1 Stony Brook Update: Power Surprise… T.K. Hemmick for the Tent Crew
2 Cooking successful. 4 th module successfully cooked, zero current, stack finished.
3 Always fails during LeCroy Tests… Over the weekend, the 5 th stack had a trouble in the bottom GEM. Some cooking eliminated problem…restacked. Looks 100%, but FAILED during rampup to only 2000 V??? Jason Kamin (over the weekend): –It is almost as though the LeCroy is killing them. TK Hemmick (previous report on LeCroy): –There is a moment when ramping between 1000 and 2000 Volts when signals momentarily appear. Matt Durham: –I saw a flash of something just before the 2000 V. Need to see if this is real…does the LeCroy spike during rampup and is this killing us? (NOTE: Last time we only used Bertan).
4 CAEN N417A The power supply sent from WIS is only rated at 8 microamps…how can we power a stack with it? Highlights High flexibility to power a wide range of detectors 2 channels in a single width unit Output range: ±8 kV / 8 µA (1 nA resolution) Positive or negative polarity selectable for each channel 4 digit display Display monitoring of all functional parameters Local or remote INHIBIT Hardware max. HV limit