OPTICAL SENSORS DESIGNED IN FRAME OF THE AEROFAST PROJECT IN SPACE RESEARCH CENTRE PAS On board instrumentation Pyroelectric sensor Imaging Multispectral.


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Presentation transcript:

OPTICAL SENSORS DESIGNED IN FRAME OF THE AEROFAST PROJECT IN SPACE RESEARCH CENTRE PAS On board instrumentation Pyroelectric sensor Imaging Multispectral Sensor Space Research Center PAS Piotr Wawer, Mirosław Rataj, Paweł Grudziński, Łukasz Płatos, Maciej Kalarus MPSE 2014 Warsaw, 3-5 June 2014


AEROFAST – AEROcapture for Future spAce tranSporTation In the frame of EC (European community) FP7 Team composed of 12 partners The main goals of the AEROFAST project are, to design an AEROCAPTURE vehicle and to improve the AEROCAPTURE technology. MPSE 2014 Warsaw, 3-5 June 2014

Pre-aerocapture phase : Hyperbolic path to the upper atmosphere Challenge: navigation and measurements of the S/C attitude/position Main aerocapture phase: From entry point to atmosphere exit Main goal is to reach an orbit within a narrow corridor Challenge is to survive the important heat loads AEROCAPTURE Post aerocapture phase: transfer to a parking orbit at a altitude km MPSE 2014 Warsaw, 3-5 June 2014 AEROCAPTURE is a insertion of a spacecraft from the hyperbolic flyby orbit into a planetocentric orbit, through the atmosphere. An important step, is to develop advanced transportation systems to move humans and cargo during lunar and Martian mission with large amount mass saving.

AEROCAPTURE SPACECRAFT MPSE 2014 Warsaw, 3-5 June 2014 Thermal Protection System chosen material is the Norcoat-Liege flight proven ablator made of cork powder and phenolic resin matrix.

PYROSENSOR – TECHNICAL DATA General technical data: Aperture size 16 mm in diameter Maximum field of view ±10.5 deg Focal length 25.4 mm Max voltage supply 26 V Data transfer 10kB/s Power consumption 0,2W x 5 sensors Total mass ~0.2 kg – one sensor Total dimensions 52mm x 52mm x 106.5mm – one sensor Spectral range: nm (sensor with sapphire lens) Pyro sensor is a system for the analysis of the chemical reaction at the wall during aerocapture phase and gas and TPS interaction. Different filters can be used according to different spectral transmission. The Martian atmosphere model constituent are: 95.3% of CO2, 2.7% of N2 and 1.6% of Argon. In flight measures of the heat flux and spectroscopic measurements of the gas surrounding the TPS will generate information on the plasma state and the chemical composition of the capsule surface during aerocapture. MPSE 2014 Warsaw, 3-5 June 2014


PYROSENSOR - „TRACKING MATERIAL” Information about the temperature/ablation of the TPS cork can be obtain by using the so called “tracking materials”. Propagation of the temperature in cork (TPS) during the aerocapture phase causes that the “tracking material” start to release distinctive substances that allow the detection by the pyro-sensor (substances have a characteristic spectral response). Amount and speed of released this distinctive substances allow to deduction of the ablation state/speed. Main idea is to use polymer which under high temperature and in vacuum environment release methane - CH 4. Methane can be detect in spectral band pass 3.33 µm. MPSE 2014 Warsaw, 3-5 June 2014

PYROSENSOR – ENGINEERING MODEL Engineering model was prepared for checking the functionality of the sensor’s electronics and detector and possibilities of the calibration. MPSE 2014 Warsaw, 3-5 June 2014

Test system Measurements were prepared for the Black Body temperature 1273,15 K (970 C deg) and for the different frequencies. Changes of the mechanical shutter rotation speed cause changes of the frequencies of the signal detect by detector (oscilloscope view - top). Changes of the signal after processing during the switching off the Black Body. In this way the changes of the temperature from 1200 K to 300 K could be simulated (oscilloscope view - bottom). PYROSENSOR – ENGINEERING MODEL ELECTRONICS

IMAGING MULTISPECTRAL SENSOR Payload dedicated for spatial-spectral analysis of the planet in four channels covering spectrum of visible and near- infrared bands. This system is a panchromatic and multispectral pushbroom scanner (based on the Three Mirror Anastigmat telescope) with the Focal Plane Assembly (CCD TDI detector) and readout electronics.  Spectral range: Panchromatic :500 – 800 nm. Multispectral : Green 520–620 nm, Red 630–690 nm, NIR 760–900 nm.  Spatial resolution, IFOV :1 m (Pan), 4 m (Multi)  Swath: > 23 km  Telescope focus: 1,8 m  Primary mirror diameter:< 0,3 m  FOV: 4,3x0,2 deg (off axis TMA)  Dimensions in [mm] : Imaging system: 850x650x40 Electronic box: 300x250x250

Second module-block of electronic to perform quantisation, filtering, data compression and communication with the spacefraft. The IMS is expected to work in different modes: Self test procedure Calibration of the instrument Nominal measurements: basic software filtering and data corrections, compression, storage Data management Instrument mass memory Gbit. Speed of data collection - 2,5 Gbit/sek Scene (23x23 km) row data - 9,65 Gbit Compression method JPEG 2000 IMAGING MULTISPECTRAL SENSOR MPSE 2014 Warsaw, 3-5 June 2014


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