BUSINESS SENSITIVE 1 Using the UT-Battelle Performance Based Management Model to Establish EMS Objectives and Targets Kathy Carney, CHMM Division Director, Environmental Protection and Waste Services UT-Battelle/Oak Ridge National Laboratory
3 Oak Ridge National Laboratory $ 1 Billion budget 4,000 employees 3,000 research guests annually DOE’s largest multiprogram science laboratory Nation’s largest energy R&D laboratory Building the $1.4 Billion Spallation Neutron Source $300 Million modernization program in progress
4 Neutron Science High performance Computing Systems Biology Materials Science Nanotechnology EnergyHomeland/ National Security Our Science and Technology Agenda
5 1.Bioprocessing Research Facility 2.Buildings Technology Center 3.Californium User Facility for Neutron Science 4.Computational Center for Industrial Innovation 5.Cooling, Heating, and Power Integration Laboratory 6.Fuels, Engines, and Emissions Research Center 7.High Flux Isotope Reactor 8.High Temperature Materials Laboratory 9.Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility 10.Metals Processing Laboratory Users Facility 11.Mouse Genetics Research Facility 12.National Transportation Research Center 13.Oak Ridge Electron Linear Accelerator 14.Oak Ridge National Environmental Research Park 15.Physical Properties Research Facility 16.Power Electronics and Electric Machinery Research Facility 17.Shared Research Equipment Collaborative Research Center ORNL’s 17 Scientific User Facilities
6 Spallation Neutron Source The future of neutron science
7 Environmental Vulnerabilities at ORNL 3047 Operating area cleanup with HSI funding After Before Legacy Materials Disposition Initiative (LMDI) rd floor high bay clean up project Before Aging Infrastructure Radiologically contaminated facilities and equipment Excess hazardous materials Long Term Stewardship Other vulnerabilities associated with EM accelerated closure and transition After
8 High Flux Isotope Reactor David Price, HFIR Executive Director University Partnerships Lee Riedinger, Associate Lab Director Oak Ridge National Laboratory Physical Sciences Michelle Buchanan Assoc Lab Director Biological and Environmental Sciences Reinhold Mann Assoc Lab Director Energy and Engineering Sciences David Hill Assoc Lab Director National Security Frank Akers Assoc Lab Director Spallation Neutron Source Thomas Mason Assoc Lab Director Computing and Computational Sciences Thomas Zacharia Assoc Lab Director Facilities and Operations Herbert Debban Director Environment, Safety, Health and Quality Karen Downer Director Human Resources Steven Porter Interim Director Business and Information Services Greg Turner Chief Financial Officer Legal Steven Porter General Counsel Communications and External Relations Billy Stair Director Technology Transfer and Economic Development Alex Fischer Director Office of Counterintelligence Mike Rochford, Director Audit and Assessment Scott Branham, Director Jeffrey Wadsworth Laboratory Director Laboratory Director’s Office Jim Roberto Deputy for Science and Technology Jeff Smith Deputy for Operations Office of Strategic Planning Erik Pearson, Director Nuclear Operations Kelly Beierschmitt Director
9 ORNL’s Performance Based Management System (PBMS) The Laboratory Agenda – ORNL’s Strategic Planning Process
10 FY06 Planning Is Built On FY05 Progress Strategic intent and high level outcomes Situation assessment FY06 objectives, actions & measures Activity-based budgets What are we trying to achieve over the next few years? Where do we stand? What progress have we made against FY05 objectives? What has our operational experience taught us? What will we do in FY06, how will we do it and how will it be measured? What resources are needed to obtain these results?
11 Planning Documents That Feed Into Strategic Planning Update strategic intent and long-term goals Situation assessment FY06 objectives: what, how, when, who Business and staffing projections Activity-based budget as applicable Issues and support needs Work force plans at Division level Initiative PlansManagement System Plans High level outcomes and associated measures Situation assessment FY06 objectives: what, how, when, who Activity-based budget Issues and support needs Limited opportunity for operational improvement projects Expected outcomes Situation assessment and progress to date (if applicable) FY06 objectives: what, how, when, who Activity-based budget Issues and support needs Level 1 plans 14 Directorates 25 Management Systems
12 Four Basic Process Steps in PBMS Developing Business and Performance Assessment Plans Conducting Actions/Commitments and Assessments Managing Results Analyzing and Reporting Results
13 Plan, Do, Check, Act
14 Enhance Operational Discipline and Safety Culture & Resolve Legacy Issues ORNL will plan and perform Laboratory operations in a reliable and effective manner to protect the environment, safety, and health of our staff and the public. ORNL will resolve its legacy issues to ensure that critical operations and infrastructure are sustained. Demonstrate continual improvement in ES&H performance, moving towards best in class/world class.
15 Determining EMS Objectives and Targets Laboratory Strategic Planning Process Environmental Policy Commitments Significant Environmental Aspects Customer Expectation/Contractual Commitments Previous Year’s Environmental Performance and Operational Experience Results of EMS Management Review Process The following is taken into consideration: Once identified, EMS Objectives and Targets are fed through the ORNL Strategic Planning Process to ensure the appropriate level of “buy-in” and “flow down” of responsibilities to line organizations.
