Search for Heavy Stable Charge Particles in pp collision at √s=7TeV Loïc Quertenmont on behalf of the HSCP group: T. Adams, G. Bruno, C. Carrillo, J. Chen, S. Cooper, C. Delaere, A. Giammanco, Y. Kubota, A. Meneguzzo, C. Nuttens, L. Quertenmont, A. Rizzi, P. Traczyk Université catholique de Louvain & FNRS Center for Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3) 20 July 2010
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Outline Introduction Trigger and data samples Offline reconstruction Ionization energy loss Mass measurement Offline selection Background estimation Results Systematic errors NOTE IN SUPPORT: CMS AN 2010/053 (MC) CMS AN 2010/194 (Data)
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Analysis overview Heavy Stable Charged Particles (HSCP) are predicted in a number of models HSCP Signature High momentum High ionization High time of flight (not used at this stage) Muon-like but R-Hadrons do nuclear interactions and may change their charge Analyses Muon Id + dE/dx in silicon strip tracker Lepton-like and R-hadrons without charge suppression dE/dx in silicon strip tracker R-hadrons with charge suppression
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Trigger and datasets The analysis was updated from 67.9/nb (Approval) to 198/nb Figure of the presentation are with updated statistics Data JetMetTau + Mu Secondary Datasets (SD) (only unprescaled paths) Details at: Certified integrated luminosity: 198 nb -1 June14th ReReco + Prompt Reconstruction Main Trigger paths: Jet50U, Met45 Mu3, DoubleMu0 MC Minimum bias + QCDPt30 + QCDPt80 Same triggers as for Data.
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Pt Stability Plot (Not in the PAS) We observed a jump in ratio for the last few runs… few of our trigger go precaled! We had to repeat the whole analysis this morning removing the prescale trigger path After correction, everything is rather stable…
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Ias Stability Plot (Not in the PAS)
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Benchmark models used for exclusion Lepton-like MSSM staus on SPS Line 7 [ ] GeV PYTHIA R-Hadrons Direct pair-production of stops PYTHIA and MadGraph K-factors from PROSPINO (NLO) Direct pair-production of gluinos PYTHIA K-factors from PROSPINO (NLO+NLL) Cross sections: [10 -3, 10 3 ] pb Hadronization performed by PYTHIA For gluinos : gluino-ball fraction = 10% R-Hadron interaction with matter simulated by Geant4 R.Mackeprang and A.Rizzi, hep-ph/ , Eur.Phys.J.C50(2007) p.353
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Ionization energy loss dE/dx MPV estimator Harmonic-2 estimator: Well known model (BB) Mass Reconstruction (details later) dE/dx discriminators Full use of charge information Tail prob. depends on the path-length ADC cut-off Optimal discrimination candidate selection Test statistic f(P h ) Ph = Probability for a MIP to release as much or less charge than observed Modified Smirnov-Cramer-vonMises: Short pathlength (~0.3 mm) Long pathlength (~0.6 mm) Muons (5 GeV) Normalized Charge (ADC/mm)
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Mass Reconstruction Approximate Bethe-Bloch Formula before minimum (0.2<β<0.9), few % agreement Extract parameters from a known mass line (Protons) Reverse the relation to compute the mass of any track from dE/dx Estimator and P. All documented in TRK (plots already approved) PAS UNCHANGED UNCHANGED
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - - HSCP Meeting - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Mass Reconstruction II There is a bias at high mass due to the ADC cut-off ADC Range is limited to [0,253] counts 254 indicates a charge in [254,1023] 255 indicates a charge above 1023 Second peak at lower mass also due to this effect… (>1 strip saturating / cluster) This effect has no impact on this analysis (counting experiment) This effect has no impact on this analysis (counting experiment) PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Cluster Cleaning Candidate Mass:162.13GeV P=91.12GeV Pt=38.44GeV NOH=6 NOM=4 dEdx=10.74 eta=1.51 Phi-0.10 Candidate Mass: GeV P=92.42GeV Pt=24.54GeV NOH7 NOM=4 dEdx=8.21 eta=2.00 Phi=3.14 charge[0]:61 charge[1]:254 charge[2]:254 charge[3]:254 charge[4]:254 charge[5]:254 charge[6]:238 charge[7]:40 charge[0]:12 charge[1]:29 charge[2]:114 charge[3]:254 charge[4]:254 charge[5]:254 charge[6]:254 charge[7]:254 charge[8]:104 charge[9]:18 charge[0]:19 charge[1]:215 charge[2]:164 charge[3]:64 charge[0]:14 charge[1]:93 charge[2]:33 charge[3]:81 charge[4]:12 charge[0]:22 charge[1]:178 charge[2]:214 charge[3]:109 charge[4]:254 charge[5]:58 charge[0]:111 charge[1]:15 charge[2]:10 charge[3]:107 More than 2 consecutive strips with comparable charge (cross-talk induced charge on neighboring strips ~10% ) Multiple Maximum Cluster Multiple Tracks in the same cluster
