Nouns, Verbs & Adjectives Curriculum links Underpins several aspects of Functional English / Adult literacy at Entry 2, Entry 3, Level 1, Level 2. May 2016 Kindly contributed by Rachel Farrow. Search for Rachel on and visit the download page for this resource to find a related Word document, and further links. May 2016 Kindly contributed by Rachel Farrow. Search for Rachel on and visit the download page for this resource to find a related Word document, and further links.
Today we will Define nouns, verbs and adjectives. Find nouns, verbs and adjectives in sentences. Sort words into nouns, verbs and adjectives.
What is a noun? A noun is a naming word. It is the name of a person, place or thing. Can anyone think of any examples? table, car, rainbow, London
What is a verb? A verb is a ‘doing word.’ It tells us what people (or things) are doing or being. Can be past, present or future Can anyone think of any examples? Sing, think, jump, walk, read
What is an adjective? An adjective is a describing word. It tells you more about a noun Adjectives make your sentences more interesting. Can anyone think of any examples? blue, big, scared, happy
Find the nouns, verbs and adjectives The tall man walked up the hill. I ate a large sandwich. The fence fell down in the windy weather.
Task Look at the words on the sticks and sort them out into the cups for nouns, verbs and adjectives. *** Words for this activity are available in a separate Word document.