Sacraments of healing Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick
Reconciliation (Penance) Jesus forgave sins (woman caught in adultery, soldiers who nailed Him to the cross, etc.) Jesus forgave sins (woman caught in adultery, soldiers who nailed Him to the cross, etc.) Only God can forgive sins. Only God can forgive sins. Jesus shared the responsibility of forgiving sins with his Apostles and through them with priests today. Jesus shared the responsibility of forgiving sins with his Apostles and through them with priests today. Priests forgive sins in the name of the Church. Priests forgive sins in the name of the Church.
Development of the sacrament Early church, mortal sins confessed to the bishop. Early church, mortal sins confessed to the bishop. By the seventh century, private confessions, started by Irish monks, was common. By the seventh century, private confessions, started by Irish monks, was common. Today Today –Private confession; absolution given by the priest –Penance service followed by private confession –General confession
Effects of Penance Sacrament of conversion Sacrament of conversion Sacrament of confession Sacrament of confession Sacrament of forgiveness Sacrament of forgiveness Sacrament of penance Sacrament of penance Sacrament of reconciliation Sacrament of reconciliation
Receiving the sacrament Examination of conscience Examination of conscience Contrition – sorrow for sin Contrition – sorrow for sin Purpose of amendment Purpose of amendment Confess sins to a priest (face to face/behind a screen) Confess sins to a priest (face to face/behind a screen) Make sincere act of contrition Make sincere act of contrition Receive absolution Receive absolution Complete the penance given by the priest Complete the penance given by the priest
Anointing of the sick Many stories of Jesus’ healing the sick. Many stories of Jesus’ healing the sick. Healing was part of the earliest church (epistle of St. James) Healing was part of the earliest church (epistle of St. James) Extreme unction – given at time of death Extreme unction – given at time of death Today – given to those in danger of death, Today – given to those in danger of death, those undergoing serious surgery, those suffering from chronic illness or old age.
Effects of anointing of the sick Unites our suffering to the Passion of Christ. Unites our suffering to the Passion of Christ. Forgives sins if the person is unable to receive the sacrament of reconciliation. Forgives sins if the person is unable to receive the sacrament of reconciliation. Strengthens us with peace and courage. Strengthens us with peace and courage. Helps a person regain mental and physical health if that is God’s will. Helps a person regain mental and physical health if that is God’s will. Helps a person prepare for his or her death. Helps a person prepare for his or her death.
Reception of Anointing of the Sick The priest is the minister of the sacrament. The priest is the minister of the sacrament. The sacrament is usually received with the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist (viaticum) The sacrament is usually received with the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist (viaticum) The priest anoints the person with the Oil of the Sick on the hands and forehead and says a prayer of healing. The priest anoints the person with the Oil of the Sick on the hands and forehead and says a prayer of healing. The sacrament can be received in a communal celebration. The sacrament can be received in a communal celebration.