Starter for 5! 1. What are the two different types of baptism? 2.What do orthodox Christians do on the Saturday night before Easter Sunday? 3.Why is Iona visited as a place of pilgrimage? 4.Which part of the Trinity is ‘the presence of God on earth today’? 5. Give an example of someone who broke an unjust law.
Starter for 5! 1. What are the two different types of baptism? Infant Baptism and Believers Baptism 2.What do orthodox Christians do on the Saturday night before Easter Sunday? They enter the dark Church with candles to symbolise entering the empty tomb. 3.Why is Iona visited as a place of pilgrimage? Some people think Iona is a ‘thin place’ where the veil between the spiritual world and the physical world is thin. Iona is remote and windswept, so for many pilgrims it feels like a place where nature reveals God’s infinite power and presence. 4.Which part of the Trinity is ‘the presence of God on earth today’? The Holy Spirit 5. Give an example of someone who broke an unjust law. Rosa Parks OR Miep Gies
Persecution Learning Objective: To understand how Christian churches respond to persecution. I can define the term persecution I can explore case studies on Christian persecution I can explain how Christians respond to persecution
Christian Persecution Keyword: Persecution Where someone is mistreated, especially because of race, or political or religious beliefs. Did you know… Christianity began as a persecuted religion until the conversion of Constantine The International Society for Human Rights claims that 80% of religious acts discrimination in the world today are directed at Christians. The Pew Research Centre reported that in 2012, Christians were discriminated against in 139 countries – almost 75% of the world’s nations. Persecution ranges from forcing Christians to pay an extra tax, attacks on their homes/churches or families, to being killed for their faith.
Persecution Learning Objective: To understand how Christian churches respond to persecution. I can define the term persecution I can explore case studies on Christian persecution I can explain how Christians respond to persecution
Christian Persecution Case Studies Each group is going to be given a case study on Christian persecution. You need to read through your story as a group and be ready to summarise your story and explain it to others. As you are reading your case study think about the following questions: How and why is this an example of Christian persecution? How did Christians respond to persecution in this case study?
Persecution Learning Objective: To understand how Christian churches respond to persecution. I can define the term persecution I can explore case studies on Christian persecution I can explain how Christians respond to persecution
Responses to Persecution Individual ChristiansChristian organisations Persecution can help Christians strengthen their faith Christians believe that those who suffer for their faith also share in the suffering of Jesus Some argue the church grows because of persecution because others see that people are prepared to die for their faith and see their conviction It gives opportunities to follow the teachings of Jesus such as ‘turn the other cheek’. Christians support those who are being persecuted The Open Doors Christian charity supports Christians around the world who are being persecuted E.g. they pray for them, support refugees with food and shelter, raise awareness of persecution and speak up for the persecuted
Angry Letter! You are going to imagine you are a Christian refugee fleeing from persecution. You are going to write an angry letter to those who are persecuting you for your faith. In your letter you need to include: Examples of how you have been persecuted How persecution has strengthened your faith How even though your persecutors have harmed you that you will follow the teachings of Jesus and ‘turn the other cheek’ How other Christians have helped you, e.g. the Open Doors charity. Writing Persuasively: Repeat words Use rhetorical questions Be personal (I, we) Use feeling and emotions Include words such as ‘must’ and ‘have to’ Angry Synonyms: Enraged Furious Outraged Irritated Fuming
Persecution Learning Objective: To understand how Christian churches respond to persecution. I can define the term persecution I can explore case studies on Christian persecution I can explain how Christians respond to persecution