JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 3 rd General Assembly Meeting Joint Programming Initiative „More Years, Better Lives” Rome – Ministry of Health 23 rd /24 th November 2011
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 2 1. Agenda 1.Confirmation of the draft agenda 2.Approval of minutes of the last meeting 3.Report from COM on EU activities (EIP, Horizon2020) 4.Status Quo of the JPI 5.Commitment-Letters 6.Council Conclusions from 30 September Working Groups 8.Cooperation with other Initiatives a)Memorandum of Understanding b)EIP (Information) c)ERA-AGE2 and FUTURAGE d)Other JPI and ESFRI e)Relation to Horizon Rules of Internal Order (Amendment No. 7) 10.Strategic Outlook 11.EU Project Proposal (CSA) 12.Contract on Financing of the Secretariat in Implementation of the Scientific Advisory Board 14.Next Meeting: Date and Location (Poland) 15. Any other business
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 3 1. Confirmation of the draft agenda
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 4 2. Approval of minutes of the last meeting
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 5 3. Report from COM on EU activities (EIP, Horizon2020)
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 6 3. Report from COM on EU activities - EIP AHA - Horizon Annual Joint Programming Event, 9-10 Nov.
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 7 4. Status Quo of the JPI
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 8 4.a Commitment-Letters Netherlands and Poland have provided their Commitment letters after the Helsinki meeting. Norway is now a full member of the JPI. Belgium is close to sign the nomination letter.
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 9 4.b Council Conclusions from 30 Sept. 2011
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 10 4.c Status of the Working Groups
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” Working Groups 1.Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the WGs 2.Preparation of the 2nd meetings 3.State of discussion in WG after the 2nd meeting 4.The Road to the Strategic Research Agenda 5.State of discussion in WG after the 1st meeting
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 1. The Chairs and the Vice Chairs of the Working Groups Health & Performance Health & Performance Education & Learning Work & Productivity
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 13 Chair Prof. Erik Buskens (NL), Prof. Erik Buskens (NL), University Medical Center Groningen Professor of Medical Technology Assessment Research Interests: cerebrovascular diseases, mathematical disease modelling Health and Performance
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 14 Vice-Chair Dr. Rosa Gómez Redondo, ES Dr. Rosa Gómez Redondo, ES, National Distance Education University (UNED) Professor in Population studies Research Interests: mortality, health and differential life expectancy, population aging Health and Performance
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 15 Chair Prof. Dr. Peter Nolan (UK), Prof. Dr. Peter Nolan (UK), Montague Burton Professor of Industrial Relations, University of Leeds Research Interests: economic performance, work and employment restructuring, internal labour markets Work and Productivity
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 16 Vice-Chair Mikko Härmä (FL), Mikko Härmä (FL), Finnish Institute of Occupational Health Research Interests: Work schedule tolerance, occupational diseases, risk factors, sleep disorder Work and Productivity
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 17 Chair Prof. Stephen McNair (UK), Prof. Stephen McNair (UK), National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE) Research interests: Research interests: older workforce, relationship between learning and work Education and Learning
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 18 Vice-Chair Tine Fristrup (DK), Tine Fristrup (DK), Aarhus University Research Interests: pedagogics for the elderly, (geronto-pedagogics) Education and Learning
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 19
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 2. Preparation of the 2nd meetings
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 21 WG 2nd meetingsDate Health & Performance10/10/2011 Social Systems & Welfare21/12/2011 Work & Productivity25/10/2011 Education & Learning14/10/2011 Housing, U&R Development09/12/2011
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 22
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” State of discussion in the Working Groups with 2nd meetings Working Groups with 2nd meetings
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 24 WG 1 Health & Performance
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 25 Thematic Focus of the Working Group Disparities in ageing Promotion of functioning Plasticity: Monitoring health in elder ages at the population level (longitudinal studies) Trends and changes in ageing populations End of life Monitoring and measurement Implementation of research results
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 26 Disparities in ageing impact of biological, economic, social and educational factors on individual Health impact of care and Public Health systems on health morbidity and mortality between different social classes Ethnicity and migration in relation to health and performance among elderly models and scenarios of health economics or research into health disparities such as urban/rural
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 27 Promotion of functioning maintain health in the oldest-old (aged > 85 years) age-specific health promotion and prevention from a life course approach efficacy studies on upstream and downstream interventions Rehabilitation Frailty Clinical trials for multimorbid elderly strategies for successful ageing (life course approach) working at older ages technology and ageing: evidence-based health care models
