People of the Revolutionary War USI.6C
In this lesson I will learn… Key individuals of the American Revolution The role and impact that each individual had during this time period
King George III British King during the American Revolution Refuse to listen to complaints of the colonist Refuse to allow colonial representation in Parliament
Lord Cornwallis British General during the American Revolution Forced to surrender at Battle of Yorktown, led to the end of the American Revolution
George Washington Commander in Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution
Thomas Jefferson Wrote the Declaration of Independence Declaration of Independence lists rights and grievances against King George III
John Adams Lawyer for British Soldiers during Boston Massacre Pushed for the cause of Independence Helped Thomas Jefferson with Declaration of Independence
Patrick Henry Member of the House of Burgesses (Virginia) Gave this speech “Give me Liberty or give me death!” Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!
Benjamin Franklin & Thomas Paine American Member of the Continental Congress Helped with the Declaration of Independence English, then became American Author of Common Sense that convinced colonists to want Independence
Phyllis Wheatley & Paul Revere America’s first black poet A former slave who wrote poems and plays supporting American Independence Member of the Sons of Liberty American Patriot who made a daring ride to warn colonists of British arrival, cried: “The British are coming!”