SPENCER COUNTY PRESCHOOL STATS Currently 109 students served in 6 daily sessions. * 59 Students in AM session/ 50 students in PM session. Students with IEP - 45 Income eligible students – 40 RTI students – 16 Tuition students – 8
PRESCHOOL SCREENING DATA April 2012 Screening: 22 total students 2placed with IEP’s, 9 were income eligible, 5 qualified for RTI, and 6 did not qualify. May 2012 Screening: 27 total students 5 placed with IEP’s, 8 were income eligible, 9 qualified for RTI, and 7 did not qualify. October 2012 Screening: 28 total students IEP placement will occur after eval. is completed, 4 were income eligible, 13 qualified for RTI, and 9 did not qualify. December 14 th, 2012 Screening: 6 total students
SPENCER COUNTY PRESCHOOL STAFF 3 IECE Teachers 3 Instructional Assistants 2 Speech Therapists 1 Occupational Therapist 1 Physical Therapist 1 School Psychologist 1 Teacher of Visually Imp. 1 FT Admin. Assistant 1 Assist. Preschool Cord.
TEACHING STRATEGIES GOLD This is an authentic, observational assessment system that identifies the students’ strengths, needs, and interests. The primary purposes of this curriculum is to help teachers observe and document children’s development and learning over time. It supports, guides, and informs planning and instruction. Report and communicate with family members.
STAFF ACTIVITIES/ HIGHLIGHTS CPR training for all staff. All Certified teachers are participating in the Early Learning Leadership Networks at OVEC. Focus is on literacy Preschool teachers teaming with Kindergarten teachers and developing a revised exit skills list for students moving to kindergarten this coming Fall. Preschool Learning Walk Preschool has chaired approximately 40 IEP meetings for referral and placement. Preschool staff involved in Christmas Bash at Community Center.
PRESCHOOL ACTIVITY HIGHLIGHTS Every student has at least 1 home visit by the staff. Parent meeting in September with Head Start. (next in January) Fire Dept. has presented fire safety and fire truck visit. Jack Senior presented bus safety and bus visit. TES Cafeteria staff presented nutrition program. October Field Trip to Pumpkin Patch. Grandparents Day Picture Day Quarterly Family Activity Scrubby Bear Visit