Andrew M. Age 8 Missouri
Andrew M. Age 8 Missouri
Andrew M. Age 8 Missouri
Diagram of the Invention
Collect all of the required material.
Next you collect some tools. Like these
Then use a nail gun to make the main frame and make the drawers and the top.
Now you insert the drawers a add a hinge to the front and a latch.
And finally you draw the face and paint.
Putting it to the Test & Improving the Invention My grandpa, my dad, and I built the whole thing and realized there was no way to put the LEGOs in it. We had to make a little hinged door at the top. Then, the top drawer was hitting the piece of wood holding the top up. We cut a little rectangle in the back of the drawer so it would slide freely.
Marketing my invention A Lego Sorter commercial …
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