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 28 Plasticity of human development and ageing in various domains of physical and cognitive function Life course influences on healthy life expectancy Plasticity
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 29 long-term care: usefulness of coordination of services palliative care organisation of Health Care Services interface between home care and cure care Care
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 30 WG 3 Work & Productivity
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 31 Levels and perspectives of Research on Work & Productivity Levels from macro – meso - micro: societal, power relations, policy, institutional, organisation (e.g. firm, work context), individual Life course perspective Knowledge-Doing Gap International/ European/ Regional differences
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 32 Monitoring tools and indicators to measure positive (occupational) health beyond mere absence of disease in terms of e.g. a combination of excellent mental (positive emotions, work engagement, positive relationships) and functional health
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 33 Research topic/ research questions Productivity: High road, low road and the Ageing Society Sustainable Work and Health/Well-Being Employment Systems and Work-life-participation Work organisation and Management Societal Choices & Consequences
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 34 Missing data/ blind spots Research capacities (people and data) in Europe analysis of financial logic and advantages of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) systems are the necessary research capabilities available to conduct multi- disciplinary research? What can be its gains? Shocks and Crises
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 35 WG 4 Education & Learning
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 36 Overall approach Learning to be well with regard to different situations/ phases in life (earlier life, work, 3 rd age, 4 th age): something has to be done, so that people can change trajectories Focus of the WG Extended phase of later life (life course/ cut of point 50)
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 37 Specific Research Topics Cognitive Science/ ICT/ plasticity Curriculum Learning settings Economics Motivation/ individuals, awareness Intergenerational learning Images and stereotypes Path dependency (Life course)
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” How to proceed after the 2nd meeting…. the Road to the SRA as endorsed by WG 1, WG 3 and WG 4
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 39 September/ October Definition of Research fields and topic Step 1 One-Page-Paper (January 2012) Step 2 Commenting by WG and SAB (February 2012) Step 3 Visual Roadmapping Workshop (March 2012) Step 4 JPI Secretariat summarises One-Page- Papers and VR discussion (March 2012) Step 5 Draft of the SRA is circualted amongst the WG members (June 2012) Step 6 Final approval by WG (end of June 2012)
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 40 Structure of the One-Page-Paper (Step 1) 1.Where are the research gaps? 2.What are the main research questions? 3.Why is it important to deal with the research topic (political, economical, social, ethical relevance)? 4.What is the European added value? (why should this problems not be dealt with on national level, for which countries is this problem relevant)? 5.What are the operational steps to answer the research questions? 6.What is the USP? Are their similarities with other European strategic processes?
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” State of discussion in the Working Groups with 1st meetings Working Groups with 1st meetings
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 42 WG 2 Social Systems & Welfare
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 43 Intergenerational social sustainability/ equity under the impact of demographic change Pension system/ pension issue Informal care
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 44 Lucky and unlucky cohorts Good life (individual perspective) Good life (societal perspective) Efficiency/ equity-tension Degrowth scenarios of development
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 45 WG 5 Housing, Urban & Rural Development
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 46 General Issues life-course perspective future cohorts social inequality geographic inequality
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 47 Specific Issues Housing & Building environment including design and care Mobility and Transportation activity patterns including social change, design age-structured migration (international and interregional)
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 48 Re- emerging approaches in WG 1-5 Life course Cohorts Social inequality
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 49 4.d Cooperation with other Initiatives Memorandum of Understanding ERA-AGE2 and FUTURAGE EIP AHA Other JPI and ESFRI Relation to Horizon 2020
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 50 Other JPI and ESFRI JPI Urban Europe This JPI deals with urban development in a multi-facet way. There are close thematic links to the Housing, Urban-rural development & Mobility topic of the JPI. Prof. Jens Dangschat from the WG on Housing, Urban-rural development & Mobility is also a member of the scientific board of Urban Europe. JPND Neurodegenerative Diseases (Alzheimer) GA-members of MYBL (including the Italian vice-chair) are also participating in the JPND.
