Deaf and Disability Football June 2016 Newsletter Sheffield & Hallamshire County Football Association, Clegg House, 204 Meadowhall Road, Sheffield, S9 1BN New Disability Football Development Officer at County FA Sam Firth is the newest member to join the S&HCFA team. Jack Matthews, (right) County Development Manager, is pictured with Sam (left) outside the S&HCFA offices on Meadowhall Road. Sheffield born, Sam has been working as a Disability Football Officer with the Sheffield Wednesday Football Club in the Community scheme. Sam has a Sports Coaching and Development degree, attained at Leeds Met University, which followed three years at London Met University studying Football & Community Sports Coaching whilst working with the Arsenal FC Community scheme. For any information regarding Disability Football please contact
June 2016 There are many inclusive football sessions taking place around Sheffield & Hallamshire region, most of which have teams that play in the Ability Counts League. If you would like to learn more about these opportunities, or you would like to promote your club / event, please contact Sam Firth on or Football Sessions Sheffield & Hallamshire County Football Association, Clegg House, 204 Meadowhall Road, Sheffield, S9 1BN Handsworth JFC Handsworth Junior Football Club have launched an inclusive football session for junior players at their Darnall home (Oliver's Mount), S9 4PA. Sessions take place every Saturday morning 10.30am-11.30am. The first session is free, £2 thereafter. For information please contact: Aiden Spowage on CPD South Yorkshire Sport have a number of CPD/Training opportunities throughout June including Safeguarding children & Emergency First Aid. For further details please visit:
June 2016 Congratulations to everyone who took part and we hope to see you all again for the new season where we will build upon the strong foundation we already have. The leagues can be viewed here but the league winners were as follows:here Premiership:Rotherham United DFC A Championship:Mansfield Town A Division 1:Mansfield Town B Division 2:City Knights C Division 3:Mansfield Town C Ability Counts League Additionally, the Ability Counts League are looking for a Secretary and Registrar to join the committee. If you are interested in either of these volunteer roles, or attending the AGM, please contact Sam Firth on or The Ability Counts League Committee will next meet on Monday 6 th June 2016 at the Sheffield & Hallamshire County FA offices, 204 Medowhall Road, S9 1BN. The league AGM will follow later in the month although the date is yet to be confirmed. Sheffield & Hallamshire County Football Association, Clegg House, 204 Meadowhall Road, Sheffield, S9 1BN