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Cluster Cleaning II Cluster cleaning: discard clusters likely to be produced by overlapping tracks (e.g.multiple maxima) from the dE/dx computation dE/dx tail (data) highly reduced. No significant modification of the signal dE/dx distribution DATA Gluino200 PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Candidate pre-selection Track type: Track type: Tracker+Muon analysis: Inner track from « Global muons » and « Tracker muons » collections No inner track sharing allowed Tracker-Only analysis: Tracks from « general tracks » collection Track Quality: Track Quality: « High Purity » Pt>7.5GeV (Pt>5GeV in the frozen PAS) PtErr/Pt<15% |dZ|<2cm, |d0|<0.25cm (|dZ|<10cm,|d0|<1cm in the frozen PAS) #dE/dx measurements > 3
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - HSCP Selection Relatively good agreement in shape Data – MC MC normalized to data Efficient discrimination of HSCP (against MIPs) with cuts on Pt and dE/dx Signal for tracker-only and tracker+muon plots are different! Tracker+Muon Tracker+Muon Tracker-Only Tracker-Only PAS Bias in shape apearing because of few MC-MB events with very high weight… Integral are compatible…
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Improved selection I Tails of pt and dE/dx distribution for MIPs highly dependent of #hits of tracks and moderately on the η region dE/dx vs #Hits dE/dx vs Eta for 15Hit tracks Tracker+Muon Tracker+Muon Tracker-Only Tracker-Only PAS Change in slope is observed in all η region… Is due to the loose of discrimination power when MIPs have saturating strip, that is why the slope is lower after some point.
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Improved selection II Sensitivity to tracks with few hits desirable Neutral HSCP at production HSCP with charge suppression Split candidates into sub-samples (#dE/dx hits and η regions) 0.0<|η|<0.5; 0.5<|η|<1.0; 1.0<|η|<1.5; 1.5<|η|<2.0; 2.0<|η|<2.5 Impose cuts that provide a fixed selection efficiency in each subsample Improvements Signal-to-noise ratio a factor 2 improvement is observed in the present study (67.9/nb) a factor 10 improvement was seen in MC at 10/pb (AN2010/053) Reliability of background prediction (discussed later)
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Data-driven background estimation dE/dx discriminator distribution for pre-selected tracks Control (7.5 20GeV) No significant correlation between dE/dx and pt PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Data-driven background estimation II Use « ABCD » method to estimate background in the signal region # entries in signal region D = (B*C)/A Can also predict shape of mass distribution Move to p – dE/dx estimator plane Procedure is applied in every #Hit/η sub-samples and results are combined. A A Pre-Selected track failing the Pt and I cuts. B B Pre-Selected track failing the Pt cut but passing the I cut. C C Pre-Selected track failing the I cuts but passing the Pt cut. D D Pre-Selected track passing the Pt and I cut. PtCut ICut
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Systematic error on expected background Main source is residual correlation between momentum and ionization energy loss measurements Low momentum (pt>7.5GeV) particles are mainly used to model the ionization energy loss distribution Relativistic rise in Bethe-Bloch is not accounted for in background prediction Expected background in signal region is corrected by comparing the expected background and the observation in the control region for all (loose) selections with a background efficiency lower than and at least 10 entries. Get distribution of correction factors for tested selections Mean of the distribution is the correction factor applied to the expected background Tracker+muon: 1.10 Tracker-only: 1.25 Tracker+muon: 1.10 Tracker-only: x RMS assigned as systematic uncertainty on expected background in signal region 2 is a safety factor for the extrapolation of the correction to the signal region Tracker+muon: 2x11%Tracker-only: 2x14% Tracker+muon: 2x11%Tracker-only: 2x14%
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Observed mass spectrum for loose selection Loose Selection ε Pt = ε I = Loose Selection ε Pt = ε I = PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - dE/dx vs P for Tracks in LOOSE selection High mass (M>300) candidate have a relatively small ionization and a large impulsion, not a strong candidate All points with Ih>5MeV/cm are small tracks (<5hits) at high eta, with generally few of their SiStrip clusters having at least one saturating strip. None of them are real candidates, but well expected background.