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 51 European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Biological and Medical Sciences Several generic infrastructures for the life and bio sciences in place or planned, e.g. Biobanks, Clinical Research, Databases, etc. No specific relation to ageing research WGs should discuss the importance of these infrastructures. No formal relations necessary.
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 52 ESFRI - Social Sciences SHARE - The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europa Leader of SHARE, Prof. Axel Börsch-Supan from Germany, is a member of WG 2 Social Systems. It should be investigated if data and indicators beyond the existing SHARE Survey are necessary for the issue of demographic change in Europe. The Working Groups should be advised to discuss the issue of existing European data and indicators (and infrastructures) and the lack of data in specific fields. The development of an overview of existing data sources and studies in Europe and the identification of necessary research infrastructure for the future could be a specific task for the JPI – to be done with the Working Groups and with additional resources within the JPI CSA Project or as a first joint activity of member states.
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 53 4.e Relation to Horizon 2020
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 54 Thematic Relation to Horizon 2020 Themes of the JPI Health & PerformanceSocial Systems & WelfareWork & ProductivityEducation & Learning Housing, Urban-rural Development & Mobility © VDI/VDE-IT Challenges in Horizon 2020 Health, demographics changes and wellbeingInclusive, innovative and secure societies Food security, sustainable agriculture and the bio- economy Secure, clean and efficient energySmart, green and integrated transport Climate action and resource efficiency including raw materials
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 55 “ The implementation of the Specific Programmes of Horizon 2020 will take into account advice provided through a range of consultation processes. Besides advisory groups set up by the EU COM; the dialogue structures created under international Science and Technology agreements; the outcome of forward looking activities or targeted public consultations full account will also be taken of relevant aspects of the research and innovation agendas established by European Technology Platforms, Joint Programming Initiatives and European Innovation Partnerships” (Horizon 2020 COM Proposal, September 2011). Horizon2020 and Joint Programming
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 56 Horizon Timeline 29 June 2011COM-Proposal Multi-Annual Financial Framework (2014 – 2020): Framework Programme for Research and Innovation: 80 billion Euro 30. Nov. 2011Official COM-Proposal for the new Framework Programme for Research and Innovation and beginning of the Legislative Process 6. Dez. 2011First Presentation and Discussion in the Competitiveness Council 12. Dez. 2011First Meeting in Council Working Group on Horizon 2020: COM presents details, no in-depth discussion planned under the Polish EU Presidency 30./31. Mai 2012Competitiveness Council - Plan of the Danish EU Presidency: Agreement on Basic Strategy of the Framework Programme (excl. the Specific Programmes and the Rules for Participation) Mid 2013Adoption of Horizon 2020 Feb./March 2012JPI MYBL – Position Paper on Horizon 2020
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 57 Problem: Fusion of Health Research and Demographic Change A holistic, integrative approach for the challenge of Demographic change is missing (as postulated by EIP AHA). This should be reflected in the overall approach of the Framework Programme. As part of this integrated approach a special empasis on the social sciences and humanities is missing. In addition, a special chapter on these disciplines is needed. Possible Topics in the Position Paper
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 58 Proposal to establish a task force of GA Members to draft a joint position paper of the JPI (together with the secretariat) in order to outline the central demands of the JPI on Horizon 2020 and to deliver this paper after approval by the General Assembly to the European Commission in March Next Steps
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” Rules of Internal Order
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 60 Written Procedure on RIO after Helsinki Meeting Results of the written procedure Amendment 1Accepted (10 yes votes) Amendment 2Accepted (10 yes) Amendment 3Accepted (9 yes, 1 no) Amendment 4Accepted (10 yes) Amendment 5Accepted (10 yes) Amendment 6Accepted (10 yes) Amendment 7Rejected (2 yes, 8 no) For Amendment 7 a proposal by Germany to find a new formulation for the paragraph was accepted by 7 votes. The new paragraph was drafted by the Troika and has been accepted by Spain (the country behind Amendment 7).
