Department of Curriculum and Instruction Considerations for Choosing Mathematics Progress Monitoring Measures from K-12 Anne Foegen, Ph.D. Pursuing the Promise Iowa Statewide Special Education Conference June 12, 2012
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Session Overview Foundations for shared understanding Review of mathematics progress monitoring measures Considerations when choosing measures
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Foundations for Understanding
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Foundations for Shared Understanding My background General education mathematics, special education Middle school teaching Teacher education Research and PD on mathematics progress monitoring Current projects on algebra progress monitoring
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Foundations for Shared Understanding Issues in Mathematics and Special Education Response to Intervention Common Core State Standards Grade level expectations
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Foundations for Shared Understanding Defining progress monitoring Collecting and evaluating data to make decisions about the adequacy of student progress toward a goal Evaluating student rate of change (slope) as compared to the slope of anticipated progress Informing teacher planning for instruction WHEN to make instructional changes Some measures inform decisions about HOW to change instruction Contrast with formative assessment
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Foundations for Shared Understanding Characteristics of Progress Monitoring Measures Technically sound measures Multiple forms of constant difficulty Assessment systems that are sensitive to student growth Standardized administration procedures (including timing) Frequent measurement (occurs at least monthly) Curriculum-based measurement (CBM)
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Foundations for Shared Understanding Approaches to Developing Measures (Fuchs, 2004) Curriculum sampling Goal is to reflect the content of instruction Development requires creating proportional representations of the annual curriculum Robust indicators Goal is to identify tasks which serve as robust indicator of general proficiency in a content area Development requires exploring correlations with established indicators of proficiency
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Reviewing Mathematics Progress Monitoring Measures
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Mathematics Progress Monitoring Measures Organization by grade bands K/1 K-8 Secondary (MS/HS) Selected options! Not an exhaustive list or an implied endorsement
Department of Curriculum and Instruction K/1 Mathematics Progress Monitoring Measures
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Early Mathematics Measures: K/1 Test of Early Numeracy (AIMSweb) Oral Counting Number Identification Missing Number Quantity Discrimination Early Numeracy Indicators (RIPM) Number Identification Missing Number Quantity Discrimination Mixed Numeracy
Department of Curriculum and Instruction TEN: Quantity Discrimination
Department of Curriculum and Instruction TEN: Missing Number
Department of Curriculum and Instruction ENI: Quantity Discrimination
Department of Curriculum and Instruction ENI: Mixed Numeracy
Department of Curriculum and Instruction K – 8 Mathematics Progress Monitoring Measures
Department of Curriculum and Instruction K-8 Mathematics Measures Monitoring Basic Skills Progress (Fuchs and Fuchs) Computation (1-6) Concepts and Applications (2-6 AIMSweb Revised Computation (1-8) Concepts and Applications (2-8) Yearly Progress Pro (1-8) easyCBM (K-8) STAR Math Enterprise (1-12)
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Fuchs & Fuchs: Computation
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Fuchs & Fuchs: Concepts & Applications
Department of Curriculum and Instruction AIMSweb: Revised Computation
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Yearly Progress Pro: Sample screen taken from a tutorial exercise but also illustrates how items are presented (one by one) on progress monitoring measure See
Department of Curriculum and Instruction easyCBM: Grade 2 (Numbers and Operations)
Department of Curriculum and Instruction easyCBM: Geometry, Measurement, and Algebra (Grade 5)
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Star Math Enterprise
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Middle School and High School Mathematics Progress Monitoring Measures
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Secondary Mathematics Middle School Estimation Complex Quantity Discrimination Missing Number Algebra Algebra Basic Skills Algebra Foundations Algebra Content Analysis Translations
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Estimation (6-8)
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Complex Quantity Discrimination
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Missing Number
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Algebra Basic Skills
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Algebra Foundations
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Translations
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Content Analysis
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Considerations When Choosing Measures
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Considerations Factors to consider: Content Technical adequacy Logistics
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Considerations Content Match to instructional content makes a difference in mathematics General outcome measures vs. mastery measures Skills and concepts
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Considerations Research Evidence of Technical Adequacy Reliability of scores Reliability of slope Criterion validity of scores Predictive validity of slope Sensitivity to growth National Center on Response to Intervention (Resources: Tools charts)
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Considerations: Technical Adequacy
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Considerations: Technical Adequacy
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Considerations Logistics Administration time Group vs. individual administration Computer vs. paper-pencil Ease of scoring Data management and reporting COST
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Resources General Websites: National RTI Center ( RtI Network ( Mathematics Progress Monitoring Measures AIMSweb ( Algebra measures (Project AAIMS, ENIs (RIPM, MBSP (Vanderbilt,
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Resources Mathematics Progress Monitoring Measures Middle school measures STAR Math Enterprise ( Yearly Progress Pro (
Department of Curriculum and Instruction Thank you!