Metadata V1 By Dick M.A. Schaap – technical coordinator Oostende, June 08.


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Presentation transcript:

Metadata V1 By Dick M.A. Schaap – technical coordinator Oostende, June 08

SeaDataNet infrastructure V1 Discovery services EDMED - Data Sets EDMERP – Research Projects CSR – Cruise Summary Reports EDIOS – Monitoring systems EDMO – Marine Organisations CDI – Common Data Index

SeaDataNet Discovery services TTT Activities undertaken for: Reviewing and streamlining the logical formats of each of the Directories Expanding the number of Common vocabularies, further population and upgrading of Vocabularies Web services Defining XML schema’s and formats, using the ISO metadata standard as basis Defining and developing maintenance modalities for each of the Directories

SeaDataNet Discovery services TTT Activities undertaken for: Defining and developing new User Interfaces for each of the Directories Defining and implementing XML Validation Web services, that will be used to validate XML output from data centres, before import into the public Directories Developing Web services for the Directories

Vocabs EDMO … … … … CDI EDMERP CSR EDMED EDIOS SeaDataNet : Formats review Review of the format and use of common vocabularies for each of the Directories to achieve harmonisation and integration, and paving the path to data access via the CDI Data Access …

SeaDataNet Common Vocabularies Upgraded interface in SeaDataNet style Web services upgraded to be compliant to WS Basic Profile 1.1 Expanding the number of lists Web services available via BODC and user client via MARIS

SeaDataNet XML Schema’s The ISO content model is the basis for the XML formats and exchange schema’s (XSD). Guidance document has been prepared on how to use XML for SeaDataNet, including how to declare references to Common Vocabularies, EDMO and EDMERP For each Directory has been prepared: Description of the format and XML tags XML Schema XML example file These documents are available at the SeaDataNet extranet Extended XML Schema’s have been prepared, using Schematron and OCL to support the checking of mandatory fields, use of codes from the Common Vocabularies and use of organization codes from EDMO. These schema’s are used in the XML Validation Web services

SeaDataNet Maintenance modalities Maintenance: Depending on the Directory, the following maintenance modalities are provided: Online maintenance via online Content Management System (incl master editing options) XML export from local system Local XML export can be produced by partners via: own software using upgraded version of MIKADO software, that also replaces the present MS Access tools for EDMED and EDMERP MIKADO can also be used for bulk production of CDI XML files from the partner’s database(s)

SeaDataNet Maintenance modalities DirectoryOnline CMS by partners XML exchange via use of MIKADO at partners XML exchange via local system at partners Online CMS by moderator XML Validation service EDMED (BODC = authority) SDN DC’s initial content conversion free text => vocabs via ‘sandbox’ Stand-alone incl. local storage + QC – loop for content Synchronisation Generated from in-house system Validation of XML syntax and use of Vocabs, EDMO and EDMERP EDMERP (MARIS = authority) SDN DC’s manage their national records + ‘sandbox’ for institutes Stand-alone incl. local storage Generated from in-house system Validation of XML syntax and use of Vocabs, EDMO and EDMERP CSR (BSH = authority) Online entries by chief scientists Stand-alone incl. local storage Generated from in-house system Validation of XML syntax and use of Vocabs, EDMO and EDMERP

SeaDataNet Maintenance modalities DirectoryOnline CMS by partners XML exchange via use of MIKADO at partners XML exchange via local system at partners Online CMS by moderator XML Validation service CDI (MARIS = authority) Tool embedded in local system Generated from in-house system Validation of XML syntax and use of Vocabs, EDMO and EDMERP EDIOS (BODC = authority) XML SCHEMA NOT YET READY SDN DC’s initial revision + new entries via ‘sandbox’ Stand-alone incl. local storage NOT YET READY Generated from in-house system NOT YET READY Validation of XML syntax and use of Vocabs, EDMO and EDMERP EDMO (MARIS = authority) SDN DC’s manage their national records Vocabularies (BODC = authority) BODC with SeaVox governance mailing list User Register + AAA service (IFREMER = authority) SDN DC’s manage their national records

SeaDataNet online Content Management System CMS EDMERP

SeaDataNet new User Interfaces SeaDataNet stylesheets prepared New interface EDIOS

SeaDataNet new User Interfaces New interface CDI

SeaDataNet new User Interfaces New interface EDMERP

SeaDataNet : URLs URL for CSR V1 Retrieval: URL voor CSR V1 CMS EDIOS Retrieval

SeaDataNet : URLs EDMERP Retrieval EDMERP CMS EDMO V1 retrieval EDMO V1 CMS

SeaDataNet : Metadata record identifier management The Central Directories and their User Interfaces and online CMS (if available) will use a central ID system for entries The local systems, using MIKADO or self written software for XML delivery, will use their own ID system But the XML metadata records, to be delivered to the central Directories, will include the LOCAL_ID together with the EDMO code of the data centre Then the Central Directories will store internally the Central_ID next to the LOCAL_ID + EDMO code This way data centres can: Send new entries by giving new LOCAL_ID’s Send updates for existing entries by using the existing LOCAL_ID’s

SeaDataNet : Metadata record identifier management It is required that the Data centres keep track of their previously delivered entries by storing the LOCAL_ID’s Each CDI record must link to a local data set file. Therefore it is required that the Data centres keep a table, connecting each CDI_LOCAL_ID to the corresponding Data set OR to a corresponding database query in case of a database

Thank you