Kentucky Community Surveillance N. Brennan O’Banion, MPH Kentucky Department for Public Health
Person (Detail)
Epid 200 Demographic data Demographic data Name Name Address Address County of residence County of residence Disease information Disease information Reporting agency Reporting agency Laboratory information Laboratory information
Hospital(s)KHA Emergint Local PHD KDPH Participation License SOW BAA Service Guidance and Support Agreement Structure
Site Specific Agreement Structure KHREF/KHA Jewish and St. Mary’s Baptist East NortonEmergint KDPH Louisville Metro HD Participation Agreement Participation Agreement Participation Agreement BAA License Agreement Installation & Maintenance Peak 10 Hosting Agreement KDPH MOA
Architecture, 10Kft level Interface Engine Hospital Local PHD Analysis Engine PHINMS Limited Data Persist Mail Server Aler t Investigator ID Request Authenticate Limited Data Capture and Filter Web Modules
Architecture, 100ft level
Kentucky NEDSS MSS
Impression from an ICP July 29, 2008 The nearly passive nature of the system is extremely user friendly and requires very little transition time. The nearly passive nature of the system is extremely user friendly and requires very little transition time. The amount of Infection Control department time involved in disease reporting has been cut drastically. (I would estimate by at least %). This becomes significant in that we report approximately 4-12 cases on a normal day. Any time diverted from clerical tasks in this office is ultimately shifted to a variety of infection prevention activities (e.g. education of staff, committee involvement) that were impossible in the past. The amount of Infection Control department time involved in disease reporting has been cut drastically. (I would estimate by at least %). This becomes significant in that we report approximately 4-12 cases on a normal day. Any time diverted from clerical tasks in this office is ultimately shifted to a variety of infection prevention activities (e.g. education of staff, committee involvement) that were impossible in the past. Since the local health department receives an initial notification at the same time as the IC department, the timeliness or reporting worry is eliminated. Trends are immediately apparent at both locations, with the fine details (i.e. name, demographics, treatment info) following not far behind. Notification that was previously hours to days is now minutes. Since the local health department receives an initial notification at the same time as the IC department, the timeliness or reporting worry is eliminated. Trends are immediately apparent at both locations, with the fine details (i.e. name, demographics, treatment info) following not far behind. Notification that was previously hours to days is now minutes. The weakness of the system is that only a limited number of infectious diseases are currently included. This requires us to maintain two reporting systems. The weakness of the system is that only a limited number of infectious diseases are currently included. This requires us to maintain two reporting systems. I am happy to discuss my observations or experiences at any time. I am happy to discuss my observations or experiences at any time.
Pretermitting pertussis The data specified test code , result value “POSITIVE”, abnormal status flag “A”, and result status flag “F” The data specified test code , result value “POSITIVE”, abnormal status flag “A”, and result status flag “F” The subscription specifies test code (good), result value containing “POS” (good), and result value containing “final report” (no match) The subscription specifies test code (good), result value containing “POS” (good), and result value containing “final report” (no match)
Kentucky ELR reporting and Clinical Message Surveillance Louisville Metro Lexington-Fayette KDPH Reference Labs CDC Northern Kentucky LOCAL STATE NATIONAL
Special Thanks Northern Kentucky Independent District Health Department Northern Kentucky Independent District Health Department Saint Elizabeth Medical Center Saint Elizabeth Medical Center Louisville Metro Department of Health and Wellness Louisville Metro Department of Health and Wellness Norton Healthcare Norton Healthcare Baptist Healthcare Baptist Healthcare Jewish Hospital and St. Mary’s Healthcare Jewish Hospital and St. Mary’s Healthcare Kentucky Hospital Association Kentucky Hospital Association Emergent Technologies Inc. Emergent Technologies Inc. NEDSS MSS implementation and support team NEDSS MSS implementation and support team Cabinet for Health and Family Services Office of Information Technology Cabinet for Health and Family Services Office of Information Technology