Spring and Fall 2016 Achieving Satisfactory Academic Progress
ASAP: Achieving Satisfactory Academic Progress At the end of this session you should be able to : Understand how SAP affects Financial Aid Eligibility Learn how to calculate your GPA Know the difference between SAP and UMASS Boston academic standing Make informed decisions Start the SAP appeal process
How Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Affects Financial Aid Eligibility To be eligible for federal and state student aid funds a student must be making satisfactory academic progress The three criteria used for evaluating SAP are: 1.Grade Point Average – GPA 2.0 or better GPA required with 25 or more credits 1.75 or better GPA required with 0-24 credits 2.Completion Rate Must complete 67% of attempted credits 3.Maximum Credits Attempted – Maximum Time Frame 150% of degree credits required for degree = maximum of 180 credits
Grade Point Average GPA
Where do I find my GPA? Degree Progress Report Transcript
How is GPA calculated? Grades and Transcripts Right click to open the hyperlink
How is GPA calculated? Multiply the grade points for each course by the number of credit hours each course is worth. The resulting value is referred to as “Quality Points” Add together earned quality points for all courses completed in a semester Divide the sum by the total number of completed semester credit hours Credit Hours Grade (Equivalent) Quality pts 3 x C- (1.7) = x B- (2.7) = x C- (1.7) = 5.1 TOTAL: (Quality pts) ÷ 12 (credit hrs) = 1.95 semester GPA
UMASS Boston GPA Calculator GPA Calculator Right click to open hyperlink Note : This calculator is for estimating purpose only
Academic Standing Dean’s List/Honors Good Standing Alert Warning Probation Extended Probation Suspension Dismissal 3.5+ Less than
Completion Rate Successfully completed credits ÷ Attempted credits You must complete, with passing grades, 67% (two-thirds) of the total number of credits you attempt. This includes non-degree coursework, and courses you might have taken at UMB many years ago Grades of F, W, INC, NA or PRG must be counted as ‘attempts’ Transfer credits count as both attempted and earned
How Completion Rate works Anna’s First Semester 1. GPA = Completion Rate = 9 ÷ 13 = 69% 3. Max. Credits Attempted = 13 SAP 1 st Semester Subject CatalogComponentOfficial Grade Units TakenCourse Name MATH 115Lecture B+ 3College Algebra ENGL 102Lecture W 3Freshman English II PHIL 108Lecture A 3Moral Social Probls EEOS 120Lecture B 3Intro to EEOS - Lect EEOS 121Laboratory W 1Intro to EEOS Lab
Anna’s Second Semester 1. GPA = Completion Rate = 9 ÷ 27 = 33% 3. Max. Credits Attempted = 27 Subject Catalog ComponentOfficial GradeUnits Taken Course Name ECON101Lecture INC 3Intro To Micro ENGL102Lecture W 3Freshman English II JAPAN102Lecture NA 4Intro Japanese II PHIL110GLecture W 4Equality & Justice SAP 1 st Year
Academic Standing and Satisfactory Academic progress Academic Standing Based only on your GPA Affects your academic status Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Based on GPA, Completion Rate & Maximum Credits Attempted Affects your financial aid eligibility status
Informed Decisions -Grading/course options Grading Options Resources options -Resources
Pass-Fail Grading Option Pass = P (not in GPA) Fail = F (in GPA) Things to consider: 1.Talk to your instructor 2.Some majors/minors don’t allow Pass-Fail: CHECK! 3.Declare Pass-Fail via WISER by deadline 4.Maximum of eight, one per semester Pass-Fail Grading Option Right click to open the hyperlink
“P” with Pass-Fail With Letter GradeWith Pass/Fail ENGL 101: C MATH 115: C PHIL108: C PSYCH100: D Semester GPA: 1.75 ENGL101: C MATH115: C PHIL108: C PSYCH100: P Semester GPA: 2.0
Withdrawal Option Course Withdrawal Withdrawal = “W” on transcript (not in GPA) Student pays for the course Things to consider: 1. Talk to your instructor 2. Talk to your advisor 3. May affect financial aid: CHECK! 4. Declare “W” via WISER by deadline Course Withdrawal Option Right click to open the hyperlink University Withdrawal Right click to open the hyperlink Must submit undergraduate withdrawal form by last day of classes.
