Law Enforcement Report Writing How to write a Report Protocals
If you're a police officer who is deployed to the scene of an incident, writing up a detailed and accurate report is an important part of doing your job correctly. account A good incident report gives a thorough account of what happened. leave out important facts Don't gloss over unsavory information or leave out important facts.
Four Parts: Following Protocol Following Protocol 2. Describing What HappenedDescribing What Happened 3. Editing Your Report Sample Police Report andEditing Your Report Sample Police Report and 4. Things to Include Things to Include
2.1 Part 1 of 4: Following Protocol Get the correct forms from your agency. Each law enforcement agency has a different protocol in place for dealing with an incident and filing a report. You may be responsible for filling out a form issued by your agency, or you may be asked to type or write up the report by hand..
1. Start the report as soon as possible. thinking through exactly what happened jot down some notes a.Start by thinking through exactly what happened and jot down some notes as soon as possible after the incident. report the same day as the incident b.Write your report the same day as the incident, if you can. 2.1 Part 1 of 4: Following Protocol
Try to do your report write-up within the first 24 hours after the incident. 1. Continued: c. Try to do your report write-up within the first 24 hours after the incident. write down the date that you did write it prevent d. If you can’t write the report on the day that the incident happened, make sure you write down the date that you did write it, to prevent any confusion. 2.1 Part 1 of 4: Following Protocol – Continued
e. At least make some notes right after the incident. 1. Continued: e. At least make some notes right after the incident. 2.1 Part 1 of 4: Following Protocol – Continued
2.2 Part 1 of 4: Following Protocol – Continued 2. Give the basic facts 2. Give the basic facts. Your form may have blank spaces for you to fill out with information about the incident. sentence If not, start the report with a sentence clearly stating the following basic information:
2.2 Part 1 of 4: Following Protocol – Continued timedatelocation a. The time, date and location of the incident (Be specific. Write the exact street address, etc.). namePID b. Your name and PID number other officers c. Names of other officers who were present
2.3 Part 1 of 4: Following Protocol – Continued 3.basic nature incident 3. Include a line about the basic nature of the incident. what brought to you to the scene a.Describe what brought to you to the scene of the incident. describe the callnote what time b.If you got a call, describe the call and note what time you received it.
3. Include a line about the basic nature of the incident – Cont’d: objectivefactual c.Write an objective, factual sentence describing what happened. what you think might have happened d.Don't write what you think might have happened. 2.3 Part 1 of 4: Following Protocol – Continued
3. Include a line about the basic nature of the incident – Cont’d: facts e.Stick to the facts, and be objective. 2.3 Part 1 of 4: Following Protocol – Continued
For example A report might say: On 8/23/10 at approximately 2340 hours officer was assigned to 17 Dist. response vehicle. Officer at that time was notified via radio by central dispatch of a 911 call at the location of 123 maple street. Officer was also informed by central dispatch that this 911 call may be domestic related.
4. incident what brought to you to the scene of the incident 4. Include a line about the basic nature of the incident. a. Describe what brought to you to the scene of the incident. describe the call and note what time you received itobjective, factual sentence describing what happened b. If you got a call, describe the call and note what time you received it. Write an objective, factual sentence describing what happened. 2.4 Part 1 of 4: Following Protocol – Continued
4. 4. Include a line about the basic nature of the incident. what you think c. Don't write what you think might have happened. facts objective d. Stick to the facts, and be objective 2.4 Part 1 of 4: Following Protocol – Continued
For example A report might say: On 8/23/10 at approximately 2340 hours officer was assigned to 17 Dist. response vehicle. Officer at that time was notified via radio by central dispatch of a 911 call at the location of 123 maple street. Officer was also informed by central dispatch that this 911 call may be domestic related.
2.4 Part 2 of 4: Describing What Happened 1. first 1. Write in the first -person telling what happened. a. detailed chronological narrative a. This should be a detailed chronological narrative of what happened when you reported to the scene. b. b. Use the full names of the people who are included in your report.
