Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering ( ) Government Engineering College Rajkot Civil Engineering Department Faculty Guide: Prof V.G.Yadav DROUGHT : Contingency Planning, Measures Group no :30 Prepared by ENR. NO.NAME BAMTA SNEHA GOSWAMI PREKSHA PARKHIYA POOJA
Drought contingency planning To provide contingency plans to manage drought and emergency conditions. To continue to deliver a cost effective, adequate, safe and reliable supply of water. The provision of credit or cash/food for work Maintaining water supply for animals and humans
Maintaining cereal availability Human and livestock health service provision Support for private sector Provide fodder for affected stock Flexible taxation systems for affected people
Drought contingency planning allow for implementation of : Mitigation Relief Rehabilitation
Drought contingency planning for implementation: Overall drought policy, setting out plans objectives of minimizing the impact of drought Set plans for specific mitigation, relief and rehabilitation measures Construction of dams and additional reservoirs for supply of water. Cloud seeding- artificial rain
Desalination of sea water for irrigation or consumption. Drought monitoring by total rainfall levels and total usage levels Land use by carefully planned crop rotation Outdoor water use restriction Rainwater harvesting Recycled water Relief works Disease prevention and control
Contingency planning done by Govt. Policy issues, national, regional and district level rural development infrastructure input supply, marketing and farm advisory services Non- Govt. NGO’S Rural institutions Private sectors
Augmentation of water It includes methods for providing an entirely new supply of fresh water and techniques for increasing utility of available supplies of water. New supply of water include weather modification. Weather modification done to increase precipitation and decrease Evapotranspiration. Cloud seeding done to increase precipitation.
Available water supplies increased by conservation of available water supplies. Agricultural water requirements can be reduced by reducing conveyance losses, and discouraging wasteful irrigation techniques. Technique should be developed to reduce water consumption in home and industry. Evaporation losses from small reservoirs can be reduced by providing roofs.
Reclamation and reuse of waste water can be encouraged. Evaporation loss in ground water is less. Use of ground water storage reservoir in conjunction with surface storage reservoirs. Infiltration losses can be reduced by sealing the soil surface useful in arid regions. Water harvesting done by collecting from roof top, pavements, constructing small storage.
Measures for water conservation Goals of water conservation efforts include: Sustainability- ensure availability for future generations Energy conservation- world 15% energy production dependent on water management. Habitat conservation- preserve fresh water habitat, migrating waterfowl.
Benefits of water conservation: Save water save money. Reduction in excess water use reduce waste water generation, reduce overflowing of gutter. Ecosystem and habitat protection. Helps in improving quality of drinking water.
Water conservation measures by: Domestic conservation Industrial conservation Agricultural conservation
Domestic conservation Repair all leaks quickly Turn off water when not in use Use conserving appliance which use low volume water for domestic use Local bodies should install water meter and encourage water pricing.
Industrial conservation Use cooling system which use less water. Reuse of cooling water for irrigation or other purposes. Install in plant treatment measures for treating the waste water or effluent.
Agricultural (irrigation) conservation Improved irrigation methods such as sprinklers or drip irrigation. Water required for agricultural considerably reduced by reducing conveyance loss. Evaporation losses from small reservoirs can be reduced by providing roofs over them. Use of lined canals which reduce seepage and evaporation.
Use of ground water storage reservoir in conjunction with modern surface storage reservoirs to reduce evaporation loss, in arid regions. Price agricultural water to encourage conservation. Infiltration losses reduced by sealing soil surface. Water harvesting in arid regions.
For conservation of water the following structures can be constructed: Earthen bund Gully plugging Check dam Khet talawadi
Earthen bund
Gully plugging
Check dam
Khet Talawadi
REFERENCE Dr. R.B. Khasiya, Hydrology and water resources engineering