Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ. Intelligent Information System Lab. A I (Artificial Intelligence) Professor I. J. Chung
Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ. Intelligent Information System Lab. AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ. Intelligent Information System Lab. AI (Artificial Intelligence) Finite control …BB… Input tape
Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ. Intelligent Information System Lab. AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ. Intelligent Information System Lab. AI (Artificial Intelligence) 01XYB
Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ. Intelligent Information System Lab. AI (Artificial Intelligence) 0 Ѣ X a.s. r.s.
Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ. Intelligent Information System Lab. AI (Artificial Intelligence) … f.c. state p
Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ. Intelligent Information System Lab. AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ. Intelligent Information System Lab. AI (Artificial Intelligence) Type o language CSL CFL RL
Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ. Intelligent Information System Lab. AI (Artificial Intelligence) Languages, Automata, Grammar LanguageAutomataGrammar RL(Regular Language)FSA(Finite State Automata)RG CFL(Context Free Language) PDA(Push Down Automata)CFG CSL(Context Sensitive Language) LBS(Linear Bounded Automata) CSG Typeless Language(type O Language) TM(Turing Machine)Typeless grammar
Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ. Intelligent Information System Lab. AI (Artificial Intelligence) Note: FSA DFA NFA PDA DPDA NPDA TM DTM NTM
Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ. Intelligent Information System Lab. AI (Artificial Intelligence) Note: Equivalence of deterministic automata and non-deterministic automata AutomataEquivalence DFA and NFA?Why? DPDA and NPDA?Why? DTM and NTM?Why?
Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ. Intelligent Information System Lab. AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ. Intelligent Information System Lab. AI (Artificial Intelligence) 01 0, 1 1
Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ. Intelligent Information System Lab. AI (Artificial Intelligence) 3)b. Find a DFA for the following NFA. (i.e. convert the following NFA into an equivalent DFA) 0 0, 1 1
Dept. Computer Science, Korea Univ. Intelligent Information System Lab. AI (Artificial Intelligence) Solution: 01 0,