Finance Report for Apr 2013 Board Meeting Prepared by Susan Hughes 16/4/13
Highlights of conference financials Expected final profit will be in the region of $90k (some expenses not fully accounted for in the figures shown.) Main driver of profit was cost control in particular: – No contingency spend required ($25k) – Less spend on speakers than required ($25K) but org budget very high ($75k) – Marketing budget (17.6k) not used which is a concern – Significant savings in catering ($25k) due to good management by conference planning team – Very little overspend in expenses due to focus Sales were stronger than budget (over ahead by $6k) which was made up in the main by non member delegates. (See last graph) Sponsor sales were ahead of budget ($2k) Corporate day sales were weak (Act $13k Vs Bud $49k)
Income & Expenditure YTD 31 Mar 13 IncomeYTDBudgetVariance Notes Membership3,08618,599-15,513 Membership fees received less than budgeted - Awaiting on response to inquiry Coachlink advertising5,89610,833-4,937 Income less that budgeted Virtual PD events8,7177,2001,517 Good response to PD events Conference Sponsorship sales38,81436,9541,860 Sponsor sales ahead of budget Conference Ticket sales262,979256,8166,163 Ticket sales ahead of budget mainly NM late sales Misc-2,2770 Virtual events monies held for branches 317,215330,402-13,187 Expenses Audit Fee1,5521, VA expense breakdown: Accounts /general10,0029, Extra work done for annual report Membership1,6341, Extra work done in Aug Branch support6,3691,5004,869 Over budget but reimbursement by branches at end of F/Y Coach link admin1,0521, On budget Website maintenance7452,700-1,955 Minimal work done Governance6980 Work done for annual report & AGM - not in budget Credentialling1, Over budget as a result of monthly CCEU provider broadcasts Sub-total VA expenses21,65116,0355,616 Website Development Project4137,000-6,587 Project started in November by FT - minimal work Insurance01,540-1,540 Timing difference Coach link production expenses10,66013,000-2,340 Timing difference Virtual PD7,4484,1583,290 VAS expenses are consistently higher than budgeted due to considerable volume of manual queries – a lot of manual intervention Mar President Portfolio1,5021,5002 ELT meeting meals at conference Conference - Admin Support60,000 0 As per budget Conference - Other134,118234, ,850 The main saving items was no contingency spend, less speaker spend than budget and general cost focus. Very few areas over spend budget Bank Charges Merchant fees high 238,074339,746-96,056 Operating profit/loss79,141-9,34488,485 Interest Income2,0932, Net Profit/Loss81,234-7,09488,328
Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2013 Mar-12Notes Assets Cash on Hand $281,982 Other Assets $3,843 Total Assets $285,825 Liabilities Current Liabilities $122,156 Included $8k due to branches re VPD Overpayment of member rebates $1,532 Accrued Income Coach Link Advertising $5,661 Total Liabilities $129,349 Net Assets $156,476 Equity Retained Earnings $75,595 Current Year Earnings $81,234 Total Equity $156,829
YTD income & expenses versus budgeted from 1 Jul to 31 Mar 2013
Components of cumulative Income from 1 July 2011 to 31 March 2013
Components of cumulative Expenses from 1 July 2011 to 31 March 2013
Conference Income detail as at 31 March 2013 (Budget V Actual) Significant different sales pattern than budgeted shown by the big difference in super saver and early bird and then the standard member ticket sales. Non member sales were very strong – all quite late. Corporate day take up sales weak