1. first 1. Write in the first -person telling what happened….Continued: c. c. Start a new paragraph to describe each person's actions separately. d. Answerwhowhatwhen wherehowwhywhat happened d. Answer the who, what, when, where, how and why of what happened 2.4 Part 2 of 4: Describing What Happened – Continued
FOR EXAMPLE Upon arrival, I observed a male white, know known as, Doe, Johnny, screaming and yelling at a female white, known as, Doe, Jane, in the front lawn of the above location (the address given earlier). I separated both parties involved for field interviews. I was told by Mr. Johnny that he
Cont’d: had came from work and discovered that dinner was not made for him. He then stated that he became upset at his wife Mrs. Jane for not having the dinner ready for him FOR EXAMPLE – Cont’d detail 2. Include rich detail in your report. a. include direct quotes from witnesses a. If possible, make sure to include direct quotes from witnesses and other people involved in the incident. 2.5 Part 2 of 4: Describing What Happened – Continued He ran the STOP Sign
2. Include rich detail in your report….Cont’d: b. accurate description b. Include an accurate description of your own role in the course of what occurred. c. had to use physical force c. If you had to use physical force to detain someone, don't gloss over it. 2.5 Part 2 of 4: Describing What Happened – Continued
2. Include rich detail in your report….Cont’d: d. how you handled the situation d. Report how you handled the situation and its aftermath. e. agency’s protocol evidence e. Follow your agency’s protocol with regard to reporting on witnesses and evidence. 2.5 Part 2 of 4: Describing What Happened – Continued
Use specific descriptions For example For example, instead of saying "I found him inside and detained him," write something like, "I arrived at 2005 Everest Hill at 12:05. I walked to the house and knocked on the door. I tried the knob and found it to be unlocked..."
3. 3. Use diagrams (Crime Scene Sketch). picturediagram a.Draw a picture or diagram in your report if it is difficult to explain certain information in words. use a picture scene b.You may also want to use a picture or diagram to show what the scene of the incident looked like 2.5 Part 2 of 4: Describing What Happened – Continued
auto accidents Police officers often have to write reports about auto accidents. illustrate It can be much clearer to illustrate with a picture or a diagram how the accident occurred.
draw a picture You can draw a picture of the street and use arrows to show how where each was moving when they hit each other.
4.thorough 4. Be thorough. a. you can remember details a. Write as much as you can remember and include as many details as you can remember. b. interpret b. Don't leave room for people reading the report to interpret something the wrong way. 2.5 Part 2 of 4: Describing What Happened – Continued
4. 4. Be thorough. c. being too long or wordy c. Don't worry about your report being too long or wordy. d. completepicture d. The important thing is to report a complete picture of what occurred 2.5 Part 2 of 4: Describing What Happened – Continued
FOR EXAMPLE instead of saying “when I arrived, his face was red,” you could say, “when I arrived, he was yelling, out of breath, and his face was red with anger.” The second example is better than the first because there are multiple reasons someone’s face is red, not just that they are angry
5. make sure that you don't report that you did 5. Be accurate. If you did not see something happen, make sure that you don't report that you did. a. hearsay a. If a witness tells you something that you did not see, whatever the witness says is considered “ hearsay.” Hearsay is something you hear that you cannot substantiate by personal knowledge. b.hearsaynot as something you personally saw b. Report hearsay as hearsay, not as something you personally saw 2.6 Part 2 of 4: Describing What Happened – Hearsay
c. c. Even though it is hearsay, make sure to write down what each individual at the scene said to you. d. lying d. Remember it may be important, even if they are lying. e. demeanor e. Include any information about the witnesses demeanor, in case what he or she told you becomes controversial. 2.6 Part 2 of 4: Describing What Happened – Hearsay Cont’d
6. Be clear. Don't use flowery, confusing language to describe what happened. a. Your writing should be clear and b. concise. 2.6 Part 2 of 4: Describing What Happened – Be Clear!
6. Be clear….continued. c. Don't use legal or technical words. d. Use short, concise, to-the- point, fact -oriented sentences that don't leave room for interpretation. 2.6 Part 2 of 4: Describing What Happened – Be Clear (Cont’d)
CONCISE Pronounced Kan-sis Pronounced Kan-sis Adjective, giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words: brief but comprehensive. Adjective, giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words: brief but comprehensive. Synonyms, succinct, pithy, incisive, brief, short and to the point and/or short and sweet Synonyms, succinct, pithy, incisive, brief, short and to the point and/or short and sweet
Remember to avoid confusion Use the party’s name when possible, so you can avoid confusion when talking about multiple people. spell out abbreviations Also, spell out abbreviations. For example, say “personal vehicle” instead of “P.O.V.” (personally owned vehicle), and “scene of the crime” instead of “code 11,” which is a police term for “on the scene.”
7. write an honest account 7. Be honest. Even if you're not proud of how you handled the situation, it's critical that you write an honest account. a. write something untrue surfacing later a. If you write something untrue it may end up surfacing later, putting your job in jeopardy and b. problems b. causing problems for the people involved in the incident. 2.6 Part 2 of 4: Describing What Happened – Be Honest
Preserve your integrity and that of the Enforcement agency you represent by telling the truth 2.6 Part 2 of 4: Describing What Happened – Be Honest
2.7 Part 3 of 4: Editing Your Report 1. proofread 1. Edit and proofread your report. Read through it to make sure it's understandable and easy to understand. a. facts a. Double check all of the facts, including spellings of names, dates, times, addresses, license plate numbers, and so on.
