CPR Pushing Too Hard and Fast ? I.A.R.O 2015
Stats 2012 & 2013 average of 1,851 OHCA resuscitations attempted by NAS (annually) Incidence 40.3 cases per 100,000 per entire population Approx 87% presumed cardiac aetiology Approx 70% of CA occurred in the home 64% had bystander CPR Between 2012 & 2013, 5.8% survived to hospital discharge
Location of OHCA
Improving Survival
Chain of Survival B Sinnott
What is Your Role ?
What Works ?
Hand Position
Minimize Interruptions
At least 5cms /2 inches
Stick to the DVD
Stop the stories and practice
Manikin Study
Study Samples Group 1 Untrained (bystander) Heartsaver AED course and retested 2 minutes of compressions NO breaths Metronome silent Screen covered Resusci Anne Group 2 Community First Responders who are trained instructors 2 minutes of compressions NO breaths Metronome silent Screen covered Resusci Anne
Group 1 Pre Training n=15 Rate 15% (n=2) ˂100 /min 60% (n=9) ˃120/min 27% (n=4) /min Depth 13% (n=2) over 90% compression depth 53% (n=8) under 50% compression depth Post Training n= 15 Rate 7% (n=1) ˂100/min 53% (n=8) ˃120/min 40% (n=6) /min Depth 35% (n=5) over 90% compression depth 35% (n=5) under 50% compression depth
Group 2 (Instructor /Responder Group) n=22 Rate 59% greater than 120/min (n=13) 37% between 100 and 120/min (n=8) 1 less than 100/min Depth 37% (n= 8)had greater than 90% of compression depth 23% (n=5) compression depth less than 50% of the time
Follow the DVD Use stopwatches Watch all skills Correct as you go You must ensure that they have the skills Practice regularly yourself