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Search Strategy Define a mass region for signal search: [75,1200] GeV Choose optimal selection from data-driven background prediction (~0.05 events) and simulated signal samples Count events in signal region If compatible with expected background, set 95% C.L. upper limit on cross section for benchmark signals Statistical methods Full Bayesian method (code courtesy of G.Landsberg) with lognormal prior for integration over nuisance parameters
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Variation of expected signal with selection Signal not strongly affected by the chosen selection Signal not strongly affected by the chosen selection Chosen selection: ~0.05 expected bckg events Chosen selection: ~0.05 expected bckg events PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Observed mass spectrum Signal region: ~0.05 events expected for both analyses. No events are observed for chosen selections.
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Tracker+Muon analysis results Gluino masses < 284GeV/c² are excluded (under 15% TH-uncertainty Hypothesis) Systematic errors already incorporated in Cross-Section limits PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Tracker-Only analysis results PAS Gluino masses < 271GeV/c² are excluded (under 15% TH-uncertainty Hypothesis) Systematic errors already incorporated in Cross-Section limits
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Systematic errors Signal Acceptance
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Future evolution of the analysis 1pb -1 1pb -1 Increase of integrated luminosity by 1-2 orders of magnitude Can keep the expected background unchanged (~0.05 Events) Signal efficiency will only be reduced by ~35% (for lightest HSCPs) 10pb -1 10pb -1 A simulation study showed that tracker-only analysis is at the limit of moving to peak search for the lowest masses There was no cluster cleaning 100pb pb -1 Most likely can go on with counting experiment up to 100pb -1 even for Tk-only analysis.
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Conclusions Improved selection in #Hits/η sub-samples used. Cluster cleaning algorithm has been deployed and used Rescaled data driven background prediction in good agreement with observed data. Cross section upper limits for several models set with a counting experiment technique using two different analysis scheme: tracker-only and tracker+muon Tracker-only analysis excluded Gluino masses below 284 GeV/c² under the 15% theoretical uncertainty hypothesis Tracker-muon analysis excluded Gluino masses below 271 GeV/c² under the 15% theoretical uncertainty hypothesis Tevatron results: Gluino: No limit set: but could have excluded up to 350GeV/c² Stop: masses below 250GeV/c² and XSection > ~0.1/Pb are excluded by CDF We thank our ARC (Tulika Bose, Franco Ligabue, Luc Pape, Shahram Rahatlou) and other contributors for all the positive suggestions we’ve got.
Backups Slides of last Friday Approval
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Analysis overview Heavy Stable Charged Particles (HSCP) are predicted in a number of models HSCP Signature High momentum High ionization High time of flight (not used at this stage) Muon-like but R-Hadrons do nuclear interactions and may change their charge Analyses Muon Id + dE/dx in silicon strip tracker Lepton-like and R-hadrons without charge suppression dE/dx in silicon strip tracker R-hadrons with charge suppression
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Trigger and datasets The analysis was updated from 35.9/nb (frozen PAS) to 67.9/nb Figure of the presentation are with updated statistics Data JetMetTau + Mu Secondary Datasets (SD) (only unprescaled paths) Details at: Certified integrated luminosity: 67.9 nb -1 June14th ReReco + Prompt Reconstruction Main Trigger paths: Jet30U, Met45 Mu3, DoubleMu0 MC Minimum bias + QCDPt30 + QCDPt80 Same triggers as for Data.