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” Strategic Outlook
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 62 EU Project Proposal – Coordination and Support Action Call title: ICT call 8 Call identifier: FP7-ICT Date of publication: 20 July 2011 Deadline: 17 January 2012, at 17:00.00 Brussels local time Funding scheme: CSA Indicative budget: EUR 1.5 million (Up to one CSA will be selected) Challenge 5: ICT for Health, Ageing Well, Inclusion and Governance ICT Support to the early implementation of the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) 'More Years – Better Lives – the Challenges and Opportunities of Demographic Change'
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 63 Call Text from the Commission „Specific activities foreseen: facilitation of the establishment of the management structure, development of the Strategic Research Agenda based on a mapping and analysis of the state of the art in this field at European and international level, dissemination and awareness actions, and possibly preliminary implementation actions, including the organisations of joint calls for proposals. The proposal should include statements of endorsement from relevant National organisations involved in the envisaged JPI to be supported.”
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 64 Call Text (II) Expected Impact Establishment and implementation of effective governing structures for the JPI ‘More Years – Better Lives, the Challenges and opportunities of Demographic Change’; Development of a coherent strategic research agenda for the JPI "More Years – Better Lives, the Challenges and opportunities of Demographic Change"; Improved coherence of EU multi-disciplinary ageing research in support of the evidence based policy making and generation of new knowledge related to ageing.
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 65 CSA Proposal Proposed Duration of the Project: 30 months Title: J-AGE - Coordination Action in support of the early implementation of the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) 'More Years – Better Lives – the Challenges and Opportunities of Demographic Change' GA-Task Force for the CSA: ZonMW (NL) Institute of Health Carlos III. (ISCIII) (ES) Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Health Care San Raffaele (IT) Economic and Social Research Council (UK) VDI/VDE-IT (Secretariat)
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 66 Participating Countries in the Consortium as decided in Helsinki (Participating Organisation to be confirmed): Austria Federal Ministry of Science and Research GermanyVDI/VDE-IT Finland National Institute for Welfare and Health NetherlandsZonMW SpainInstitute of Health Carlos III. (ISCIII) ItalyMinistry of Health UKEconomic and Social Research Council PolandCentral Institute for Labour Protection Sweden FAS - Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research Denmark The Danish Council for Strategic Research Turkey TUBITAK NorwayResearch Council Norway
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 67 Draft Workplan ( ) WP 1 – Management and Coordination (LEAD: Secretariat) Project and Financial Management, JPI Secretariat, Business Model, Reporting WP 2 – Development of the SRA (LEAD: NL or FI) Strategic Research Agenda, Working Group Activities and Interaction with SAB and SOAB; Common Scientific Glossary, Common Knowledge/Data Sources and Infrastructures WP 3 – Mapping and Foresight (LEAD: Secretariat) Mapping of European programmes, Execution of Foresight Activities, Overview of existing pools of surveys and long-term studies WP 4 – Design of Deployment and Implementation of SRA (Lead: ES) Development of national interchange forums, Exploration of instruments and actions, and where appropriate, preparation of joint activities WP 5 – Dissemination (Lead: IT) Conference for national programme owners, consultation event(s) for stakeholders WP 6 – Framework for Monitoring and Evaluation (Lead: UK) Definition of evaluation scheme and criteria, Execution of evaluation
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 68 Questions Is the definition of the workplan appropriate? Is there a consenus about work package leaders? Which national organisations will sign the contract? How much funding should be allocated to the scientists and stakeholders (Working Groups, Advisory Boards)?
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 69 Next steps 1. Revision of the workplan2. Discussion of the workplan with COM 3. Partners submit their organisational profile and their calculatory baseline 4. Drafting of the other chapters and the full proposal5. Approval of the proposal by all partners6. Submission of the proposal on 17 January 2012
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 70 Contract for Financing the Secretariat in 2012 – 1st Draft from by VDI/VDE-IT Contract and Annex I, II and III ready. Annex IV depends on the number of JPI members. Necessary contractual basis for the continuation of the work in between the JPI members and VDI/VDE- IT Financial contributions of partners following the decision in the Helsinki Meeting („UK Pitched Model“)
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 71 Financing the Secretariat in 2012 Actual reduced fees for the JPI members will depend on the final CSA budget calculation. CSA start date not clear at the moment (17 January 2012 might be possible). The time between and the CSA start date needs to be financed. Therefore the contract needs be signed at Payed fees in 2012 which are not used because of the CSA will be reimbursed to the members.
