What is it? A method of academic intervention used in the United States designed to provide early, effective assistance to children who are having trouble learning. (wikipedia) Structure has been seen to reduce the number of children identified for special education
Components of RTI Professional Development Multi-tiered academic interventions Curriculum Based Measures Identification of behavioral supports PARENT INVOLVEMENT!
Professional Development Lessons should incorporate research- based strategies and differentiated instruction based on the LEARNING STYLE OF THE STUDENT ( FOORMAN,2007 ). Emphasis will be on what other ways the teacher can reinforce the point rather than what is “wrong” with the student (Bailey, 2003).
Multi-Tiered Academic Interventions
Tier I Includes high quality instruction Is the core instruction for all students Provides for flexible groupings that target specific skills to insure all students “get it” A reading baseline should be noted prior to instruction CBMs should be used at regular intervals
Tier II For students who are not grasping a particular concept (estimated 20%) Groups are homogenously based by skill deficit Interventions are done 3 days per week and in small groups CBMs should be used more frequently 10 weeks of intervention is suggested for students to be able to internalize information, which can be maintained and generalized
Tier III Used for students who are not responding to Tier II intervention (5% estimate) Includes more explicit instruction focusing on specific skill Students in this tier are often referred for special education testing 1:1 interventions
Curriculum Based Measures The structure of RTI is dependent upon progress monitoring tools or CBMs to determine placement and effectiveness CBMs are tools teachers use to determine progress in math, reading, writing and spelling. DIBELS, AIMSWeb or iSTEEP
Why use CBMs Benchmark- identify the successful and at risk readers *Establishing a baseline for growth (AYP) *Help sets student goals *Teachers and parents will know “where to go” with interventions *Can be used to problem solve throughout the 3 tiers
DIBELS Dynamic Indicator of Basic Early Literacy Skills Short fluency measures used to monitor development of early literacy and reading skills Designed to id. children who have difficulty acquiring basic early literacy skills in order to provide support Username: dibelsuser Password:
DIBELS Booklet Included in the tests: Letter naming Nonsense Word Fluency Oral Reading Fluency Phoneme Segmentation Word Use Fluency *Look over the site. IF YOU GIVE STUDENTS THE TESTS, DO NOT GIVE THEM TO THE PARENTS, PLEASE!!!
AIMSWeb A product similar to DIBELS Has online support No statistical difference between AIMSWeb and DIBELS Does include mathematics probe $5.00 per child (as opposed to DIBELS, which is free to use)
How to use probes Intervention Central Home of RTI Intervention Central includes many probe generators (including math) for free OKAPI! (reading probe maker, Online Tools heading) OKAPI! Chart Dog (data management system, Online Tools heading) Chart Dog Probes for older students, MAZE generators,etc. can be found on Intervention Central, look for links!
Behavioral Supports Title I Interventions SAFE PASS
Parent Involvement Remember, RTI is just a framework~ teaching kids, checking to see if they “got it” and providing ways to help if they didn’t! TRECA safeguards in place already!
Additional Comments DIBELS is normed and typically used for K-3 kids There are probes for older students It is more important for the teachers to use the same CBMs Could start the year with DORA/DOMA testing for baseline and use DIBELS for intermittent probes!
References Wikipedia. Retrieved November Bailey, D.S. (2003). Who is learning disabled? Monitor on Psychology, 34,58. Foorman, B.R. (2007). Primary prevention in classroom reading istruction. Teaching Exceptional Children, 39,