TODAY (FLEX 7 = Continue Grammar Activity) (FLEX 7 = Continue Grammar Activity) Grammar: Parts of Speech & Fixing Sentences Reading: Elements of Fiction
ARTICLES COMMON NOUN's Three little words you often see Are ARTICLES: a, an, and the. A COMMON NOUN's the name of anything, As: school or garden, toy, or swing. PRONOUN ADJECTIVES VERBS ADVERBS A PRONOUN replaces any noun: I, he, she, it, and you are found. ADJECTIVES tell what kind of noun, As: great, small, pretty, white, or brown. VERBS tell of something being done: To read, write, count, sing, jump, or run. How things are done the ADVERBS tell, As: slowly, quickly, badly, well. CONJUNCTIONS PREPOSITION PROPER NOUN PARTS of SPEECH CONJUNCTIONS join the words together, As: men and women, wind or weather. The PREPOSITION stands before A noun as: in or through a door. A PROPER NOUN gives a proper name such as: Michael Jordan of basketball fame. The whole of these are the PARTS of SPEECH, Which reading, writing, and speaking teach. “Like, the Parts of Speech, Man…” (A Poem)
Warm Up: Parts of Speech Poetry 1.Review the parts of speech. epic poem 2.Write an epic poem in a group. 3.Pass poems to a different group. 4.On the poem your group receives, note the parts of speech used in the poem. 5.Share the poems
Warm Up: Parts of Speech Poetry There once was a hero named ________, and he (or she) was the bravest warrior in the land. There was also a monster killing all of the people, so the hero, _____, had to make a stand.
Grammar Lesson: Grammar Lesson: Parts of Speech DIRECTIONS: 1.Write an epic poem as a group (WRITE YOUR NAMES ON TOP) 2.Exchange with another group (REVIEWED BY: YOUR NAMES) 3.Identify the parts of speech (with a RED pen): verbs, b.underline nouns once, adverbs twice, d.underline pronouns twice, e.Underline proper nouns three times a star above prepositions 4.Return to the writer group (do you agree with the reviewers?) 5.Turn the assignment in to the basket up front
Name_______ Block_______ Date________ Video Notes: (5) Things About Types of Nouns 1.The first thing I learned from the video about nouns was_____. 2.The second thing I learned from the video about nouns was ______. 3.The third thing I learned from the video about nouns was ________. 4.The fourth thing I learned from the video about nouns was _______. 5.The fifth thing I learned from the video about nouns was _______.
Lesson: Lesson: The Parts of Speech & Fixing Sentences Definitions Definitions: 1) The parts of speech are the different types of words used in languages; 2) We fix sentences by looking at the parts of speech that are missing or misused (i.e. subjects & verbs) Examples Examples: Susanna’s fast car. sped This sentence is a fragment because it lacks a verb. [Correction: Susanna’s fast car sped past me.] Activity [Editing] Activity [Editing]: (Group) Annotate a group’s epic poem for the parts of speech used and (Individual) complete a fixing sentences worksheet.
Lesson: Lesson: The Elements of Fiction Definition Definition: The elements of fiction are those parts of a story that are the same across stories, even if different people wrote them. Examples Examples: All stories have characters, settings, themes, a point of view, and a structure to the plot Plot structure = expository (background), rising action, climax, falling action, resolution (ending) Activity Activity: While we read, take notes and compare & contrast different cultural stories using the EoF as an analytical tool
Elements of Fiction Notes: Analyzing Cultural Texts [ELEMENTS OF FICTION] 1.CHARACTERS a.PROTAGONIST b.ANTAGONIST 2.SETTING a.PLACE (CULTURE) b.TIME PERIOD 3.THEME (CENTRAL MESSAGE) 4.PLOT a.MAIN CHARACTER’S GOAL b.CENTRAL CONFLICT & TYPE c.RESOLUTION OF CONFLICT d.CENTRAL PLOT DEVICE [EXAMPLES IN “GENESIS: THE FLOOD”] 1._________________________ a._____________________ b._____________________ 2._________________________ a._____________________ b._____________________ 3._________________________ 4._________________________ a.______________________ b.______________________ c.______________________ d.______________________ [EXAMPLES IN“GILGAMESH”] 1._________________________ a._____________________ b._____________________ 2._________________________ a._____________________ b._____________________ 3._________________________ 4._________________________ a.______________________ b.______________________ c.______________________ d.______________________
Elements of Fiction Notes: Analyzing Cultural Texts [ELEMENTS OF FICTION] 1.CHARACTERIZATION (MAIN) a.INDIRECT b.DIRECT 2.SETTING a.PLACE (CULTURE) b.TIME PERIOD 3.THEME (CENTRAL MESSAGE) 4.PLOT a.MAIN CHARACTER’S GOAL b.CENTRAL CONFLICT & TYPE c.RESOLUTION OF CONFLICT d.CENTRAL DEVICE USED TO MOVE THE PLOT FORWARD [EXAMPLES IN YOUR INDEPENDENT READING] 1._________________________ a._____________________ b._____________________ 2._________________________ a._____________________ b._____________________ 3._________________________ 4._________________________ a.______________________ b.______________________ c.______________________ d.______________________
Next Time: Word Analysis & Sentence Corrections 1.Flex –> vocab and grammar work in the lab 2.Lesson: Parts of Speech, active/passive sentences, sentence fragments 3.Activity: Worksheets, group activities, individual practice, PSAT practice
PSAT Video Notes PSAT Video Notes: Test Taking Strategies [SPEAKER’s PURPOSE] The purpose of this video was to inform high school students about _________________________. [AUDIENCE EFFECT] After watching this video, students are expected to know the following things about the PSAT: After watching this video, students are expected to know the following things about the PSAT: [EVALUATION] This video was (or was not) very helpful in helping me (as a high school student) know more about the PSAT because I needed to know_____________.
Unit 1:Plot, Setting & Mood End Goal Write an expository essay explaining why literature from two different cultures would share a similar theme of a devastating flood as a plot device.