2. 2. Submit your incident report. Find out the name of the person or agency to whom your report must be sent. a. submit an incident report in person, then write it up a. If you can, submit an incident report in person, then write it up. b. to answer further questions clarification b. Make yourself available to answer further questions or provide clarification 2.7 Part 3 of 4: Editing Your Report – Cont’d
c. Edit c. Edit and proofread your report. d. didn't leave out any information d. Make sure you didn't leave out any information that should have been included. e. obvious gaps in the narrative e. Look for obvious gaps in the narrative that you might need to fill in. 2.7 Part 3 of 4: Editing Your Report – Cont’d
Proofread & Edit your REPORT f. one more time spellinggrammar f. Check it one more time for spelling and grammar errors. g. Removewords could be seen as subjective feelingsemotions g. Remove any words that could be seen as subjective, like words describing feelings and emotions
10 h. If you have to mail or your report, follow up with a phone call within a 10 day period. i.make sure received. i. Do this to make sure your report was received. 2.7 Part 3 of 4: Editing Your Report – Cont’d
2.8 Part 4 of 4: Checklist of what to include in your report 1. Items to Include in the Report : √ Existing witness reports √ Description of the crime scene: √ Complete (Accurate) Address √ Specific crime committed √ Crime scene evidence
2.8 Part 4 of 4: Checklist of what to include in your report Items to Include in the Report: Location(s) Date Time
2.narrative 2. Chronological narrative (include each of the following, if they apply): a. How a. How did you come upon the scene? b. Who b. Who was involved? c. investigative c. Which investigative avenues are being taken? 2.8 Part 4 of 4: Checklist of what to include in your report - Cont’d
2. Chronological narrative (include each of the following, if they apply): d. What d. What was said? e. Arrests e. Arrests made f. Evidence g. g. Reason why the officer was on the scene 2.8 Part 4 of 4: Checklist of what to include in your report - Cont’d
2. 2. Chronological narrative (include each of the following, if they apply): h. Booking i. witnesses i. Description of witnesses j. crime j. Description of crime committed 2.8 Part 4 of 4: Checklist of what to include in your report - Cont’d
2. Chronological narrative (include each of the following, if they apply): k. officers k. Details about other officers involved l. relevant l. Any other relevant factors 2.8 Part 4 of 4: Checklist of what to include in your report - Cont’d
3. 3. Editing Steps a. typed a. Report is typed (unless specifically requested to be hand-written) b. current b. Report is current (continues up until the present day) c. grammar spellingpunctuation c. Report contains proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation 2.8 Part 4 of 4: Checklist of what to include in your report - Cont’d
3. Editing Steps - Continued d. spelled d. Names of witnesses and places are spelled correctly e. free personal e. Report is free of subjective wording and personal opinions (except in witness reports) (See your participant handout for SAMPLE REPORT) 2.8 Part 4 of 4: Checklist of what to include in your report - Cont’d
2.9 Two-Secrets to good report writing: Organization and Clarity 1. introducing people property 1. Set the scene, by introducing the people, property and other information before it is discussed. 2. organization 2. What is the secret to good report writing? The answer is twofold — organization and clarity.
3. 3. By following these two principles, you’re already on the path to a great report. 4. major problem 4. A major problem for a lot of report writers is organization, not writing the report in chronological order Secrets to good report writing: Organization and Clarity – Continued
2.9 Writing in chronological order The problem with chronological order is: the order according to whom? a.writer a. Is it the writer, b.victim b. the victim, c.witness c. a witness or d.suspect d. perhaps even the suspect ?
6. perspective 6. Each of these actors in the event has their own perspective to the order of events. 2.9 Writing in chronological order….Continued
2.10 PRACTICLE EXCERISE Given you assigned scenario you are to complete a Bexar County Constable’s Office PCT#4 REPORT Form. You have 20 minutes to complete this task using everything you have learned so far.
TAKE A 15-Minute BREAK
Recognition Course Research & Development Deputy Sheriff Brian Higby, Bexar County Sheriff’s Office Training Academy. (For Unit One) Dr. YongSok KIM, PhD. Criminal Justice Deputy Chief George D. Little, C.C.P.S., MS Counter-Terrorism & Criminology, 44-year LE Veteran