Yellow Belt Certification Presentation Candidate: Raj Vaidya Champion: David Mann, Jim Ostic Process: Plutonium Hemishell Casting Organization: AET-2 (Process owner WCM-1) Date: 05/01/2007
SIPOC Analysis Plutonium Hemishell Casting Process Suppliers PMT-2 MST-6 PM-DO MC-DO MQ-DO WCM-DO WCM-1 WCM-2 Inputs Metal Molds Traveler Instrumentation Technology Process Aliquot Casting Hemishell Casting Heat Treatment Outputs Cast Shells Completed traveler Customers WCM-1(I) PM-DO (I) MC-DO (I) MQ-DO (I) WCM-DO (I)
Process Map
Voice of the Customer: RUMBA
Cause and Effect (Fishbone) Diagram Casting Failure Hemishell Casting Process Heat Treating Process Metal/Materials Issues Other Issues Aliquot casting issues Pre-pours F/C power loss Pre-pours Use wrong scheme (Time/Temp) Loss of F/C power F/C Element failure Atmosphere compromised due to equipment and/or operator Mold/Coating Issues Handling damage Mislabeling/Misidentification Metal inclusions Chemistry/Phases LVCW failure LVCW failure Calibration
X-Y Matrix
X-Y Matrix (contd.)
FMEA-Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
Summary of Process Management System X-Y Analysis followed by the FMEA analysis resulted in a list of recommended actions. Many of these actions can be implemented by WCM-1 with minimal disruptions to existing qualified processes. Medium term and long term actions were also recognized. These will require investment of resources by WCM-1 and WCM-2. A cost/benefit analysis should be performed to determine priority. The study also provides a basis for tracking floor metrics which can be used to prevent failures (see examples).
Process Metrics Control Charting (example) For the Hemishell casting processes, we need to continue to track temperature, time, and uniformity of mold temperature. However, tracking -- The cooling rate of the metal (using existing T/Cs) can provide us with the health of the cooling process (coil oxidation). Preventative maintenance can be called for.
Process Metrics Control Charting (example) For the Heat treat processes, we need to continue to track temperature, time, and uniformity. However, these are required parameters. Product failures could be avoided by tracking -- Glovebox atmosphere over time (not just beginning of process) -- Voltage and Current in the heating coils to prevent temperature overshoot as a result of a failing coil
Recommendations Next steps -Identify key AET-2 personnel to be incorporated into the WCM-1 led Action Teams. -Socialize and Implement recommendations with WCM-1 Action Teams. -Formalize the activity and report to WCM-1/WCM-DO on weekly progress. -Data collection plan will be formalized through the Action Teams. This will include data collection on the variables listed on the previous slides. The data collection done initially will be recorded in experimental data books. However, the requirement will eventually be part of the traveler and/or work instruction. Groups WCM-1 and AET-2 personnel will participate in these activities and the data compilation and analysis will be updated and displayed in the foundry area. Analysis of the data will be performed via approved analysis techniques. The acceptable ranges for these tracked input variables will be determined by the Production Agency in coordination with the Design Agency, Subject Matter Experts, and Maintenance Personnel.
Recommendations (contd.) Future actions Provide a medium and long term action list to WCM-2 for developmental activities. These include new stopper rod design and CaF 2 coating characterization. Barriers Funding, Prioritization within existing manufacturing schedules
Acknowledgement of Yellow Belt Project Team David Dooley WCM-1 Process Owner Gregory Powell WCM-1 Quality Engineer Michael Drake WCM-1 Process Owner Drew Kornreich AET-2 Industrial Engineer Robert Parker AET-2 Process Modeler