end Indian tributes Mexican Independence
-Planned insurrection of masses -Terrified the peninsulares and wealthy creoles -80,000 joined his ranks -Using royal forces & local militias defeated Hidalgo -Was captured and executed 1811
Father Jose Maria Morelos fought against the royalists Drafts a constitution a decree for the liberty of Mexico It also included the abolishing of slavery in Mexico Morales was also captured & executed Father Morales
Mexican elites began to realize Mexican independence was coming The leader was Augustin de Iturbide, goals were free from Spain, equality for the peninsulares & creoles, supremacy of the Catholic Church His forces defeats the royal armies & pressured the royal viceroy Juan O’Donoju to sign the Treaty of Cordoba Mexico was recognized by Spain He is made Emperor in 1822 Conservative Revolution
Augstin be IturbideJuan O ‘Donaju
-3 heroes emerge as independent leaders of Latin America -1. Simon Bolivar - Venezuela( ) -2. Jose de San Martin - Argentina( ) -3. Bernardo O Higgins - Chile( ) South America
-Military leader in Gran Colombia -United all races through army, sought abolition of slavery -Given leadership after independence, but spent time fighting to unify South America -Imposed a strong executive to enforce laws -Rewarded military leaders for service -Was weakened & frustrated from rule & an assassination attempt in His government fell into deeper debt he renounces his presidency -December dies from tuberculosis & exhaustion Simon Bolivar
Educated in Spain where he face discrimination Leader of Argentine Army Invaded Chile to defeat royalists Invaded Peru where he met up with Bolivar Renounced public life, moved to Europe and died broke Jose de San Martin
-Fervent revolutionist, he raised army of farmhands (not so talented) -Only gains victory when he joins with San Martin -Dictator of Chile, he struggles with Creoles -Liberal reforms offend aristrocracy and church -Centralization of power offends provinces -Conservative coup kicks him out Bernardo O’Higgins