講者:許永昌 老師 1
Contents Preview of this Chapter 2. Basis used in a curved coordinate Distance Integrals Differential vector Operators 2
Preview of this Chapter Basis vectors Orthogonal Coordinates Integral & differential vector operators. Tensor (introduction) Pseudotensors, dual tensors 3
Basis vectors 4
q 1 =constant. q 2 =constant. q 3 =constant. Basis vectors (Continue) 5
Exercise If q 1 =x, q 2 =x+y, find out 畫出他們的等值線。 6
Basis vectors (final) 7
Exercise Find {h i } for spherical coordinate. 8
Some basic operations of vectors Vectors: V= Displacement: dr= Distance: ds 2 = 9
Some basic operations of vectors (Continue) Inner product: A B= Cross product: A B= 10
Integrals Line integral V dr= Surface integral Area element d = 一般形式? Volume integral Volume element d = 11
Homework (2.3.1e) (2.3.3e) (2.3.6e) 12
Gradient Main Concepts: df=dr f df= We get 13
Exercise The f in spherical coordinate. 先自行條列出基本概念。 14
Divergence Main Concepts: For orthonormal coordinate: 15 d1d1 d2d2
Exercise The V in spherical coordinate. 先自行條列出基本概念。 16
Curl Main Concepts: If, we get 17
Exercise The curl V in Spherical Coordinate. 先自行條列出基本概念。 18
Stop to think Can we use: to find out V and V ? You can try to apply it for a cylindrical coordinate. 19 條件是:用的是 orthogonal basis.
Homework (2.4.2e) (2.4.3e) (2.4.4e) 20
Nouns 21