Transport User Group 29 th April 2014
Cooling Transfers
Time Critical Transfers
Surgical Out of Region Transfers
Objective 1: To meet Continuing Professional Development requirements in neonatal transport Reference Network Objectives Work ProgrammeMeasurement UsedLeadReview Date Progress Review April 2014 SSBCNN Objective 3 SWMNN Objective 4 Toolkit 5 Continue to provide training on Transfer medicine to multi- professional staff in the networks Attendance record at bi- annual study days, ST Deanery training programme, QIS programme Alex Philpott Jackie Harrison On going WMNTS transfer study day December 2013 (Friars Gate) & April 2014 (Keele); 2 sessions/year on ST 1- 3 programme; invited to teach on ST4-5 programme; teaching on nursing education programmes To provide outreach programs for Units in the networks Service delivery, supporting network study days, training packages on web site Alex Philpott Jackie Harrison On going Teaching on Therapeutic Hypothermia & Hot Topic courses To ensure educational needs for WMNTS staff pertaining to neonatal transport are met Rolling programme for all WMNTS staff to complete accredited transport course Alex Philpott Jackie Harrison On going Staff booked on transport courses for to ensure all have valid provider certificates Bespoke training to WMAS prehospital neonatal providers Bespoke training delivered to support regional MLUs/paramedics Alex PhilpottApr-14 Biennial teaching with WMAS trainers (March 2014); supporting MLU teaching programme
Objective 2: Promote the activities and share the experiences of the NTS with others Reference Network Objectives Work ProgrammeMeasurement UsedLeadReview Date Progress Review April 2014 SSBCNN Objective 1 SWMNN Objective 1, 2 Toolkit Quarterly data to include risk assessment / Near Miss Report to be generated to each unit and Network Board Jackie HarrisonQ3,4,1,2 Reports generated and circulated; activity presented at TUG Minimise the number of out of region transfers in particular for surgical management Report to be generated to each unit and Network Board Jackie HarrisonQ3,4,1,2 Reports generated and circulated; activity presented at TUG Monitor and audit babies transferred for cooling Report to be generated to each unit and Network Board Q3,4,1,2 Reports generated and circulated; activity presented at TUG Present data to Transfer User GroupJackie HarrisonJune 13, Jan 14 Education workstream to be trained in simulation medicine Record of completion of training for 3 team members; record of participation in network simulations Alex PhilpottJune 13, Jan 14 4 team members trained in simulation medicine; ST trainee commencing simulation project
Objective 3: To deliver a safe transport service which meets the needs of neonatal services in the West Midlands Reference Network Objectives Work ProgrammeMeasurement UsedLeadReview Date Progress Review April 2014 SSBCNN Objective 2, 3 SWMNN Objective 6 Continue to support units initiate therapeutic hypothermia Service delivery Attendance record Jackie Harrison/ WMNTS Cooling lead Dec-13 WMNTS supports Therapeutic Hypothermia study days To perform user satisfaction questionnaire Audit presented at Transfer User Group Alex Philpott Jackie Harrison June 13, Jan 14 6M5R79R Training in use of Tecother Mattress and transport device WMNTS Training record Alex Philpott Jackie Harrison Jun-13 Equipment training record To provide a transport service for neonatal palliative care referrals Record kept of palliative care transfers Alex Philpott Jackie Harrison Apr-14 Units reminded of availability of WMNTS for palliative care transfer
Objective 4: To ensure the NTS is appropriately resourced for all neonatal transport activity Reference Network Objectives Work ProgrammeMeasurement UsedLeadReview Date Progress Review April 2014 SSBCNN Objective 3 SWMNN Objective 2 24 hour dedicated call handling centre Option appraisal for establishment of call handling centre completed Alex Philpott Jackie Harrison Dec-13Ongoing discussions Toolkit 4.5 Ensure an adequate number of appropriately trained personnel for NTS by support of student ANNPs and rotation into neonatal units Monitor staffing levels;Alex PhilpottOngoing 2 student ANNPs commenced MSc October 2013 Supporting ST Training during rotation into NTS ST training programme and feedback from ST Alex Philpott Ongoing ST trainee feedback - 7
Update on Single Number
PDA Pathway -Time for Whole Transfer
A neonatal story Baby x was born at BWH with an antenatal diagnosis of CDH After a long and stormy course he was accepted for ECMO at Yorkhill At Yorkhill he improved and his CDH was repaired The call came to WMNTS – “Bring him home”
The Dilemma Nice photo of the Scottish team’s plane – Jackie can you ask Anne-Marie for one 4 additional team members 2 days away from base (overnight stay) 600 miles round trip (10 hours +) Ventilated baby
Staff 2 transport nurses 0.2 consultant 0.82 ANNP Nurse Consultant
TIG – Birmingham 2013
New Equipment