1 Contributor: Bob Plunkett QuickSilver Technologies Copyright Statement The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to 3GPP2 and its Organizational Partners to incorporate text or other copyrightable material contained in the contribution and any modifications thereof in the creation of 3GPP2 publications; to copyright and sell in Organizational Partner's name any Organizational Partner's standards publication even though it may include portions of the contribution; and at the Organizational Partner's sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part such contributions or the resulting Organizational Partner's standards publication. The contributor must also be willing to grant licenses under such contributor copyrights to third parties on reasonable, non-discriminatory terms and conditions, as appropriate. Notice Permission is granted to 3GPP2 participants to copy any portion of this contribution for the legitimate purpose of the 3GPP2. Copying this contribution for monetary gain or other non-3GPP2 purpose is prohibited. 3GPP2 New PMT
2 Recommendations zTop down process of program management yWorkplan and Release plan developed in TSG-S. ySpecific streamlined appeal process to SC. yNo second guessing within individual TSGs. yNo second guessing within the SC once the appeal period has expired. zStrong program management function yPMT function empowered to drive/direct activities based on the approved workplan/release plan. zSynchronous End-to-End Releases. yAnnual release with quarterly (as required) point releases.
3 3GPP2 PM Process Proposals TSG-S WG1 Stage 1s Release Plan TSG-P Specs PMF Scheduling TSG-N Specs TSG-C Specs TSG-A Specs PMF Planning Workplan 3GPP2
4 Release Plan Development zRelease Plan development/changes take place only at co-located TSG-S/SC meetings. y4 times per year – everyone can be there – no conflicts. yAll participants free to attend/contribute. yPreparation work may be done by conference call prior to the meeting. ySimilar appeal/approval process as workplan items. yTo be developed/documented in WPD.
5 Aggressive Program Management zDevelop an aggressive program management function/team. yChair and Vice Chair. yAt least 1 member per TSG. yMembers Nominated by the PMT Chair – endorsed by TSG-S. yRemoved by the PMT Chair. zTeam members must regularly attend assigned TSG meetings. yEach team member to organize and/or participate in the work planning function of their respective TSG.
6 Aggressive Program Management zTeam members would be responsible for assigned TSG work/release plans and track stage development progress and milestones. yMay call for chairs meeting when disconnects, non-compliance occurs. yMay request an SC meeting when problems are not being corrected. zPMT would meet by electronic means regularly to maintain a central database. zDevelop a common workplan/release plan format for use by all TSGs.
7 Services and Capabilities S CAMS TSG P N C A 1XEV -DV 1XEV -DO QoSAll-IP Release 1 Release 2 Release X zEach Release represents a coordinated set of services and capabilities.
8 Individual Elements zIndividual Elements Represent the Services and Capabilities Developed by a TSG for a Given Release* CAMS TSG S P N C A 1XEV -DV 1XEV -DO QoSAll-IP Release X * TSG-C All-IP capabilities for Release X highlighted in green S P N C A 1XEV -DV 1XEV -DO QoSAll-IP
9 Responsibility CAMS TSG S P N C A 1XEV -DV 1XEV -DO QoSAll-IP Release X S P N C A 1XEV -DV 1XEV -DO QoSAll-IP zPMT will be responsible for coordinating and managing capabilities in each release.