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Benchmark models used for exclusion Lepton-like MSSM staus on SPS Line 7 [ ] GeV PYTHIA R-Hadrons Direct pair-production of stops PYTHIA and MadGraph K-factors from PROSPINO (NLO) Direct pair-production of gluinos PYTHIA K-factors from PROSPINO (NLO+NLL) Cross sections: [10 -3, 10 3 ] pb Hadronization performed by PYTHIA For gluinos : gluino-ball fraction = 10% R-Hadron interaction with matter simulated by Geant4 R.Mackeprang and A.Rizzi, hep-ph/ , Eur.Phys.J.C50(2007) p.353
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Ionization energy loss dE/dx MPV estimator Harmonic-2 estimator: Well known model (BB) Mass Reconstruction (details later) dE/dx discriminators Full use of charge information Tail prob. depends on the path-length ADC cut-off Optimal discrimination candidate selection Test statistic f(P h ) Ph = Probability for a MIP to release as much or less charge than observed Modified Smirnov-Cramer-vonMises: Short pathlength (~0.3 mm) Long pathlength (~0.6 mm) Muons (5 GeV) Normalized Charge (ADC/mm)
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Mass Reconstruction Approximate Bethe-Bloch Formula before minimum (0.2<β<0.9), few % agreement Extract parameters from a known mass line (Protons) Reverse the relation to compute the mass of any track from dE/dx Estimator and P. All documented in TRK (plots already approved) PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - - HSCP Meeting - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Mass Reconstruction II There is a bias at high mass due to the ADC cut-off ADC Range is limited to [0,253] counts 254 indicates a charge in [254,1023] 255 indicates a charge above 1023 This effect has no impact on this analysis (counting experiment) This effect has no impact on this analysis (counting experiment) PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Cluster Cleaning Candidate Mass:162.13GeV P=91.12GeV Pt=38.44GeV NOH=6 NOM=4 dEdx=10.74 eta=1.51 Phi-0.10 Candidate Mass: GeV P=92.42GeV Pt=24.54GeV NOH7 NOM=4 dEdx=8.21 eta=2.00 Phi=3.14 charge[0]:61 charge[1]:254 charge[2]:254 charge[3]:254 charge[4]:254 charge[5]:254 charge[6]:238 charge[7]:40 charge[0]:12 charge[1]:29 charge[2]:114 charge[3]:254 charge[4]:254 charge[5]:254 charge[6]:254 charge[7]:254 charge[8]:104 charge[9]:18 charge[0]:19 charge[1]:215 charge[2]:164 charge[3]:64 charge[0]:14 charge[1]:93 charge[2]:33 charge[3]:81 charge[4]:12 charge[0]:22 charge[1]:178 charge[2]:214 charge[3]:109 charge[4]:254 charge[5]:58 charge[0]:111 charge[1]:15 charge[2]:10 charge[3]:107 More than 2 consecutive strips with comparable charge (cross-talk induced charge on neighboring strips ~10% ) Multiple Maximum Cluster
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Cluster Cleaning II Cluster cleaning: discard clusters likely to be produced by overlapping tracks (e.g.multiple maxima) from the dE/dx computation dE/dx tail (data) highly reduced. No significant modification of the signal dE/dx distribution DATA Gluino200 PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Candidate pre-selection Track type: Track type: Tracker+Muon analysis: Inner track from « Global muons » and « Tracker muons » collections No inner track sharing allowed Tracker-Only analysis: Tracks from « general tracks » collection Track Quality: Track Quality: « High Purity » Pt>7.5GeV (Pt>5GeV in the frozen PAS) PtErr/Pt<15% |dZ|<2cm, |d0|<0.25cm (|dZ|<10cm,|d0|<1cm in the frozen PAS) #dE/dx measurements > 3