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” Implementation of the Scientific Advisory Board
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 73 The SAB is composed of the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Working Groups (to be elected) and 5 additional external experts. Each General Assembly Member is asked to propose one Expert Scientist for the Scientific Advisory Board of the JPI. The selection criteria are: o Scientific Excellence o International reputation o Broad overview knowledge (“bird’s eye view”) in ageing-related research, ability to synthesise the results of the 5 JPI Working groups Also non-European Experts can be nominated. 7. Implementation of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 74 Title Family Name First NameNationalityDisciplineFunction Prof. Dr.BusekensErikNLMedical Technology AssesmentWG Chair Prof. Dr. Gomez Redondo RosaESPopulation StudiesWG Vice-Chair Prof. Dr.NolanPeterUKEconomics, Industrial RelationsWG Chair Prof. Dr.HärmäMikkoFIOccupational HealthWG Vice-Chair Prof. Dr.McNairStephenUKAdult EducationWG Chair Dr.FistrupTineDKGeronto-PedagogicsWG Vice-Chair Prof. Dr.VaupelJames W.DEDemography Nominee Prof. Dr.DearyIanUKPsychology Nominee Prof. Dr.JylhäMarjaFIGerontology Nominee Prof. Dr.ErsoyCemTKComputer Engineering Nominee Prof. Dr.HöpflingerFrançoisCHSociology Nominee Prof. Dr.KirkwoodTom UK Biology Nominee Prof. Dr.ThorslundMatsSWSociology Nominee Prof. Dr.UitterlindenAndréNLBiology/Genetics Nominee Prof. Dr.JoëlMarie EveFREconomy Nominee Prof. Dr.CappaStefano F.ITNeuropsychology Nominee Prof. Dr.Serrano RíosManuelESMedicine Nominee Prof. Dr.SkalskaAnnaPLMedicine/Gerontology Nominee
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 75 List of SAB Nominees TitleFamily Name First Name Institution Prof. Dr.VaupelJames W.Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Prof. Dr.DearyIanUniversity of Edinburgh Prof. Dr.JylhäMarjaUniversity of Tampere Prof. Dr.ErsoyCemBogazici University Prof. Dr.HöpflingerFrançoisUniversity of Zurich Prof. Dr.KirkwoodTomNewscastle University Prof. Dr.ThorslundMatsStockholm University Prof. Dr.UitterlindenAndréErasmus MC Prof. Dr.JoëlMarie EveUniversité Paris Dauphine Prof. Dr.CappaStefano F.San Raffaele Turro Hospital, Milano Prof. Dr.Serrano RíosManuelUniversity Clinical Hospital San Carlos Prof. Dr.SkalskaAnnaJagiellonian University Cracow
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 76 List of SAB Nominees with Disciplines TitleFamily NameFirst NameDiscipline Prof. Dr.VaupelJames W.Demography Prof. Dr.DearyIanPsychology Prof. Dr.JylhäMarjaGerontology Prof. Dr.ErsoyCemComputer Engineering Prof. Dr.HöpflingerFrançoisSociology Prof. Dr.KirkwoodTomBiology Prof. Dr.ThorslundMatsSociology Prof. Dr.UitterlindenAndréBiology/Genetics Prof. Dr.JoëlMarie EveEconomy Prof. Dr.CappaStefano F.Neuropsychology Prof. Dr.Serrano RíosManuelMedicine Prof. Dr.SkalskaAnnaMedicine/Gerontology
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” Next GA Meeting Location: Poland, Ministry of Science, Warsaw Date: March 2012 Pre-Summer Meeting: London or Swindon Date: June 2012
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 78 CONTACTS Christian Wehrmann Simone Ehrenberg-Silies JPI Secretariat at VDI/VDE-IT Web: Thank you for your kind attention!
JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 79 Dinner of 23 rd November Start: h Ristorante Consolini Carne Via Marmorata Roma Tel