C&I 216 Dr. Brown
The C&I 216 students will understand the purpose of lesson plans, so that they can correctly list two reasons for lesson plans from memory. The C&I 216 student will understand the components of a lesson plan, so that when given a blank lesson plan and a topic they create an appropriate lesson plan.
Lesson Plans Reasons Improved preparation Economy of time Facilitation of improvement Ease in ordering supplies Guide for substitute teacher Protection against liability Format Format can include a range of information
EBYHUNTER Title Subject Grade level Description Objectives Materials needed Procedures Evaluations Objectives Set induction Input and modeling Checking for understanding and guided practice Independent Practice
CRUICKSHANKJACOBSEN Objectives Resources Set Induction Methodology Assessment Closure Reflection Topic Objectives Rationale Content Procedures Materials Assessment
Lesson plans for this section of 216 can be any format, but must include the following elements Lesson Title Lesson Objectives Standards Resources (Teacher/Student) Set Induction Methodology Closure Assessment Plan B Reflection
Lesson Title: Lesson title is the specific skill, concept, etc… being taught. (ex. U.S. Civil War/aftermath of the Civil War) Objectives: Goal and evaluation statements that describe the intended learning outcomes. 1-2 objectives are typically enough for a lesson. Standards: A list of state and/or national standards that are intended to be met in this lesson.
Resources : Teacher: A list of the resources needed to both plan and teach the lesson. (i.e. textbooks, specific overheads or presentations, etc…) Student: A list of the materials that will be needed for students to complete the lesson. (i.e. textbook, worksheets, posterboard, markers, etc…) Set Induction / Anticipatory Set: How will you gain the students attention and how will it relate to previous knowledge?
Methodology : Describe how teaching and learning will take place. List the specific steps and content that will be taught. This section will typically be the largest section of your lesson plan. Closure: Describe how you will end the lesson. (i.e. teacher review, student summarize, reflection, etc…) Assessment: Formal and/or informal assessment that will be used to determine if objectives were met. (i.e. asking questions of students, gauging facial expressions, a worksheet, etc…)
Plan B: Describe or list what you will do if you run short of time or if the equipment or materials are not available or functioning. Reflection: Leave space for post-teaching reflection.
In small groups (3-4) select a topic and plan a lesson using the lesson plan format. The lesson plan can be simple, but should include all of the components (except standards). Example topics: Carving a pumpkin Football basics How to talk like a pirate