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - HSCP Selection Relatively good agreement in shape Data – MC MC normalized to data Efficient discrimination of HSCP (against MIPs) with cuts on Pt and dE/dx Signal for tracker-only and tracker+muon plots are different! Tracker+MuonTracker+Muon Tracker-OnlyTracker-Only PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Improved selection I Tails of pt and dE/dx distribution for MIPs highly dependent of #hits of tracks and moderately on the η region dE/dx vs #Hits dE/dx vs Eta for 15Hit tracks Tracker+Muon Tracker+MuonTracker-Only Tracker-Only PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Improved selection II Sensitivity to tracks with few hits desirable Neutral HSCP at production HSCP with charge suppression Split candidates into sub-samples (#dE/dx hits and η regions) 0.0<|η|<0.5; 0.5<|η|<1.0; 1.0<|η|<1.5; 1.5<|η|<2.0; 2.0<|η|<2.5 Impose cuts that provide a fixed selection efficiency in each subsample Improvements Signal-to-noise ratio a factor 2 improvement is observed in the present study (67.9/nb) a factor 10 improvement was seen in MC at 10/pb (AN2010/053) Reliability of background prediction (discussed later)
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Data-driven background estimation dE/dx discriminator distribution for pre-selected tracks Control (7.5 20GeV) No significant correlation between dE/dx and pt PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Data-driven background estimation II Use « ABCD » method to estimate background in the signal region # entries in signal region D = (B*C)/A Can also predict shape of mass distribution Move to p – dE/dx estimator plane Procedure is applied in every #Hit/η sub-samples and results are combined. A A Pre-Selected track failing the Pt and I cuts. B B Pre-Selected track failing the Pt cut but passing the I cut. C C Pre-Selected track failing the I cuts but passing the Pt cut. D D Pre-Selected track passing the Pt and I cut. PtCut ICut
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Systematic error on expected background Main source is residual correlation between momentum and ionization energy loss measurements Low momentum (pt>7.5GeV) particles are mainly used to model the ionization energy loss distribution Relativistic rise in Bethe-Bloch is not accounted for in background prediction Expected background in signal region is corrected by comparing the expected background and the observation in the control region for all (loose) selections with a background efficiency lower than and at least 10 entries. Get distribution of correction factors for tested selections Mean of the distribution is the correction factor applied to the expected background Tracker+muon: 1.10 Tracker-only: 1.25 Tracker+muon: 1.10 Tracker-only: x RMS assigned as systematic uncertainty on expected background in signal region 2 is a safety factor for the extrapolation of the correction to the signal region Tracker+muon: 2x11%Tracker-only: 2x14% Tracker+muon: 2x11%Tracker-only: 2x14%
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Observed mass spectrum for loose selection Loose Selection ε Pt = ε I = Loose Selection ε Pt = ε I = PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Search Strategy Define a mass region for signal search: [75,1200] GeV Choose optimal selection from data-driven background prediction (~0.05 events) and simulated signal samples Count events in signal region If compatible with expected background, set 95% C.L. upper limit on cross section for benchmark signals Statistical methods Full Bayesian method (code courtesy of G.Landsberg) with lognormal prior for integration over nuisance parameters
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Variation of expected signal with selection Signal not strongly affected by the chosen selection Signal not strongly affected by the chosen selection Chosen selection: ~0.05 expected bckg events Chosen selection: ~0.05 expected bckg events PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Choice of selection - Tk+Muon Analysis X Axis: Selection efficiency obtained on pre-selected tracks with the Pt cut alone X Axis: Selection efficiency obtained on pre-selected tracks with the Pt cut alone Axis: Selection efficiency obtained on preselected tracks with the dE/dx cut alone Y Axis: Selection efficiency obtained on preselected tracks with the dE/dx cut alone Left: Z Axis: Predicted number of background entries in the signal region. Right: Z Axis: Expected (MC) number of stau100 in the signal region events ? PAS ?
