CIS 234: Getting Help Dr. Ralph D. Westfall March, 2007
Learning Java objective of class is for students to learn Java programming if you get help that makes you a better programmer, that is good if someone else writes code for you, that is NOT good you will not learn as much as you need to learn to get a "C" in this class
Acceptable Help tutoring someone explaining how various aspects of Java work demonstrating or helping you write code samples in general (not for a specific part of an assignment) e.g., for loop, if...else if...
Acceptable Help - 2 someone helping you find bugs after you have already tried general suggestions about what you need to do next if you are "stuck" there may be other things which could be acceptable check with me
Acceptable Help - 3 getting help from instructor course "self-help" discussion list if not too specific
Unacceptable Help other person writing (or dictating) code for you person "solving" the problem for you explanation of all (or most) of the steps copying someone's code letting someone copy your code more serious problem than copying
More Unacceptable Help plagiarism or other forms of stealing intellectual property web page content or code without permission images or audio without permission use of materials from students that had this class before (even with permission) copying on tests (even with permission)
Too Much Help on One Project student did poorly on all but the last project, and on midterm and final got a good score on last project enough to raise grade from an F to a D- I gave the student an F for the course
Bottom Line over 60% of course grade is from tests each test will have a number of programming problems if you can't solve simple programming problems on the tests, your grade will be lower than a 'C' even if you do very well on the projects
Getting Lucky Will Help! do a Google search on "+the luckier I get" or click this linkthis link also tells how to get lucky in your career
Group or Discussion Exercise identify problems (as many as you can) that cheating could create for the following "stakeholders" other students at Cal Poly employers who hire Cal Poly graduates Cal Poly as a university the student who cheats others (not mentioned above)?
2 nd Group or Discussion Exercise what could be done at Cal Poly to discourage problems associated with cheating: by faculty/administration? by students?