Motivation, Personality and Emotion
What is motivation?
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need Can same product satisfy different needs?
McGuire’s Psychological motives Need for consistency Need for attribution – looking for a cause Need to categorize Need for objectification (observables cues needed) Need for autonomy- customization, limited edition Need for stimulation (variety seeking) utilitarian need (problem solver) Need for expression Need for reinforcement Need for tension reduction Need for affiliation Need for identification (new roles) Need for modeling
Discovering purchase motive Manifest motive Latent motives– Projective technique third person technique Word association Sentence completion Laddering technique Café with high chair partition
Motivation conflicts Approach approach conflicts Approach-avoidance conflicts Avoidance avoidance conflicts
Personality Individuals’ characteristic response tendencies across similar situations Multi-trait approach Five factor model Extroversion- bold, talkative, people loving Instability- moody, touchy Agreeableness –sympathy, empathy, humility Openness to experience- imaginative, artistic Conscientiousness- careful, precise
Single trait approach A single trait for its relevance to a set of behaviors (consumption related behaviors Consumer ethnocentrism Need for cognition- how much to think (opinion leader?) Consumers’ need for uniqueness
Personality-- brand personality
Communicating brand personality Celebrity endorser (Emma Watson v Miley Cyrus) User imagery Executional factor(tone, media,logo,etc) Blackberry ad
Emotion Product benefit – emotion arousal and reduction Can sad emotion be sold? Emotion dimension – pleasure, arousal, dominance Apollo ad
Emotion in advertising