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Choice of selection – Tk-Only Analysis X Axis: Selection efficiency obtained on pre-selected tracks with the Pt cut alone X Axis: Selection efficiency obtained on pre-selected tracks with the Pt cut alone Axis: Selection efficiency obtained on preselected tracks with the dE/dx cut alone Y Axis: Selection efficiency obtained on preselected tracks with the dE/dx cut alone Left: Z Axis: Predicted number of background entries in the signal region. Right: Z Axis: Expected (MC) number of stau100 in the signal region events ? PAS ?
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Observed mass spectrum Signal region: ~0.05 events expected for both analyses. No events are observed for chosen selections.
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Tracker+Muon analysis results Gluino masses < 255GeV/c² are excluded Systematic errors already incorporated in Cross-Section limits Theoretical x-section uncertainty not added yet (working on it) Expected to be less than 15% Gluino masses < 246GeV/c² excluded PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Tracker-Only analysis results Gluino masses < 247GeV/c² are excluded Systematic errors already incorporated in Cross-Section limits Theoretical x-section uncertainty not added yet (working on it) Expected to be less than 15% Gluino masses < 236GeV/c² excluded PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Systematic errors Signal Acceptance
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Future evolution of the analysis 1pb -1 1pb -1 Increase of integrated luminosity by 1-2 orders of magnitude Can keep the expected background unchanged (~0.05 Events) Signal efficiency will only be reduced by ~35% (for lightest HSCPs) 10pb -1 10pb -1 A simulation study showed that tracker-only analysis is at the limit of moving to peak search for the lowest masses There was no cluster cleaning 100pb pb -1 Most likely can go on with counting experiment up to 100pb -1 even for Tk-only analysis.
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Conclusions Improved selection in #Hits/η sub-samples used. Cluster cleaning algorithm has been deployed and used Rescaled data driven background prediction in good agreement with observed data. Cross section upper limits for several models set with a counting experiment technique using two different analysis scheme: tracker-only and tracker+muon Tracker-only analysis excluded Gluino masses below 247 (236) GeV/c² if no (15%) theoretical uncertainty is considered Tracker-muon analysis excluded Gluino masses below 255 (246) GeV/c² if no (15%) theoretical uncertainty is considered Tevatron results: Gluino: No limit set Stop: masses below 250GeV/c² and XSection > ~0.1/Pb are excluded by CDF We thank our ARC (Tulika Bose, Franco Ligabue, Luc Pape, Shahram Rahatlou) and other contributors for all the positive suggestions we’ve got.
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - PLOTS FROM THE FROZEN PAS Double counting in the MC Sample between QCD30 and Minbias PTHat>30GeV Corrected in the updated results
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - PLOTS FROM THE FROZEN PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - PLOTS FROM THE FROZEN PAS Pt plot replaced by de/dx plot in eta regions
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - PLOTS FROM THE FROZEN PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - PLOTS FROM THE FROZEN PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - PLOTS FROM THE FROZEN PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - PLOTS FROM THE FROZEN PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - PLOTS FROM THE FROZEN PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - PLOTS FROM THE FROZEN PAS
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Acceptance uncertainty Trigger Efficiency: JetMET dominated by JES (10%) Moving the Trigger Tresholds by 10% acceptance on signal of max 10% Muon: disagrement between data and MC is observed (+10% in MC) Uncertainty on slow particle assuming 15% drop in muon trigger, results in a 5% drop in the total trigger efficiency Considered a 15% uncertainty on trigger Offline tracks (<5%) and muon (~5%) reconstruction efficiency Momentum scale (<5%), assuming 5% <5% to the acceptance dE/dx scale (<5%), assuming 5% ~3% to the acceptance (8% for stau100)