“F” vs. “W” “F” with Pass/Fail With Withdrawal ENGL 101: C MATH115: C PHIL108: F PSYCH100: C Semester GPA: 1.5 ENGL 101: C MATH115: C PHIL108: W PSYCH100: C Semester GPA: 2.0
Incomplete INC + 1 year = IF = F Incomplete Grade Policy Right click to open the hyperlink
Repeat Policy Maximum of four repeats allowed Both the first and the second earned grades appear on transcripts When student repeats a course, the first grade comes out of the GPA, and the second grade replaces the first Credit is only earned once Each repeat counts as an attempt for SAP Example : You failed English 101. This counts as 3 credits attempted, 0 credit completed.You repeat and pass English 101 the next term. SAP calculates this as 6 credits attempted, 3 completed. Students cannot retake a course out of sequence (cannot repeat SPAN 101 after passing SPAN 102) Course Repeat Policy Right click to open the hyperlink
Tips for Maintaining SAP See your Academic Advisor regularly Review your degree audit as frequently as you can Focus on your degree/graduation requirements by taking only courses that pertain to your degree while also completing your general electives Educate yourself on SAP criteria by regularly visiting the Financial Aid Services web page on the UMass Boston website
Resources Academic Support Services - CC Reading, Writing, Study Strategy Center, & Skills Workshops Healey Library, Quinn Administration Building Subject and Math tutoring University Advising Center – CC Career Services - CC Disability Services(Ross Center),CC-UL-240 Counseling Center- Quinn Health Center- Quinn College Success Centers, check with your college
Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Process Submit the SAP Appeal Complete the Academic Plan Form Take the next steps
Appeal Process Check your Wiser student center for information regarding your Financial Aid SAP Appeal Status For follow up questions, contact: Financial Aid Services Kimberly Mann, Student Retention Specialist, Phone: Fax: Or Alberta Cavanaugh, Senior Associate Director Phone: Fax:
How to Process your Appeal 1. Attend Achieving Satisfactory Academic Progress Workshop (ASAP) 2. Answer appeal form questions, w rite your personal statement, and attach documentation, if necessary 3. Submit completed appeal form to Financial Aid 4. Financial Aid may refer students to their assigned academic advisor to complete an Academic Plan Students don’t have to be full-time A minimum of six credits is needed to receive Federal Student Loans
Academic Plan If you are referred for an Academic Plan, you will need to meet with your advisor Once you submit an Academic Plan to the Financial Aid Office, you need to follow that plan. You may not change your schedule without consulting your advisor and preparing a new plan At the end of the semester, the Financial Aid Office will review your progress and verify if you followed the agreed upon Academic Plan. Failure to adhere to your plan may result in loss of financial aid eligibility
Academic Plan Form
How to complete your Academic Plan Make sure to schedule an hour-long appointment with your advisor Consider following your advisor’s suggestions in regards to full- time or part-time enrollment. The goal is helping you to get back on track academically while securing your financial aid eligibility Please DO NOT attempt or expect to complete your academic plan in a walk-in session Satisfactory Academic Progress Policies are available at: Satisfactory Academic Progress Policies Right click to open the hyperlink The academic plan is for financial aid purposes which does not substitute the university’s review of your academic standing. To complete your academic plan, make an appointment to see an advisor, based on your college or major
Where to complete your academic plan College AffiliationLocation Undeclared students, Colleges of Liberal Arts & Science and Math University Advising Center, Campus Center, 1st floor, room 1100, College of Liberal Arts declared students CLA Advising Office, Wheatley Building, 2nd floor, Suite 4, College of Science & Mathematics declared students CSM Success Center, Science Building, 2nd floor, room 60, /3974 College of Management students with fewer than 60 credits University Advising Center, Campus Center, 1st floor, room 1100, College of Management students with more than 60 credits CM Student Services, McCormack Building, 5th floor, room 610, College of Education and Human Development Wheatley Building, 1st floor, room 51, College of Public and Community Services with less than 60 credits University Advising Center, Campus Center, 1st floor, room 1100, College of Public and Community Services with more than 60 credits Wheatley Building, 4th floor, room 151, College of Nursing and Health Sciences Science Building, 2nd floor, room 13, Student Support Services (SSS) Campus Center, 1st floor, room 1100,
Next Steps Financial Aid Appeals committee will notify you of their decision within 14 business days of receipt of completed appeal Appeals which are approved will be on a probationary basis and will be reviewed after one semester If your appeal is DENIED, you will not be eligible to receive Financial Aid until you meet the requirements of Satisfactory Academic Progress Have a back up plan for tuition payment in case you are denied financial aid. Consider setting up a payment plan with the Bursar’s Office
Stay on Track Have a Great Academic Semester Let us know how we can help you