Assigned business activity: fast food shops Complement: dessert Substitute: restaurant
Description of the distribution pattern
FunctionNo. of shops Mean Distance between the Nearest neighbour (m) Nearest neighbour index (Rn) Distribution Fast food shop Random dessert Random restaurant Random
Order Fast food shops: low order Reasons: (1)higher purchase frequency (locals) (2)lower price (3)smaller range of good (4)smaller threshold Dessert/snack: middle order Restaurant: high order
Are there enough fast food shops?
Locational advantages Near to the pier Surrounded by densely residential area Centralization Near to the other types of shops
What are the Constraints? How can we overcome them? Insufficient (threshold) population About 30,000 people living in Cheung Chau High rent more accessible, more land use competition High cost T.C L.C Keen competition
Fluctuating sale volume Tourist spot Local customs Cheung Chau Da Jiu Festival Objection from nearby residents
SKHLKMSS Geography Task Force Member List Teacher: Elaine Wong Team Member: Bear Anson Hans Timmy Janice Cara