16 UT-Battelle Environmental Policy Commitments Comply with applicable regulations/ requirements Prevent pollution Improve ORNL processes Communicate environmental information to staff, customers, and the public Protect and restore the environment All ORNL staff must understand the environmental requirements and potential consequences of their work. UT-Battelle implemented EMS awareness training for all staff. All ORNL staff must understand the environmental requirements and potential consequences of their work. UT-Battelle implemented EMS awareness training for all staff. The EMS is located on the ORNL Standards Based Management System (SBMS) website. It contains environmental requirements and is designed to ensure compliance with these requirements It identifies and controls the impact we have on the environment It drives continual improvement in environmental performance The EMS is located on the ORNL Standards Based Management System (SBMS) website. It contains environmental requirements and is designed to ensure compliance with these requirements It identifies and controls the impact we have on the environment It drives continual improvement in environmental performance
17 Significant Environmental Aspects Hazardous Waste Generation Radioactive Waste Generation PCB Waste Generation Mixed Waste Generation Air Emissions Liquid Discharges Storage or Use of Chemicals Storage or Use of Radioactive Materials Physical Disturbance of Aquatic Environs
18 EMS Objectives/Results We achieved “Outstanding” performance in the FY05 environmental composite Maintain ISO14001 EMS with no major NCs Zero permit non- conformances. Zero findings from regulatory inspections No reportable releases to environment No non-conformances to DOT requirements and TSDF Waste Acceptance Critieria Compliance Commitments:
19 EMS Objectives – Going Beyond Compliance Achieve 50% reduction in routine solid waste generation over two years Decrease vulnerabilities associated with legacy facilities and materials Decrease vulnerabilities associated with radioactive waste accumulation Improve EMS though self- assessments 100% 75% 50% FY03FY04 FY05 ORNL Waste Generation
20 EMS Objectives – Going Beyond Compliance Reduce regulated liquid discharges by 2,000,000 gallons per year Reduce permitted air emissions from steam plant by 1,000 pounds/year Line organization implementation of plans to reduce impacts associated with at least one significant environmental aspect
21 Examples of Line Org Plans to Reduce Aspects Environmental Science Division –Replace elemental analyzer with model that will reduce 75% less hazardous waste –Dispose of radioactive contaminated equipment (Wiley Mill) and historical samples Research Reactors Division –To control temperature at NPDES Outfall 281, install controls to detect and reroute cooling water blowdown when temperature limits are exceeded. Life Sciences Division –Eliminate legacy materials and equipment in several laboratories.
trucks/moving vans to Property Sales 750 tons scrap metal recycled 8.25 tons of lead recycled 441 yd 3 wood materials burned 1,292 gas cylinders dispositioned 3,500 pumps & motors dispositioned 9,500 mouse skeletons sent to off-site researcher 10,660 excess chemical items dispositioned, 1,294 excess chemicals recycled 33,377 ft 3 of low-level waste dispositioned 30 ft 3 of mixed waste dispositioned 726 ft 3 of hazardous waste dispositioned 121 ft 3 of reactive metals dispositioned ~509 yd 3 paper and cardboard recycled ~1308 yd 3 materials to landfill (includes trash, construction/industrial waste, and special wastes) ~35 ft 3 glass recycled 56 yd 3 of asbestos waste dispositioned Mobile Radiological Monitors purchased/tested 22,000 books and periodicals donated 2 experimental systems loaned to universities Your Legacy Tax At Work LMDI Stats Envirocare Waste Shipments Excess Chemical Processing Pumps & Motors Processing Building 4501 BasementBefore After 4505 Highbay Before After Continue to eliminate environmental vulnerabilities and clean out legacy materials
23 FY05 Waste Reduction Goals and Progress Waste Type FY03 Baseline FY05 Target Baseline FY05 Waste Generation Routine Waste Generated Reduction From Baseline Hazardous Waste 56,866 kg 28,434 kg15,668 kg4,635.3 kg73% Solid Low- Level Waste 1,874 m m m m 3 78% Mixed Waste 27,057 kg 13,529 kg2,518 kg622.7 kg91% Transuranic Waste 12.1 m m m 3 0 m 3 39%
24 Ensuring “Flow Down” of EMS Objective and Targets to Line Organizations Feed EMS Performance Information into the Laboratory Strategic Planning Process Communicate EMS O&Ts to Line Organizations Line organizations Incorporate EMS O&T’s into Division Specific Business and Performance Plans EP&WSD Staff Meet with Management of Each Division to: –Ensure EMS O&T’s have been incorporated –Review environmental performance and progress in meeting O&T’s Review EMS Performance at end of FY –EMS Management Review –EP&WSD Staff Provide Input to Division and Directorate Leadership Performance Reviews at end of Fiscal Year Year end EMS performance evaluation report