CMS Pixel Upgrade status and outlook G.M. Bilei Sep. 6 th 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

CMS Pixel Upgrade status and outlook G.M. Bilei Sep. 6 th 2011

Pixel Upgrade motivations and requirements CMS Pixel Upgrade – Gruppo I April 5 G.M. Bilei2 The present Pixel detector is working very well and was designed 10 years ago and built to operate up to a maximum luminosity of ~ 1x10 34 cm -2 s -1 Some limitations (4-5% data losses in inner region) in the Readout Chip will start becoming evident already at ~ 1x10 34 cm -2 s -1 LHC is planning to increase luminosity in the years up to x10 34 cm -2 s -1 after 1 year shutdown in After 1x10 34 cm -2 s -1 data losses of the present ROC would deteriorate to un unacceptable level (~ 15%) at 2x10 34 cm -2 s -1 (or 50% !! if the machine will run with 50 ns bunch spacing and higher current /bunch) leading to a major degradation of Tracking performance. Under these conditions, the ability of CMS to continue to deliver Physics and benefiting of higher luminosity will be seriously compromised. The main goal of upgrading the pixel detector in 2017 is thus to maintain high level of Tracking performances until the end of Phase I e.g. up to 2 – 2.5 x10 34 cm -2 s -1 The necessity of replacing the Pixel detector will allow us to design and built a new system fully benefiting of the technological advances that took place in the past 10 years enabling the construction of an overall more performing system.

CMS Referee – Pixel Upgrade Sep G.M. Bilei INFN Contribution : Half Layer 3 3 Half Layer 22 faces 8 modules/faces =176 modules Needs  250 modules allowing for 80% yield and 15% spares Interest to contribute to a part of BPix layer 3. Final sharing among countries in discussion and will be available at the time of TDR

CMS Referee – Pixel Upgrade Sep G.M. Bilei INFN Contribution: Pixel Chip developments 4 The new Pixel detector will need to replace the inner layer once during its period of operation. Plan to develop components for the inner layer (ROC and sensors) looking at requirement for high luminosity. Design of new readout chip (in 130 nm or lower CMOS technology) with objectives: able to sustain up Phase II high luminosity with reduced data losses, with smaller pitch and lower thresholds. Participate to the development of diamond sensors. Good kickoff meeting in Torino end of May. Work ongoing. Discussion last July Pixel meeting: the need to start this activity emerged clearly within the collaboration. Establishing a working team of Physicist and Engineers (INFN/US+others) Open discussion will be held during the next Pixel Meeting on Oct

Some news since April CMS Referee – Pixel Upgrade Sep G.M. Bilei5 ROC PSI46dig on track - Engineering run will be submitted in Nov Test beam with single chips to verify functionality and rate sustainability under discussion (likely late spring 2012) Control chip Token Bit Manager (TBM) good progress - will be submitted in July Plan to build some new real Pixel modules toward the end of Plan to setup and qualify production sites over the next months. Beam pipe – decision on beam pipe radius taken (45mm from present 58mm) Pixel TDR – write up has just started. Simulations – Work continues on performance studies with more realist geometry and to assess the impact of the new detector on some Physics channels.

New beam pipe radius and plan CMS Referee – Pixel Upgrade Sep G.M. Bilei6 1 st layer mean Si- radius ~ 29 mm from the actual 44 mm. In the Technical Proposal we had a conservative 39 mm beam pipe due to some uncertainties that have now been addressed. Good progress on beam pipe studies New beam pipe diameter reduced to 45 mm from 58 Beam Pipe installation during LS1 end of Detailed plan available for tendering, construction, checks and installation

INFN Pixel upgrade current activities CMS Referee – Pixel Upgrade Sep G.M. Bilei7 INFN Gruppo I provided provisional green light to CMS Pixel upgrade activities in April 2011 and allocated 50 k€ to start setting up the activities. About 30 k€ distributed among Perugia, Pisa, Bari and Catania to get the most urgent material/equipment to start the setting up of the various centers (electronic readout cards, probe cards for sensors and readout chips, to develop programmable cooling box, etc see next slide) About 20 k€ allocated to purchase non available material (sensors, HDI etc) to produce some old Pixel modules. Preparatory activities started and are ongoing in the various labs (mechanical designs of various toolings and jigs ongoing). We have now some readout test cards and start learning the software, DAQ system and operating the ROC.

INFN objectives for the next 16 months CMS Referee – Pixel Upgrade Sep G.M. Bilei 8 Fully setup, and test the INFN production chain by ~ mid of next year. Each site already started working setting up the activities Plan to start working with old parts to build some old Pixel modules by ~ mid 2012 Aim to qualify each step of construction including the Bump Bonding vendor Selex. Two initial meetings held with Selex to address some technical points. Verify now availability of old parts (ROC OK, some sensors to be ordered) Participate to the Test Beam and its preparation with new ROC. TB planned in ~ summer 2012 (exact period to be defined in Oct 2011.) Participate tendering/production/testing of Pixel sensors (will start late next year ~ fall 2012). Participate to the write up of TDR and continue working on simulations Continue working on the Fall Forward new Readout Chip.

