Forest Practices Code Transition Compliance & Enforcement Dan Graham Director, Compliance & Enforcement Branch MOF
Summary of Changes No dramatic change to Compliance & Enforcement role or authorities Introducing new defences against contraventions and prosecutions C & E moving towards enforcing against Statutory & Regulatory provisions, FDPs and existing SPs, rather than new SPs or site plans. Compliance & Enforcement
What is the Intent of the Changes? Maintain two tiered enforcement regime though transition period Prosecution Regime Administrative Remedies Regime Introduce the concept of complete defence to administrative remedies No enforcement against new site level plans Forest Development Plans and existing SPs Regulations Standards Compliance & Enforcement
Requirement Changes Entry & Inspection (Act) Authority for an official to require production of site plans for inspection or copying Licence, permit, operational plan or record for inspection and copying were previously allowed A person is now obligated to also provide to an official on request a copy of their site plan Compliance & Enforcement
What is the Intent of the Entry and Inspection Changes? Reflects the existence of this new site level information Compliance & Enforcement
Requirement Changes Administrative Remedies Defences (Act) Defences to a contravention : Due Diligence Mistake of Fact Officially Induced Error (already recognized by Forest Appeals Commission) If a person who is accused of a contravention can prove one of the defences applies, the contravention will be deemed not to have occurred Compliance & Enforcement
Requirement Changes Administrative Remedies Defences (Act) District Manager cannot issue the identified orders or levy an administrative penalty Defences do not apply retroactively to determinations made prior to this Act coming into effect (except officially induced error) Defences do apply to determinations made after this Act comes into effect, even if the alleged contravention occurred prior to the Act coming into effect Compliance & Enforcement
What Is the Intent of the Administrative Proceedings Changes? Introduce available defences that may be established, consistent with the prosecution regime Compliance & Enforcement
Requirement Changes Irreparable Damage Offence (Act) Increased circumstances where a person does not commit an offence by causing irreparable damage (sec. 145) They include in some situations: Acting in accordance with requirements as specified by regulation Compliance & Enforcement
Requirement Changes Prosecution Defences (Act) Defences to a prosecution: Due Diligence Mistake of Fact Officially Induced Error If the accused person can prove that one of these defences applies, the offence is deemed not to have occurred Previously, due diligence was the only expressly identified defence, and then only in situations of vicarious liability Compliance & Enforcement
What Is the Intent of the Prosecution Defence Changes? Recognize available defences that may be established, consistent with other jurisdictions Compliance & Enforcement
Requirement Changes Limitation on Liability (Act) Relief from obligations frustrated by damage that is not the licensee’s fault where significant expense required to rectify damage (sec & 162.2) Regulations specify time for DM to respond to declarations Reforestation: Obligation generally remains Government funding extra expense associated with addressing damage that occurred Relief from obligation to produce a free growing stand only in special circumstances Compliance & Enforcement
What Is the Intent of the Limitation on Liability Changes? Relief from significant expense required to rectify damage that was no fault of Licensee Provide fair and appropriate time for MOF to perform required field work to verify/audit declarations Bring closure to previously “open ended” obligations Compliance & Enforcement
Change Requirements Monetary Penalties (Regulations) New contraventions under transition amendments require remedies Some previous statutory obligations/contraventions will no longer exist Penalties for various contraventions set out in the Administrative Remedies Regulation Compliance & Enforcement
What is the Intent of the Monetary Penalty Changes? Maintain current penalty regime with adjustments to match the amendments Reconcile penalty amounts to contraventions New penalty regime will accompany the new FRP Act and Regulations April 1, 2003 Compliance & Enforcement
End of Compliance & Enforcement Presentation with Dan Graham