LIEBE project Safety aspects of the Pb/Bi loop target LIEBE meeting report – WP5AP.Bernardes Thanks to : Richard Catherall/EN-STI, M.Delonca/EN/STI, TM.De Melo Mendonca/EN/STI, A.Dorsival/DGS-RP, Anthony Marchix/CEA, T.Stora/EN/STI and J.Vollaire/DGS-RP…
Outline LIEBE meeting report – WP5AP.Bernardes Summary of past safety recommendations Risk analysis Next steps
Same confinement level requested as static target (double enclosure) including piping and storage container Safety issues LIEBE meeting report – WP5AP.Bernardes
Double enclosure integrated on concept 1 or 2 Safety issues LIEBE meeting report – WP5AP.Bernardes Acknowledgement M.Delonca EN/STI Extract of “Pb-Bi loop target at CERN for the EURISOL prototyping phase” On going: Thermal stress study of double enclosure in case of Pb-Bi leak at 600°C Low point to be integrated
Safety issues LIEBE meeting report – WP5AP.Bernardes Leak should be detected Leak detection system should be studied as it has been done on MEGAPIE target Acknowledgement : K.SAMEC Extract “Full scale leak test of the MEGAPIE containment hull” WP4 assigned to TM.De Melo Mendonca EN/STI with PSI expertise Flow rate and pressure on loop to be monitored Specific development needed Temperature monitoring Expertise in house
Safety issues LIEBE meeting report – WP5AP.Bernardes Pressure loop > 0.5 bar: Loop to be considered as pressure loop Acknowledgement : IPUL Pressure test to 1.43 of nominal pressure Integrated on design - Welding test needed
Safety issues LIEBE meeting report – WP5AP.Bernardes From experience we know that chimney and temperature control are very important for liquid target to avoid to send Pb-Bi to the Front-end through the ion source No direct view between container and ion source Chimney? Acknowledgement : Tania DE MELO MENDONCA EN/STI To be integrated on conceptual design
First test very positive Complementary test to be done for the pump and after irradiation (center of gravity may be modified) Connection? Safety issues Target handling should be compatible with robot: LIEBE meeting report – WP5AP.Bernardes Acknowledgement : JL.Grenard EN/STI and M.Delonca EN/STI: First robot test with PB-Bi target mock-up
Safety issues LIEBE meeting report – WP5AP.Bernardes Same potential on target -Electrical connection for pump should come from the FE -Pump should be isolated as well (electrical connection?) -… depth available To be studied Specific connection to be installed during LS1 should be studied first Target and pump should be compatible with faraday cage and High Voltage (60 KV)
Safety issues LIEBE meeting report – WP5AP.Bernardes Summary of past safety recommendations Risk analysis Next steps
Safety issues LIEBE meeting report – WP5AP.Bernardes CEA Collaboration: Acknowledgement A.Marchix and N.Raxach/DPSN -Target split into subsystems -Deployment of « Grille Mosar » started -Nuclear methodology transfer on going CEA/DPSN joined the collaboration through the MOU (Memorandum Of Understanding) Expertise on fire prevention
Safety issues LIEBE meeting report – WP5AP.Bernardes Acknowledgements: A.Marchix, M.Delonca, TM. De Melo Mendonca Simplified Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) started on preliminary design (input from CERN and CEA, Documents from SCK and PSI) Show evidence of new interlocks WP4
Outline LIEBE meeting report – WP5AP.Bernardes Summary of past safety recommendations Risk analysis Next steps
Safety issues What inputs do we need: Results of Rabit irradiation and information on volatile long half-life alpha emitter (astatine and polonium) releases and PSI isotopes inventory Heating process and heat exchanger Corrosion expertise from SCK to complete FMEA Expertise on pump from IPUL to complete FMEA Description of the different phases of the process (handling, pumping, heating, operation, cooling, handling, post-mortem, disposal)
Safety issues Planning: 3 months delay on detailed planning -Risk analysis started on first conceptual design – important input has already been integrated Circulate first analysis to other workpackages Organize videoconference Update with evolution of concept - Radioprotection studies not started isotopes inventory needed
Conclusion -First safety analyses are mainly based on feed-back from ISOLDE, CEA, and documents from SCK and PSI -To be completed thanks to other institute feed-back and expertise (SCK, IPUL, PSI) Target instrumentation will increase compared to static target (leak detection, pressure, flow rate monitoring, thermocouple…). Extra connection needed Should be anticipated during LS1. Radioprotection risk assessment is waiting for isotope inventory
Collaboration CEA: A.Marchix/DSM, N.Rachax/DPSN CERN: R.Catherall, M.Delonca, TM. De Melo Mendonca, A.Dorsival, E.Noah, T.Stora, J.Vollaire PSI: D.Schumann SCK: P.Schuurmans Other: K.Samec Thank you !
Summarize Target Design : -Double enclosure mandatory including pipe and storage container -Safety factor 1.43 should be taken into account for the design of the loop -Target design should be compatible with a leak detection system -No direct view between diffusion chamber and ion source Important monitoring for Safety (New connection and monitoring may request modification in primary area): -Temperature (number and position to be defined) -Back-up needed on temperature monitoring (courant monitor) -Pressure (number and position to be defined) -Flow rate monitoring (type, number and position to be defined) -Leak detection (type and position to be defined) -Interlocks to be defined Compatibility: -Robot compatible -Faraday cage compatible -60Kv potential