CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS and CONCRETE Baraiya Ankit -130960106004 Chaudhri Mehul-130960106009 Gajjar Vishal -130960106018
GOALS To give brief information about Concrete-properties,production,composition Cement-types of cement,mostly used cement Construction Materials-mostly used ones. To give ideas about how presentation is made To upgrade our skills on making presentation
Outline CONCRETE 1-What is concrete? 2-Composition of concrete Water Aggregates Reinforcement Chemical admixtures Cement 3-Concrete production Mixing Concrete Workability Curing
Outline continued References 4-Properties of Concrete 5-Types of Concrete 6-Concrete Testing 7-Concrete Recycling CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Asphalt Aggregate Brick Gypsum References
CONCRETE WHAT IS CONCRETE? Construction material Mixture of portland cement, water, aggregates, and in some cases, admixtures. The cement and water form a paste that hardens and bonds the aggregates together. Often looked upon as “man made rock”. Versatile construction material, adaptable to a wide variety of agricultural and residential uses. Strong, durable, versatile, and economical.
CONCRETE Can be placed or molded into virtually any shape and reproduce any surface texture. The most widely used construction material in the world. In the United States almost twice as much concrete is used as all other construction materials combined. The ready-mix concrete producer has made concrete an appropriate construction material for many applications.
Composition of concrete Water Aggregates Chemical admixtures Cement
WATER Good water is essential for quality concrete. Should be good enough to drink--free of trash, organic matter and excessive chemicals and/or minerals. The strength and other properties of concrete are highly dependent on the amount of water and the water-cement ratio.
AGGREGATES Aggregates occupy 60 to 80 percent of the volume of concrete. Sand, gravel and crushed stone are the primary aggregates used. All aggregates must be essentially free of silt and/or organic matter.
CHEMİCAL ADMİXTURES Materials in the form of powder or fluids that are added to the concrete to give it certain characteristics not obtainable with plain concrete mixes. In normal use, admixture dosages are less than 5% by mass of cement, and are added to the concrete at the time of batching/mixing.
CHEMİCAL ADMİXTURES The most common types of admixtures are: Accelerators : - Speed up the hydration (hardening) of the concrete. - Typical materials used are CaCl2 and NaCl. Acrylic retarders : -Slow the hydration of concrete, and are used in large or difficult pours. - Typical retarder is table sugar, or sucrose (C12H22O11).
CHEMICAL ADMIXTURES Air Entraining agents: -The most commonly used admixtures for agricultural concrete. -Produce microscopic air bubbles throughout the concrete. -Entrained air bubbles: Improve the durability of concrete exposed to moisture and freeze/thaw action. Improve resistance to scaling from deicers and corrosive agents such as manure or silage.
CHEMICAL ADMIXTURES Water-reducing admixtures -Increase the workability of plastic or "fresh" concrete, allowing it be placed more easily, with less consolidating effort. -High-range water-reducing admixtures are a class of water-reducing admixtures Increase workability Reduce the water content of a concrete. Improves its strength and durability characteristics.
CEMENT Crystalline compound of calcium silicates and other calcium compounds having hydraulic properties. Considered hydraulic because of their ability to set and harden under or with excess water through the hydration of the cement’s chemical compounds or minerals
CEMENT Uses Main use is in the fabrication of concrete and mortars Modern uses -Building (floors, beams, columns, roofing, piles, bricks, mortar, panels, plaster) -Transport (roads, pathways, crossings, bridges, viaducts, tunnels, parking, etc.) -Water (pipes, drains, canals, dams, tanks, pools, etc.) -Civil (piers, docks, retaining walls, silos, warehousing, poles, pylons, fencing) -Agriculture (buildings, processing, housing, irrigation)
CEMENT HYDRAULIC CEMENTS: Hydraulic lime: Only used in specialized mortars. Made from calcination of clay-rich limestones. Natural cements: Misleadingly called Roman. It is made from argillaceous limestones or interbedded limestone and clay or shale, with few raw materials. Because they were found to be inferior to portland, most plants switched. Portland cement: Artificial cement. Made by the mixing clinker with gypsum in a 95:5 ratio.
CEMENT Portland-limestone cements: Large amounts (6% to 35%) of ground limestone have been added as a filler to a portland cement base. Blended cements: Mix of portland cement with one or more SCM (supplementary cemetitious materials) like pozzolanic additives. Pozzolan-lime cements: Original Roman cements. Only a small quantity is manufactured in the U.S. Mix of pozzolans with lime.
CEMENT Masonry cements: Portland cement where other materials have been added primarily to impart plasticity. Aluminous cements: Limestones and bauxite are the main raw materials. Used for refractory applications (such as cementing furnace bricks) and certain applications where rapid hardening is required. It is more expensive than portland. There is only one producing facility in the U.S.
Concrete production A properly proportioned concrete mix will provide This process develops physical and chemical properties like mechanical strength, low moisture permeability, and chemical and volumetric stability. A properly proportioned concrete mix will provide Mixing concrete Workability Curing
Properties of concrete Strength Elasticity Cracking Shrinkage cracking Tension cracking
Types of concrete Regular concrete High-strength concrete Stamped concrete High-performance concrete Self-consolidating concretes Vacuum concretes Shotcrete Pervious concrete Cellular concrete, Cork-cement composites Roller-compacted concrete Glass concrete Asphalt concrete Rapid strength concrete Rubberized concrete Polymer concrete Geopolymer or green concrete Limecrete Refractory Cement Concrete cloth Innovative mixtures Gypsum concrete