Transformation Transformation of the Ft. Worth HUB is complete Houston and San Antonio Production Offices were eliminated Single Underwriter Model now in place for all loan programs Processing times greatly reduced 221(d)4 New Construction or Substantial Rehabilitation – 54 days 223(f) LIHTC Pilot – 38 days Rehabs up to $40,000/unit for 90%+ HAP Properties and Year-15 LIHTC Re-syndications New Construction deals to be added to the Pilot in the near future
2015 MAP Guide More lenient underwriting requirements 221(d)4 – 1.15:1 Debt Coverage Ratio and 87% of Mortgagable Costs 1.11:1 Debt Coverage Ratio for 90%+ HAP Properties 223(f) LIHTC Pilot – 1.15:1 Debt Coverage Ratio and 87% of Appraised Value
Affordable Housing Real World Affordable Housing A LIHTC 4% Tax-exempt Bond transaction does not work in any Texas market without some type of subsidy, grant or tax abatement What can the HFC or HA do to eliminate or reduce that gap By becoming a member of the General Partner entity, the development Partnership is exempt from sales taxes on construction materials 150 units X $125,000/unit Construction Cost= $18,750,000 X 65% Materials Cost X 8.25% Sales Tax = $1,005,469 By owning the development site and leasing it to the Partnership, the property is exempt from property taxes
Property Tax Exemptions Austin - $800/unit 150 Units X $800 / % = $2,180,771 in additional mortgage proceeds Brownsville - $680/unit - $2,029,277 additional mortgage proceeds Dallas - $720/unit - $1,962,694 additional mortgage proceeds Houston - $1,030/unit - $2,807,742 additional mortgage proceeds Laredo - $935/unit - $2,548,776 additional mortgage proceeds Tyler - $535/unit - $1,458,390 additional mortgage proceeds
Questions Ray Landry Davis-Penn Mortgage Co N. Featherwood, Suite 120 Houston, Texas (281)