Promoting Cooperative Solutions for Space Sustainability UNIDIR 2016 ©2016 Secure World Foundation. Used with Permission The Role of Space Situational Awareness in Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures Victoria Samson, Secure World Foundation UNIDIR Space Security 2016 Sustaining the Momentum: the Current Status of Space Security Geneva, Switzerland April 28, 2016
Promoting Cooperative Solutions for Space Sustainability UNIDIR 2016 Overview Dual-use nature of space and the importance of intent SSA to enhance TCBMs Close approach technologies and how SSA can help 2
Promoting Cooperative Solutions for Space Sustainability UNIDIR 2016 Dual-Use Space Technologies Space technologies can be dual-use – Intent, not hardware, going to be key – How do you demonstrate responsible, non-threatening use of space? Norms of behavior can help signal good intent – Help describe what is considered standard behavior 3
Promoting Cooperative Solutions for Space Sustainability UNIDIR 2016 Trust But Verify: SSA Using space situational awareness (SSA) to improve transparency – Better SSA in general is needed – SSA can see if operators are acting responsibly or irresponsibly – Multiple SSA sources can verify and attribute bad actors U.S. considering how to change its SSA responsibilities – Role of commercial sector Expand the conversation 4
Promoting Cooperative Solutions for Space Sustainability UNIDIR 2016 Close Approaches and SSA New issues in particular can possibly stress the space environment – Rendezvous and proximity operations – Active debris removal Technical steps that can be taken to minimize concerns Norms of behavior like agreeing to “exclusion zones” around satellites can mitigate worries SSA can be used to ensure that those best practices are being followed 5
Promoting Cooperative Solutions for Space Sustainability UNIDIR 2016 Questions? Thanks