The Environment and Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax By: Katey Lawrence
THE ENVIRONMENT & DR. SEUSS’ THE LORAX Lesson Overview/Sum mary: Students will be introduced to environmental issues through Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax. Students will explore different issues and create solutions through the forms of Visual Art, Literacy, and Science. Grade Level: 3 rd Essential Questions: - What changes are caused in the environment from humans and their activities? - What is Dr. Seuss’ purpose for writing The Lorax? - How does Dr. Seuss use illustrations and color throughout The Lorax to depict environmental issues?
THE ENVIRONMENT & DR. SEUSS’ THE LORAX Key Concepts: 1. Visual Art: - An artist can convey ideas and views through artwork using a variety of medias. - The use of colors, lines, shapes, and other concepts can change the emotion and meaning taken away from a piece of artwork. 2. Literacy: - Authors use stories to portray real-world issues through their writing. 3. Science: - Humans and their activities can cause changes in their environment that affect the ecosystem. - There are ways that humans can improve the environment through positive changes.
THE ENVIRONMENT & DR. SEUSS’ THE LORAX Lesson Objectives: 1. Visual Art: The students will be able to: - review artwork created by Jean Shin, a nationally recognized artist known for her epic installations that transform everyday objects into well-designed expressions of identity and community. - create a two-dimensional poster using a variety of media to communicate ideas about environmental issues. 2. Literacy: The students will be able to: - compare environmental issues in "The Lorax" to environmental issues found in our current society. - construct a written response to reflect on the environmental issues apparent in our world and discuss a solution. 3. Science: The students will be able to: - discuss how humans and their activities cause changes in their environment that affect the ecosystem. - construct a list of environmental issues and design ways to address these issues.
THE ENVIRONMENT & DR. SEUSS’ THE LORAX Anticipatory Set: To gain attention in class period 1, I will read Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax. To gain attention in class period 2, the students will VTS a piece of artwork from the artist Jean Shin. To gain attention in class period 3, the students will be given the opportunity to briefly share the posters they created, which will lead into a discussion about the reflection paper.
THE ENVIRONMENT & DR. SEUSS’ THE LORAX Summative Assessment strategy: Visual Art: Student artwork contains the use of a variety of medias and contains the information given on the rubric. Literacy: To assess whether or not students understood the lesson, I will use a three- point rubric to evaluate the students’ written reflection. Students will include references to their artwork and science concepts in their reflection. Science: Students will be given an assessment at the end of the science unit that includes questions over the terminology of environmental issues