Reform and Expansion Vocabulary
Strikes- refusing to work until conditions or money improves.
Progressive Movement Reform movement to make government more responsive to the needs of the people.
Suffrage To be able to vote. Women formed a “suffrage movement” to gain their right to vote.
Scrip- Money paid to sharecroppers by the owner of the farm. Only good in his store or the local town store.
Lost Cause The term given to the Civil War by confederates after they lost the war.
Boll Weevil Beetle that destroyed the cotton crop.
Bourbons Term used to describe “Redeemer Democrats” that wanted the Old South to return.
Dispensary A system of alcohol beverage control by the state.
Disenfranchise Made to feel not a part of the group.
Eight Box Law A way to disenfranchise Black voters. More than one ballot boxes at the polls.
Gerrymandering manipulate the boundaries of a town so as to favor one party or class.
Grange Represented the interests of the farmers.
Grandfather Clause a clause exempting certain classes of people or things from the requirements of a piece of legislation affecting their previous rights, privileges, or practices.
Homestead Act encouraged Western migration by providing settlers 160 acres of public land. In exchange, homesteaders paid a small filing fee and were required to complete five years of continuous residence before receiving ownership of the land.
Jim Crow Laws were state and local laws enforcing racial segregation in the Southern United States. Enacted after the Reconstruction period, these laws continued in force until 1965.
Land Grant College The Morrill Act & the Land-Grant Colleges The Land-Grant College Act of 1862, introduced by Justin Smith Morrill of Vermont, provided funding for institutions of higher learning in each state.
Westward Expansion The country began to expand into the western frontier.... They began to move west of the Appalachians...
Mill Village a settlement that developed around one or more mills or factories; Mill Village,
Muckrakers Name given to US journalists and other writers who exposed corruption in politics and business in the early 20th century. The term was first used by Theodore Roosevelt in 1906.
Old South Term used to describe the vision of the “Redeemers” to return the south to pre-civil war ideas.
New South Radical Republicans in Congress wanted to build a new south that was more industrial and included freedmen.
Phosphates Fertile ground used as a fertilizer.
Plessy Vs Ferguson Supreme Court Case 1896 that permitted segregation in public accommodations as long as the facility was equal.
Poll Tax A fee paid to vote. An attempt to limit poor whites and blacks from voting.
Populist Political party formed to help farmers. Called the party of the people.
Prohibition 18 th Amendment said Alcohol was not allowed.
Reform To make a change. Try to make things different or better.
Segregation To separate the races.
Textiles Materials made from cotton
Transcontinental RR Building the RR to reach from coast to coast.
Unions Labor groups formed to assist workers with wages, benefits and working conditions.
18 th Amendment effectively established the prohibition of alcoholic beverages in the United States. 1920
19 th Amendment Gave women the right to vote.
21 st Amendment Got rid of the 18 th Amendment. Repealed.