Results from EMODnet Chemistry2 Survey M. Vinci, A.Giorgetti ; OGS Trieste Italy.


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Presentation transcript:

Results from EMODnet Chemistry2 Survey M. Vinci, A.Giorgetti ; OGS Trieste Italy

User Panel This survey was focused on the comments of the whole Chemistry Lot community. In the first moment it was forwarded to the mailing list including all the project Then, trying to reach the widest set of the potential users, OGS asked to forward the survey to all the possible stakeholders present in the institutes of the already invited persons.

User Survey Basic principles for the new survey were: Questionnaire built with one page for each topic to let the invited people focus only on their topics of interest; Not necessary to fill all the questions to complete the survey, people must be able give feedback only on the topics that they know better; Questions with multiple choice and questions with free text. The online joint survey was sent on 18/11/2015 with a first deadline at the end of December Then the Steering Committees decided to keep the survey open until the end of January Two reminders were circulated (on18/12/2015 and on 07/01/2016) to the whole partnership of the chemistry Lot encouraging them to share with other colleagues the survey. The invited people were free to provide their personal details in the first page of the survey. The Survey was made of 7 topics and 31 questions that were circulated using the Google form service. We received a total of 46 responses.

User Survey results Please give us your name and affiliation (OPTIONAL)

Which Data Access Interface do you use? Were you able to locate data that met your criteria with the Data Access Interface? Data Discovery (Data Access Service):

Are the metadata sufficient to give you a clear idea of what data are available and its content? Data Discovery (Data Access Service):

Please let us know your comments/suggestions  I cannot find all the expected data (Physical variables from Argo floats in the Mediterranean Sea)  not easy to select parameter - small window for long list  I was not able to obtain any bathymetry. ???  Response:  "1- once you have selected your crietria, you click on search. Sometimes the results of your query do not come quickly, so it would be nice to have a ""waiting/progress bar"" to know that your query is under loading.  2- The drop_down menus are not easy to use. For example, for the selection of the sea regions (ex : the north sea), it would be easier to have a tree with sub- sections that are hidden by default rather than having the complete lisitng and find your name in all the lines."  Info on analyses methods?  P01(ODV/data side)  It would be nice to know in advance which P01 parameters are included in corresponding ODV file  The data access is flexible, but restricted data is a nuisance Data Discovery (Data Access Service):

Have you downloaded data from EMODnet Chemistry? If you answered never/once to the above question, what is the main reason you have not downloaded data? Data Download

How many data files (CDI/stations) are you usually requesting? Data Download

Were you able to easily select and download data?  Yes. But it took some time to understand how the system works.  Yes.  Select process easy and intuitive  Yes No, no data was available  Yes Just tried it and it is fine   The most replied YES Data Download

Which data format is the most useful for your purpose? If in the previous question you chose "Other format" please specify which:  Non ???  Text files Post-processing

Are you using/aware of ODV software to handle the downloaded data? Which tools are you using to handle the downloaded data?  Matlab  MATLAB, GNU Octave  MS Excel, ODV, Notepad++  notepad++, ODV, Excel  none  Penelop for NetCDF(Panoply?)  Excel and ODV  ODV, MS Access, Excel  summary: ODV,Matlab, GNU Octave, MS Excel, Notepad++, R, Panoply? Post-processing  ODV  odv format  ODV, editors to view the data file  Formating the data with R statistics software  Matlab, R, Excel

What are you usually doing with the downloaded data? Post-processing

Are you using the Product Discovery Service (based on Sextant catalogue)? Is the product catalogue interface quick? Product Discovery Service

Is the product catalogue interface easy enough to use? Are you able to find products of your interest? Please let us know your comments/suggestions (free text) I did not use the product discovery service because I was not looking for products but only for data. I am interested in the Adriatic region, but could not find other than Nitrate Product Discovery Service

Please let us know your comments/suggestions (free text)  Many links do not work! Eg. Download (link) and Web Map Service (WMS) for several products (Black Sea for ex.)  The product catalog interface is quick enough and easy enough to use if the one using it is aware what about is. Maybe a short user guide is necessary. And, from EMODNET Chemistry portal /Data products/ Discovery goes directly to a bit confusing for a new user.  There are old data for UkrSCES (???). We updated all our CDI/ODV for last year. That is why our data not correct.  Info on format of geographical coordinates would be helpful.  There is probably a wrong mapping between the list of P02 or P35 parameters and the name of the new DIVA products. If you choose the P35 variable : Water body Silicate, there are 5 results in Sextant but they are all old products, no new product is proposed.  For the same region selection, the same catalogue (emodnet chemistry), the results are different when I select a parameter from the P02 or P35 themes, e.g. it seems that the P02 or P35 filters do not work (???)  Grouping options might be wider, for instance as DIP and DIN for dissolved nutrients. Product Discovery Service

