21 January 2008Mikhail Itkis, PAC on CMP Information on the Resolution of the 102nd session of the JINR SC (Sep 2007) and the decisions of the JINR CP (Nov 2007)
Major issues of the 102-nd SC session A. Sissakian Implementation of the recommendations of the Scientific Council’s 101-st session. Main directions of JINR’s strategic development М. Itkis, R. Lednický Plans for execution of the primary tasks of JINR in accordance with its road map Progress reports on current activities: A. Belushkin IBR modernization, V. Shvetsov IREN, S. Dmitriev DRIBs V. Ivanov JINR computing infrastructure at the LHC start-up, D. Fursaev JINR UC G. Shirkov JINR activities in ILC project, V. Kekelidze, A. Sorin NICA Т. Hallman, W. Greiner, W. Nawrocik Recommendations of the Programme Advisory Committees Elections of Deputy Directors of BLTP, FLNP, and FLNR Presentations of the Diploma "Honorary Doctor of JINR" to Prof. M. Gell-Mann and diplomas to the winners of JINR prizes for 2006
I. General considerations The SC fully supports the intention of the Institute Directorate to reorganize the LHE and the LPP, merging them into a LHEP, in order to better utilize the human and financial resources. This would help in the implementation of the important programme of particle physics research with special emphasis on the development of the Nuclotron accelerator complex and the future NICA facility.
I. General considerations cont-d The SC is pleased to learn about the renewal, after a long gap, of the participation of the Republic of Cuba in the activities of the Institute. The SC notes the new initiatives, which have been started, towards the restoration of the membership of the People’s Republic of China at JINR. On September 2007, a representative delegation from China headed by academician Xu Kuangdi visited JINR Havana, April JINR’s delegation was received by the Scientific Adviser to the President of the Republic of Cuba Fidel Castro Dias-Balart. New Plenipotentiary of Cuba to JINR - Dr Jorge L. Fernández Chamero
I. General considerations cont-d The SC highly appreciates the fruitful work of the Institute Directorate to involve new countries and partners in the activities of JINR. Yakutsk, August The SAKHA (YAKUTIA) Republic – new partner of JINR in the Russian Federation Dubna, April Agreement on the Associate Membership of the Republic of Serbia in JINR
I. General considerations cont-d ● The SC strongly supports further efforts to increase the Institute budget to help ensure implementation of the long-term development programme of JINR. The SC is pleased to note that the average salary of the Institute staff was increased by 50% in April 2007 and looks forward to the further implementation of the decision of the JINR Directorate that a substantial increase of salaries will have high priority for the use of the increased JINR budget.
II. Awarding of the title “Honorary Doctor of JINR” The Scientific Council endorses the JINR Directorate’s proposal to award the title “Honorary Doctor of JINR” to Professor M. Gell-Mann (USA), in recognition of his outstanding contributions to elementary particle physics, and congratulates him.
III. Considerations concerning JINR’s scientific programme The SC supports the actions aimed at effective participation of scientists from the Member States in large international projects, afforded by modern computing and enhanced telecommunication infrastructure, during their work in Dubna. The SC supports the emphasis on the development of basic and applied research in the field of nanoobjects and nanotechnologies, taking into account the relevance and today's great demand for such new technologies. Activities in this priority field as well as in radiobiology and medical research are well matched with JINR’s basic facilities and expertise. The SC regards as extremely important those provisions of the outlined road map of JINR’s strategic development which concern the upgrade and development of the home facilities, especially the programme on the NICA/MPD facility, and improvement of the Institute infrastructure, particularly pertaining to IBR, DRIBs and IREN activities.