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Selection Tracker-Only Loose DATA SELECTION DETAILS #Events weighted (unweighted) = 1.34E+06 (1.34E+06) #Triggered Events weighted (unweighted) = 1.34E+06 (1.34E+06) Eff=1.000E+00 (1.000E+00) #Tracks weighted (unweighted) = 2.32E+06 (2.32E+06) #Tracks passing Hits cuts weighted (unweighted) = 2.18E+06 (2.18E+06) Eff=9.398E-01 (9.398E-01) #Tracks passing Qual cuts weighted (unweighted) = 2.15E+06 (2.15E+06) Eff=9.857E-01 (9.857E-01) #Tracks passing Chi2 cuts weighted (unweighted) = 2.15E+06 (2.15E+06) Eff=1.000E+00 (1.000E+00) #Tracks passing PtErr cuts weighted (unweighted) = 2.14E+06 (2.14E+06) Eff=9.947E-01 (9.947E-01) #Tracks passing dZ cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.66E+06 (1.66E+06) Eff=7.739E-01 (7.739E-01) #Tracks passing dXY cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.60E+06 (1.60E+06) Eff=9.676E-01 (9.676E-01) #Tracks passing Min Pt cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.60E+06 (1.60E+06) Eff=1.000E+00 (1.000E+00) #Tracks passing Min I cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.60E+06 (1.60E+06) Eff=1.000E+00 (1.000E+00) #Tracks passing Basic cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.60E+06 (1.60E+06) Eff=6.900E-01 (6.900E-01) #Tracks passing Pt cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.59E+04 (1.59E+04) Eff=9.912E-03 (9.912E-03) #Tracks passing I cuts weighted (unweighted) = 2.15E+02 (2.15E+02) Eff=1.354E-02 (1.354E-02) #Tracks passing selection weighted (unweighted) = 2.15E+02 (2.15E+02) Eff=9.262E-05 (9.262E-05) MC TRUTH SELECTION DETAILS #Events weighted (unweighted) = 1.25E+06 (1.95E+06) #Triggered Events weighted (unweighted) = 1.25E+06 (1.95E+06) Eff=1.000E+00 (1.000E+00) #Tracks weighted (unweighted) = 2.21E+06 (6.13E+06) #Tracks passing Hits cuts weighted (unweighted) = 2.06E+06 (5.89E+06) Eff=9.334E-01 (9.606E-01) #Tracks passing Qual cuts weighted (unweighted) = 2.02E+06 (5.84E+06) Eff=9.803E-01 (9.906E-01) #Tracks passing Chi2 cuts weighted (unweighted) = 2.02E+06 (5.84E+06) Eff=1.000E+00 (1.000E+00) #Tracks passing PtErr cuts weighted (unweighted) = 2.01E+06 (5.80E+06) Eff=9.947E-01 (9.942E-01) #Tracks passing dZ cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.96E+06 (5.63E+06) Eff=9.750E-01 (9.693E-01) #Tracks passing dXY cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.90E+06 (5.45E+06) Eff=9.711E-01 (9.693E-01) #Tracks passing Min Pt cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.90E+06 (5.45E+06) Eff=1.000E+00 (1.000E+00) #Tracks passing Min I cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.90E+06 (5.45E+06) Eff=1.000E+00 (1.000E+00) #Tracks passing Basic cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.90E+06 (5.45E+06) Eff=8.618E-01 (8.889E-01) #Tracks passing Pt cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.78E+04 (1.53E+05) Eff=9.350E-03 (2.803E-02) #Tracks passing I cuts weighted (unweighted) = 3.22E+02 (3.23E+03) Eff=1.808E-02 (2.114E-02) #Tracks passing selection weighted (unweighted) = 3.22E+02 (3.23E+03) Eff=1.457E-04 (1.464E-03)
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Selection Tracker+Muon Loose DATA SELECTION DETAILS #Events weighted (unweighted) = 1.34E+06 (1.34E+06) #Triggered Events weighted (unweighted) = 1.34E+06 (1.34E+06) Eff=1.000E+00 (1.000E+00) #Tracks weighted (unweighted) = 1.37E+05 (1.37E+05) #Tracks passing Hits cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.34E+05 (1.34E+05) Eff=9.791E-01 (9.791E-01) #Tracks passing Qual cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.34E+05 (1.34E+05) Eff=9.958E-01 (9.958E-01) #Tracks passing Chi2 cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.34E+05 (1.34E+05) Eff=1.000E+00 (1.000E+00) #Tracks passing PtErr cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.33E+05 (1.33E+05) Eff=9.974E-01 (9.974E-01) #Tracks passing dZ cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.04E+05 (1.04E+05) Eff=7.775E-01 (7.775E-01) #Tracks passing dXY cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.02E+05 (1.02E+05) Eff=9.848E-01 (9.848E-01) #Tracks passing Min Pt cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.02E+05 (1.02E+05) Eff=1.000E+00 (1.000E+00) #Tracks passing Min I cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.02E+05 (1.02E+05) Eff=1.000E+00 (1.000E+00) #Tracks passing Basic cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.02E+05 (1.02E+05) Eff=7.445E-01 (7.445E-01) #Tracks passing Pt cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.01E+04 (1.01E+04) Eff=9.881E-02 (9.881E-02) #Tracks passing I cuts weighted (unweighted) = 3.20E+02 (3.20E+02) Eff=3.174E-02 (3.174E-02) #Tracks passing selection weighted (unweighted) = 3.20E+02 (3.20E+02) Eff=2.335E-03 (2.335E-03) MC TRUTH SELECTION DETAILS #Events weighted (unweighted) = 1.25E+06 (1.95E+06) #Triggered Events weighted (unweighted) = 1.25E+06 (1.95E+06) Eff=1.000E+00 (1.000E+00) #Tracks weighted (unweighted) = 1.38E+05 (1.31E+05) #Tracks passing Hits cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.36E+05 (1.28E+05) Eff=9.816E-01 (9.761E-01) #Tracks passing Qual cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.35E+05 (1.27E+05) Eff=9.945E-01 (9.946E-01) #Tracks passing Chi2 cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.35E+05 (1.27E+05) Eff=1.000E+00 (1.000E+00) #Tracks passing PtErr cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.35E+05 (1.26E+05) Eff=9.984E-01 (9.929E-01) #Tracks passing dZ cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.33E+05 (1.23E+05) Eff=9.859E-01 (9.731E-01) #Tracks passing dXY cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.32E+05 (1.20E+05) Eff=9.909E-01 (9.799E-01) #Tracks passing Min Pt cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.32E+05 (1.20E+05) Eff=1.000E+00 (1.000E+00) #Tracks passing Min I cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.32E+05 (1.20E+05) Eff=1.000E+00 (1.000E+00) #Tracks passing Basic cuts weighted (unweighted) = 1.32E+05 (1.20E+05) Eff=9.521E-01 (9.191E-01) #Tracks passing Pt cuts weighted (unweighted) = 9.85E+03 (3.58E+04) Eff=7.484E-02 (2.975E-01) #Tracks passing I cuts weighted (unweighted) = 3.84E+02 (1.93E+03) Eff=3.892E-02 (5.394E-02) #Tracks passing selection weighted (unweighted) = 3.84E+02 (1.93E+03) Eff=2.773E-03 (1.398E-02)
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Selection: #dEdx Hits
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Selection: Quality
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Selection: PtErr
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Selection: dZ
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Selection: dXY
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Selection: Pt
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Selection: I
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Observed mass spectrum for loose selection Loose Selection ε Pt = ε I = Loose Selection ε Pt = ε I = PAS M>150GeV Exp= Obs=10 (<1Sigma) M>150GeV Exp= Obs=58 (1.7Sigma)
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - - HSCP Meeting - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Trigger Efficiencies
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - - HSCP Meeting - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Trigger Efficiencies
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - - HSCP Meeting - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Trigger Efficiencies
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - - HSCP Meeting - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Trigger Efficiency vs Beta STOP 130
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - - HSCP Meeting - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Trigger Efficiency vs Beta STAU 100
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - - HSCP Meeting - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Rescale prediction (tracker+muon)
20/07/ EXO Update - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - - HSCP Meeting - UCL - CP3Loïc Quertenmont - Rescale prediction (tracker-only)