The Church-Turing Thesis
2 Example M 1
3 Definition 3.1
4 Configuration 1011q q7q ___...
5 Computation
6 Recognizer and Decider
7 Example 3.4 M 2
8 Example 3.6 M 3
9 Example 3.7 [Element distinctness problem] M 4
10 Multitape Turing Machines
11 Theorem 3.8 Every multitape Turing machine M has an equivalent single tape Turing machine S. S #01010#aaa_... #ba# M 01010_ aaa_ ba_
12 Simulation
13 Nondeterministic Turing Machines
14 Theorem 3.10 Every nondeterministic Turing machine has an equivalent deterministic Turing machine. D 0010__... xx#0 12_ input tape 1x__ _ simulation tape address tape
15 Proof
16 Corollary 3.11 A language is Turing recognizable if and only if some nondeterministic Turing machine recognizes it.
17 Enumerators
18 Theorem 3.13 A language is Turing-recognizable if and only if some enumerator enumerates it.
19 To avoid depth-first loops s1s1 s2s2 s3s3 s4s4 s5s5 s6s6
20 Hilbert’s 10 th Problem
21 Problem 3.18
22 Example 3.14 An algorithm