IV. Recommendations addressing CMP issues The Scientific Council supports the emphasis on the development of basic and applied research in the field of nanoobjects and nanotechnologies, taking into account the relevance and today's great demand for such new technologies. Activities in this priority field as well as in radiobiology and medical research are well matched with JINR’s basic facilities and expertise. The Scientific Council is pleased to note that the work on the modernization of the IBR-2 reactor is being conducted in full compliance with the schedule. The main task for 2007 –– defueling of the reactor core –– has been successfully accomplished. The Scientific Council supports FLNP’s proposal for the construction of one cryogenic moderator by the time of the power start-up of the IBR-2M reactor, and recommends that the JINR Directorate ensure its realization in planning the budget for 2008–2010.
IV. Recommendations addressing CMP issues (cont.) For the last 20 years, a unique complex of neutron spectrometers has been created at the IBR-2 reactor and large experience has been accumulated in neutron-aided research in physics, chemistry, materials science, biology, geology and other sciences. The shut- down of IBR-2 for modernization gives the most convenient opportunity for the comprehensive upgrades of the existing spectrometers and for the construction of a number of new ones. The Scientific Council strongly recommends taking necessary steps to provide organizational and financial support for the programme of the development of neutron spectrometers prepared by FLNP. It is only through the realization of this programme that the effective and innovative exploitation of IBR-2M beginning 2010 will become possible.
V. Memberships of the PACs SC appoints Prof. J. Nassalski (INS, Warsaw, Poland) as Chairperson of the PAC for Particle Physics for a term of three years. SC thanks Prof. T. Hallman for his highly successful work as Chairperson of the PAC for Particle Physics and looks forward to the continuation of his work as a member of this PAC. SC appoints Prof. N. Walker (DESY, Hamburg, Germany) as new member of the PAC for Particle Physics for a term of three years. SC thanks Professors N. Giokaris and H.D. Trines for their very successful work as members of the PAC for Particle Physics. SC re-appoints Prof. W. Nawrocik as Chairperson of the PAC for Condensed Matter Physics for a term of one year. SC thanks Prof. R. Broda for his very successful work as member of the PAC for Nuclear Physics.
VII. Nominations The SC elected by ballot as Deputy Directors V. Osipov and A. Sorin (BLTP) V. Shvetsov (FLNP) R.Kalpakchieva, A. Popeko and V. Zagrebaev (FLNR) until the completion of the terms of office of their respective Laboratory Directors. The SC announces the vacancy of the position of Director of the Laboratory of Information Technology. The election for this position will take place at the 103rd session of the SC.
Major issues of the CP agenda A. Sissakian Activity of JINR in 2007 and main directions of the Institute’s strategic development V. Katrasev Draft budget of JINR for the year 2008 and draft contributions of the Member States for the years 2009–2010 A. Overchuk Progress of activities related to the establishment of the Special Economic Zone “Dubna” G. Trubnikov Conceptual project for construction, based on the JINR Nuclotron, of the NICA/MPD facility
CP resolutions in connection with CMP issues CP supports the proposal of the Institute Directorate concerning the establishment, with JINR’s participation, of an Interstate Nanotechnology Centre of the Member States and to commission the Directorate to send the corresponding documents to the Government of the Russian Federation. CP supports the actions aimed at effective participation of scientists from the Member States in large international projects, afforded by modern computing and enhanced telecommunication infrastructure, during their work in Dubna.
● CP approves the JINR budget for the year 2008 with the total expenditure amounting to M$. From member states: M$. ● CP determines the volume of the JINR budget for the year 2009 in income and expenditure amounting to M$. ● CP adopts the provisional payments of the member states: M$ in 2009 and M$ in
DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDING OVER THE MAIN SCIENTIFIC DIRECTIONS OF JINR IN 2008 (thousand US$) SPECIFIC DIRECTION FUNDINGI N C L U D I N G : %SumScientific research Basic facilities Infrastructures of Laboratories Infrastructure of JINR Theoretical Physics Elementary Particles Physics and Relativistic Nuclear Physics Nuclear Physics Condensed Matter Physics, Radiation and Radiobiological Research Networking, Computing, Computational Physics Educational Programme T O T A L
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