1 Eagle Court of Honor Paul Meehan, Scoutmaster T751, Sammamish From: Andy Kegel, T573, Woodinville, 15 October 2011
Eagle Court of Honor Goal This course reviews several different ceremony possibilities as well as giving helpful tips such as how to get press releases and dignitaries to send letters to your Eagle Scouts. 2
Agenda Context of the Eagle COH Early planning Detailed planning Event After the COH The difference between an Eagle COH and a wedding is that there can only be one Eagle COH 3
Context of the Eagle COH What is the purpose of the COH? Who is it for? 4
Early planning Select a date –Venue – is the room available? –Attendees – are the key attendees available? Family, friends, travelers Beneficiary, teachers Dignitaries –Holidays, activities –Presenters Flag Large medal Letters Slide show 5
Early planning - Flag Congressmember will fly a flag over the US Capitol and return it to you –Contact your Senator or Representative –Complete the form – –Cost - $13-24 plus shipping and handling ($8) –Various sizes, up to 8’ x 12’ –Approximately TWO MONTHS in advance –Present at Court of Honor 6
Early Planning – COH 7 “This flag has flown twice: once today and once over our nation’s Capitol.”
Early planning – large medal Reserve from the Scout Shop Well in advance! 8
Early planning - Letters Letters of congratulations from significant people –Celebrities, politicians, sports figures –Local prominent people – Mayor, pastor and other clergy, beneficiary, principal, favorite teachers, TV and radio personalities –Think big! Collect in a binder to present at COH –Read selected letters of significance to the scout 9
Early planning – Letters (2) Examples: Presidents Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama US Naval Academy, West Point, Coast Guard Pope Benedict XVI, Dalai Lama REI, baseball commissioner, Bill Gates Elks, NASA (astronauts) Note – some require web contacts and others require SASE 10
Early planning – slide show Start collecting photos Consider the length Technical arrangements –Arrange for computer, projector, speakers, & screen Have a backup –Computers do not always compute 11
Detailed planning Invitations Program – plan of events Printed program –Photo Presenters Ushers Color guard Master of Ceremonies Script Decorations (if any) Practice 12
Event Typical program Welcome (come to order) Color guard Invocation – National COH Benediction Guest introductions Significance of Eagle rank Slide show Recollections (audience participation) Eagle’s Nest & Obligation Eagle Presentation (regalia) Family Presentation (pins) Parents’ comments Eagle’s comments Presentation of letters Closing prayer Closing declaration Retire and present flag 13
After the COH Reception –Personal decorations Photos Mementos Awards Uniforms, sash, badges –Troop decorations “Traveling box” –Food Desserts Meal 14
Press Press release –Woodinville Weekly: –Redmond Reporter, Patch –Bothell Reporter –Kirkland Reporter, Patch –Bellevue Reporter, Patch –Issaquah-Sammamish Reporter –Sammamish Review, Patch –Seattle Times Basically, you write the article –Who, what, when, where, why, how –Include a photo 15
Conclusion Involve the Eagle scout Resources The Eagle Court of Honor Book EagleBook.com 16