Are you using the Product viewing service (based on Ocean Browser)? Is the viewing service interface quick? Product Download

Is the viewing service interface easy enough to use? Please let us know your comments/suggestions  It took me quite a lot of time to understand the content and the meaning of the products. A small "dictionary" of terms used and meaning of fields available may help.  The same comments as previous, a user guide is necessary.  help?  This is not intuitive to have to click on the update button in the top menu to update a layer. The update button could be next the animate button of the diva maps you are visualizing. Product Download

Have you ever used the SDN/EMODnet data for your work?  No  Never  Yes  Not yet  Yes, sometimes  Only for check our data  Yes, for the base EEA  I have never used the EMODnet Chemistry data for my work, but I am going to use it.  Not yet but I am sure I will as I will be starting a large project in the North Sea soon  yes, for EMODnet Chemistry project only.  I tried once to view some data, I will use from now more EMODnet chemistry for my work  not yet  Yes, to check other partners data content as examples for national data preparation  I have compiled an overview of nutrients and chlorophyll for Copernicus Marine service In situ tac.  Yes, downloaded data for other researchers within the institute Data use/restrictions policy and citation

Are the data requested mainly restricted or unrestricted in your experience? What is the average negotiation time for restricted data in your experience?  one week  Didn't check!  from one hour to one day  Two weeks  2-3 days  a day or two  less than two weeks  I dot not negotiate/ request restricted data Summary  longest seems 2 weeks/ shortest few days or no negotiation Data use/restrictions policy and citation

Are you usually citing data originators? Is the information provided by EMODnet Chemistry system adequate for data citation? Data use/restrictions policy and citation

Are you commonly using/referring to permanent digital identifiers (like DOIs) for data citation? Are you commonly using permanent identifiers (like ORCID, FOAF...) for scientist? Data use/restrictions policy and citation

Please let us know your comments/suggestions  A specific "Cite data as" entry may greatly improve proper citation.  Survey is good design but need more alternative options for answering. It will be nice if there is option to have info about CDI entries within tools even if the region of interest is not previously selected. Info option in tools is only possible after selection. Map should follow the query after selection of the region. Now, map back to the larger one and there is need to zoom the selected region again.  EMODnet chemistry, like SeaDataNet and other groups can provide a ready reference for data citation Data use/restrictions policy and citation

Conclusions Data Discovery (Data Access Service) 54% (25/46) are using the extended search interface, 67% (31/46) where able to locate data of their interest using the interfaces while 70% (32/46) think that metadata are sufficient to provide a clear idea of the data content. Relevant Comments  not easy to select parameter - small window for long list, progress bar when searching data. Data Download 37% (17/46) download often data from Chemistry Lot, 15% (7/46) once and 37% (17/46) never. Reasons for which they didn’t download data are mainly that they were only interested in browsing metadata or didn’t find the relevant data. Relevant Comments  most of the people were able to easily select and download data. Post Processing Most of the people (59%- 27/46) consider the ODV format as the most useful for their purpose; 7% (3/46) think this of NetCDF format. 61% (28/46) are using ODV software to handle the downloaded data. The different software used to handle the downloaded data are: ODV, Excel, Matlab, Octave, R and Notepad. The main uses of the downloaded data are: checking own data (16/46), preparing data for own research (7/46) and preparing data for national/regional projects (4/46).

Conclusions Product Discovery Service 48% of the people (22/46) who replied had never used the product discovery service based on Sextant; 20% (9/46) had used it once, and 15% (7/46) often. The most of the people considered this product catalogue interface quick (21/46) and easy (22/46) to use and found the products they were interested in (20/46). Relevant Comments  a short user guide is necessary, grouping options might be wider like DIP and DIN, P02/P35 strange mapping Product Download 35% of the people (16/46) who replied had never used the product viewing and download service based on Ocean Browser; 33% (15/46) had used it once, and 17% (8/46) often. For those using it, they consider it quick and easy enough to use (21/46). Relevant Comments  a user guide is necessary (help?), update button not easy to find

Conclusions Data use, restriction and citation Approximatively half of the people who replied used Chemistry Lot data for their work. 41% (19/46) replied that data of their interest are mainly unrestricted, 9% (4/46) replied that more than 30% of the data their interest are restricted, 9% (4/46) replied that more than 50% of the data of their interest are restricted, 5% (2/46) replied that more than 80% of the data of their interest are restricted and 17/46 didn’t reply. About the average negotiation time people replied that it is from 1 hour until 2 weeks. 54% (25/46) are usually citing originators while 52% (24/46) considered the information provided in the Chemistry Lot system adequate for data citation. Most of the people are not using DOIs for data citation (37% -17/46, 17/46 didn’t reply). 46% (21/46) aren’t using permanent identifiers (like ORCID, FOAF...) for scientist. Relevant Comments  specific "Cite data as" entry may greatly improve proper citation, Map should follow the query after selection of the region