Draft timeline of Pixel construction & of INFN activities 9 Develop and produce assembly tools start 2011 Develop assembly and testing procedures start Participate to qualification of ROC chip and TBM 2012 Bump bonding tests and qualification of Selex 2012 Assembly and test procedures established 2012 Full qualification of pre-production modules Module assembly and calibration (~ 12 months construction) Participate to integration at CERN 2015 Participate to commissioning, full system test at CERN 2016 Ready for installation in CMS end of 2016

Some news related to TDR and Finances CMS Referee – Pixel Upgrade Sep G.M. Bilei10 Discussion about TDR started at Phase I Management Board - Draft layout of chapters available and editors identified - Timeline: by end of the 2011 a draft should be available with agreed sharing of responsibilities and cost sharing. Final TDR ~ spring Draft contribution from agencies revised - Cost estimated ~ 17.3 MCHF. Possible coverage for ~ 17.1 MCHF - Likely this figure will be presented at Oct. RRB Start discussing now the sharing responsibilities and associated financial resources

Draft Cost Sharing CMS Referee – Pixel Upgrade Sep G.M. Bilei 11 As anticipated in April to GRI Pixel estimated cost is about 17.3 MCHF. Preliminary cost sharing among Agencies already discussed within the Pixel project and with CMS in preparation of Oct. RRB. Situation so far is quite reasonable out 17.3 MCHF may be available. Still some contributions to be ‘consolidated’ with some Funding Agencies.

Summary of funding CMS Referee – Pixel Upgrade Sep G.M. Bilei12 Cost Book2011Request 2012 Pixel Construction Setups Si Sensors115 sj FE electronics175 Bump Bond33525sj Sub Total sj Contingency150 Total sj Development Readout Chip Test structures50 First proto150 Total20000 Diamond detectors Test Detectors40 sj Total400 sj Grand Total sj

Requests by Institutes CMS Referee – Pixel Upgrade Sep G.M. Bilei13 Funds by Institutes 2011Requests 2012 NON cost BookRequest 2012 Setups Total Catania Catania (INV)5000 Perugia Padova10000 Bari Pisa Pisa (CA)34000 sj Si Sensors Perugia sj Bumb Bonding Pisa sj Diamond detectors Milano40000 sj Grand Total sj

Back up Details

Preliminary sharing for Pixel Module Construction Sensors test ROC Test after dicing TBM (HDI) testing Selex Bump bond Glue/bond TBM to HDI Test before glue HDI to sensor module characteri- zation Burn-in X-ray calibration Pisa Catania Bari Perugia (Padova) Perugia/Pis a Half Layer Assembly and testing Bare Module test SiN-rails glue Bond ROCs to HD Glue HDI to bare module Module testing Padova

Padova e Bari dettagli richieste per setting up Padova2012 Testing ROCs after dicing 2 probes card1.2 Bare ROC Holder2 Readout card0.8 PC1 Sub Tot5 Attivita' testing dei moduli, x-ray refurbishment xray machine3 readout card1 mechanics refurbishment cold box1 Sub Tot5 Total10 Bari set up laboratorio assemblaggio cabinet per storage con flussaggio di azoto materiale di consumo generico (acetone, ethanolo,etc)200 materiali costruzione jigs assemblaggio (alluminio)2000 materiale costruzione module carriers600 viti micrometriche di allineamento per il jiig "universale"600 fresa 1mm per lavorazione canali da vuoto per jiig araldite Bonding filo bondatrice manutenzione bondatrice test pc dedicato per i test800 1 test boards vecchio tipo850 2 test boards di nuovo tipo2000 Shipping materiale per imballaggio speciale200 spese di trasporto materiale fragile (spedizioniere o auto)300 N.B Si assumono tutte le lavorazioni meccaniche da effettuarsi in Officina Meccanica di Bari o laddove ci fosse man power disponibile TOTALE

Perugia e Catania dettagli richieste per setting up Perugia DescriptionQTYUnit cost(Eu) Year 2011Year 2012 Notes Analog test cards for equip cooling box + 1 DAQ in the x-ray setup Digital new test cards for equip cooling box + 1 DAQ in the x-ray setup + 1 spare Analog mezzanine cards for equip cooling box + 1 DAQ in the x-ray setup + 1 spare Cooling box16000 x-ray tube adaption (mechanics)13000 Shelding, mechanics,others Clean room consumable material Cables, connector, various mechanics Total CATANIA SetupsRequ2012 TestHDI test interface card (includes spring-loaded needles)2000 HDI handle (anodized Al) with cable reel700 Shipping boxes for HDI shipping to Bari500 consumable300 Total3500 Catania Inventario: Differential probes per set up test del HDI5000

Pisa dettagli richieste setting up 18 % spese cost/unit (euro)unit Rich2012 chuck adapter per sensori (dopia faccia in teflon o simili). Lavorazione tipo Karl Suss Consumi Clean Room totale pobe card Bare module Test. Considero che non si inzi a testare ROC prima della seconda meta del 2012 sviluppo (nuovo disegno) prototipo (di produzione) mautenzione (pulizia punte) chuck adapter per Bare module consumi Pull tester upgrade: BB mech. Test pattern recognition software per CMM: BB optical test totale Re-work machinery: chip extractor totale Robot gluing upgrade (alternativo al Jig PSI) jig assembly alla PSI (5000 euro X 2) 0000 consumi totale (PSI)/(robot) Carriers and pakaging1000 Test Boards vecchie8501 Test Boards Nuove Propos